Smells Like Grunge Again

kurtcobainrocks said:
Kurt cobain was an artist and a poet and you say he regertitates other peoples stuff he made all his stuff and you couldnt do better if you tried nobody could he was the best artsist there was and let me guess you like all those pop star poser wannabe's:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :doh: :doh: :yuk: :yuk:

Anyways, Grunge is sooo...ugh, even the word Grunge makes me think of a dirty dumpster behind a Pico de Pollo restaurant. I hope Grunge ain't coming back...

Lolita you mentioned conformity, isn't it sort of a contradiction that something non comformist became a huge trend? I love those who like to me nonconformist (and are proud) when in essence they're truly conforming to just another point of view...
Yeah, people have been writing these articles for a year now. Even Dose, a new free daily in Canada/Toronto had a "big" feature on it. I'll type it up if I still have it (Someone remind me)

I used to be a big grunge kid in 2001-2002. It was the ten year anniversary.
if fashion is like music than its all reactionary

grunge is simply reacting to all that slick glamour
which is high and fine by me
kurtcobainrocks said:
Kurt cobain was an artist and a poet and you say he regertitates other peoples stuff he made all his stuff and you couldnt do better if you tried nobody could he was the best artsist there was and let me guess you like all those pop star poser wannabe's:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :doh: :doh: :yuk: :yuk:

he was a fu**in knob
who stole everything he knew from The Pixies and Black Francis
he is definitly not the best artist there was, how ignorant.
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TokyoVogue said:
he was a fu**in knob
who stole everything he knew from The Pixies and Black Francis
he is definitly not the best artist there was, how ignorant.

Exactly! Like Gorgeous Sharleen Spiteri said once (about kurt) :I'm Glad he died cause if not I would kill him by myself.. :D
Lolita, I couldnt agree with you more. 'Grunge' was a supposedly non-conformist, anti-fashion movement that embraced individuality. If the Grunge style of dressing DOES come back, it will be kinda pointless, as you will have all these teenagers dressing like slobs cos they want to FOLLOW fashion, as opposed to challenging it, like the original grungers did...:) even then, I doubt that some of those originals werent just trying to copy Kurt Cobain...
I hope grunge returns and also heroin chic. I was too young to experience both those trends but I love the look of them.
ooh I love grunge way dressing...

Is fashion becoming anti-fashion ?
indie said:
ooh I love grunge way dressing...

Is fashion becoming anti-fashion ?
It's a trend to not be trendy. As seen in the mismatching, pointless layering and all that vintage. long as people don't start wearing flannel shirts tied around their waists again i think i'm ok...
TokyoVogue said:
he was a fu**in knob
who stole everything he knew from The Pixies and Black Francis
he is definitly not the best artist there was, how ignorant.

heh heh heh! good one! :lol:

To be honest, I think its articles like the one posted that gives fashion a bad name. I mean, what people have posted here is right, grunge was anti fashion, to reincarnate it is a massive contradiction.
But to make Kurt Cobain out to be this god like martyr for the disassociated youth that his music appealed directly to is complete rubbish. At the end of the day, he was a selfish pr**k for leaving his wife and baby daughter. But I will always have time for Nevermind, now that was a brilliant album.
Based on Ms. Love's public behaviour, I certainly don't resent him the fact that he left :innocent: . the scary thing is that it is usually said we all behave better when others are I wonder what she was like in the confines of their home.....oh my.

but I really think that there is a middle ground between 'Kurt is a GOD' and 'Kurt is a knob' (hey that rhymes). no matter where he 'stole' his inspiration from, you can't really deny the fact that he brought about a huge change in music....that one single alone (Smells Like Teen Spirit) is considered one of the most influential songs of the 90's. There are hundreds of articles on this written by all sorts of mags....of course, this being said, the man most certainly was not any sort of divine spirit or god :rolleyes:
Don't really know much about grunge, too young! But teenagers today use this word to describe those who are 'alternatives', really into their music, don't care about fashion. Or at least they did do last year, but now its 'skater', probably for the same people! All of it makes me cringe, for the whole 'nonconformity' but everyone looking the same thing. Teenagers-individuality does not mean sloppy or music influenced.
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oh hey easy there!!
imo i just dont think grunge is a good look-- i mean does it take long to put together the grunge look? looks like all anyone had to do was rummage through the dirty clothes hamper... :)
Michael Pitt portrayed grunge pretty well in Last Days, but that style made him lose all his appeal.
Why is grunge so disgusting?

I don't get it.
Yea, I don't either.

I don't think any look works when taken literally and wholesale.

But I like elements of grunge. The layering, the long skirts, muted colors, the cocooning. At least that's my idea of grunge.
hum..i dont know this style so well
but..does how mary kate dress..or used to dress considered grunge?..she did dress pretty sloppy
I like grunge best in the days when fashion was moving into minimalism. That half way period. There was a purity to the movement, rather than a messiness. The era that heroin chic represented and Kate Moss straddled.

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