The Official Harry Potter Thread

^I know EXACTLY what you mean. My sister and I were talking about this after the movie and we both agreed it will take us a year or so to finally grasp that there will be no more Harry Potter books or movies. It's so depressing, this sounds lame but I don't know what to do with myself now, I've legit been sulking around the house all day. I think my mom can tell I'm taking it pretty hard and she's been trying to cheer me up a bit. Not totally working though unfortunately. :(
i lost it during the resurrection stone part when everyone came back.

this girl behind me though was SOBBING at the end of the movie. understandable but like this was she-was-about-to-have-a-panic-attack-ugly-cry
The last film was so epic I am suprised I just didn't break out in tears. I must say it took a lot to hold back the tears. This last film was a great way to end the series but I must say I incerdibley upset that there will be no more Potter films. See HP each year was something I looked foward to. There were so many epic and amazing scenes in this film; my favorites were well all of them really. This movie is just pure epicness. Man I miss the Potter crew already..
^ everything you said was exactly what i felt when i saw the movie today!!! it was soo indescribably amazing & bitter sweet & even though i wasn't crying in the theater with my fellow movie goers, i felt chills throughout the whole movie . i think i'm also in shock cuz it really is the end of an era...:cry::cry::cry: i'm really gonna miss not seeing a potter movie every year but i plan to see the movie a couple more times this week. i've been recommending it like crazy to people i know. since most of them haven't read the books i think they'll enjoy it more. even though the movie was fan-tas-tical, i probably have the book memorized & when the movie went into grandiose king english-like speeches & deviated from the book it kinda irked me a little but if you're not a freak like me you won't even notice the little differences. but my fave part was how they handled the epilogue scene.. now that was hilariously touching:woot::woot:
LONG LIVE HARRY POTTER!!:heart::heart:
Just came back from the cinema. It's SO SO GOOD. Hands down best film of entire series, perhaps even entire year. So many great scenes, even parts that made me roll my eyes when reading the books were well made.



I love Ralph Fiennes, and it breaks my heart to say this, but he was unintentionally funny at moments that should've been chilling. BUT, the film was EXCELLENT/AWESOME/AMAZING. Definitely the best film of the series.

Things I LOVED
-Alexandre Desplat poured his heart and soul into this score, and it is just beautiful.
-Somehow they made the epilogue not cheesy. The hug between Albus and Harry, and the last shot of the film.:cry:
-Neville vs. Nagine. :shock: Dang, Matt.
-Alan Rickman's performance as Snape. Particularly in the flashbacks. :cry::cry:

Things I liked
-Ron & Hermione's kiss
-Those BA statues coming to life.
-All the battle scenes.
Just got back from watching it - It was great although the dead of my beloved Bellatrix sucked, the scene was really cute though.
Still can't believe it's over now. Not that I've been deeply obsessed with HP, but as I'm 20 I realized I'm part of the so called Harry Potter generation. HP accompanied many of us 90s kids from childhood to adulthood which I apperaciate. It gave the chance to escape from everyday life into this rich, mysterious and delicate world for a few hours. I always loved to pay attention to the little details in HP movies. The phantasmagoric landscape, the amusing characters, the insightful dialogues, the connection between the modern London and its hidden enchated corners, the rich trapping like the talking paintings or delicate shops and the amazing soundtrack. They paid so much love to the little details but there was nothing stereotyped or tacky about it.
I'm really glad to have had HP and not the recent trash tedency towards 'boom boom' without any kind of valuable message (Thinking of Transformers and all these cheesy doomsday movies)

Farewell Potter and thanks for all those years. :flower:
chickaee & colgne rocks - you guys made me cry lol.. i didnt shed a tear in the theater but reading ur post i completely agree with everything you guys said:) the stuff you lists were exactly why i loved the movie and Alan Rickman deserves an oscar!!!
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I watched it in IMAX a few hours ago with two extremely talkative friends who managed to make me find something funny about absolutely everything in the first half and nearly made me choke on my drink when Harry talks to Griphook at Shell Cottage. For the second half, I kind of ignored them so they shut up a bit and let me cry. Just a few observations:
spoiler alert
-Did anyone else feel like they were going to have a heart attack when the Warner Bros. logo came out?

-In the Great Hall after the battle, Harry just totally walks past Ginny but stops to smile at Cho. :rofl: :heart:

-As for the hug, I did wonder why they did it but I quite liked it. I'd cross over any day to get a hug from Voldemort, lol. It's absolutely priceless.

-I absolutely loved the Malfoys in this; all of them! Narcissa totally has style. She just marches off with her son, Dark Lord and future of society be damned.

-Helena Bonham Carter is amazing. I've probably already done more than my fair share of fawning over her in this thread, but I honestly think she did such a good job with Hermione! Her portrayal of the character was more spot on with the Hermione in the book than I've ever seen in the films. So boo to all people who say that Helena can only do one type of role!

-The King's Cross scene was like Harry Potter and the Matrix, lol.

-I was actually a bit disappointed with Alan Rickman's acting in this one. I'm absolutely in love with what he's done with Snape in PoA and I just don't feel that his acting in DH2 is on the same level (or any other HP film since PoA, for that matter, but he was also quite good in HBP). It definitely wasn't bad because he's perfect for the role of Snape, but I didn't feel like he was doing enough as an actor. The only parts that he really impressed with the depth of his acting were his scenes with Dumbledore in his memories. In the scene where he's addressing the students of Hogwarts, the line delivery felt a bit simple.

-I still think Bella's death is a fluke.

-Ralph Fiennes's acting was omgwtfbbq amazing. I could really feel the pain or desperation or anger or whatever Voldemort was feeling. I'm always completely blown away by his performance, but I was impressed in this one especially at how he can act acting but simultaneously act both acts convincingly. (Did that make any sense at all?)
^I know EXACTLY what you mean. My sister and I were talking about this after the movie and we both agreed it will take us a year or so to finally grasp that there will be no more Harry Potter books or movies. It's so depressing, this sounds lame but I don't know what to do with myself now, I've legit been sulking around the house all day. I think my mom can tell I'm taking it pretty hard and she's been trying to cheer me up a bit. Not totally working though unfortunately. :(
Me too, I still remember watching all the films with my dad, the epilogue really got me crying, especially because their choice of music. I'm still in denial, no more Potter, I feel like a part of me is dying, I'm being dramatic, that I know. Alan Rickman truly deserves an award.
Just saw it again and I loved it even more. It was nice not being in a theater where everyone is laughing during the serious parts. I cried a few times again and was shocked to see my sister tear up at Snape's story because she's never read the books. And the last shot of the trio as teenagers standing on the bridge in front of the damaged Hogwarts is just so heart breaking to me. It's funny because I never thought I would be this sad over a series but Harry Potter has been with me since my 4th grade teacher read us the 1st book in class the year before the movie came out. And I don't want to say goodbye because I'll never see Hogwarts come alive on screen again.
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1. There are no words to describe how EXCITED, MISERABLE, and ANXIOUS I felt when that WB logo came up. OMG. I just knew it was the last time and the moment I saw it (the audience started cheering btw), I just got this huge amount of pressure in my chest and it never relented the whole film.

2. I definitely laughed when he smiled at Cho. And it's weird, there was more chemistry in that smile than any scene Harry and Ginny ever had imo.

3. That hug was so weird, but it works, because you know Voldemort is just overjoyed at this point, because he thinks he's really killed Harry.

4. Helena did a great job nailing all of Emma/Hermione's mannerisms. The two basically became one.

5. I agree to an extent, but he won me over with the scene when he's holding Lily.

6. Yes, that makes sense. I think in this film Ralph Fiennes really humanized Voldemort for the first time.
He was much more than just an angry villain. You saw so much emotion going on with him.
Also, I understand what you mean about "act acting." You can never tell if Voldemort is being genuine or not. That's why he's so scary. Like that moment when another horcrux gets destroyed and a deatheater shouts something and Voldemort just kills him.
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I'm going to go broke trying to see this as much times possible as I can in the cinema... One viewing was not enough for me :cry:
anybody else loved the Hitler Youth feel of Hogwarts? not that that's a good thing, but it added so much to the atmossphere. and it really hurt my heart to see Hogwarts be such a cold dark place when it was always this welcoming, beautiful and magical place you felt right at home. i think even people who've never read the books will notice a dramatic change

also, something that i thought was hilarious...some girls were sitting next to me at the midnight premiere and they had never read the books and during Snape's flashback sequence when you find out that Harry has to die they were like "what??? no way, he can't die!!! what??? nonono!!" and when Voldemort kills him they were like "nono, he can't be dead! he can't just die now!!!!!" so although those were dramatic scenes i couldn't help but laugh...i'm also telling everybody who hasn't read the books that Harry dies in this one :innocent:(partly because it is true, partly because it's just funny to see their faces and partly because i don't have the nerve to explain the whole Horcrux thing to them:lol:)
I cried. I teased my friend that she would cry buckets like she normally does but instead she didn't and I did. I cried hard with the whole Snape and Lily thing.

Even with the slight changes they did the book justice. I don't see how any fans could be disappointed. Neville was bad *** awesome.

The end was fine but to me they looked normal not aged at all. Lots of people cracked up when Draco appeared which I didn't get. It wasn't funny whereas I cracked up at Ron's belly.

YAY at the Ron and Hermione kiss. You could tell everyone in the theatre was like FINALLY. There were a few WOOs.
^^People started laughing at Draco in my theater as well. I laughed too.
He looked so old and goatees don't work on men with such blonde hair.

I'm not surprised that Ron would end up with a belly considering he eats so much.
I think Emma was the best at being old. The way she kept nitpicking and touching them was so motherly.
Dan was also very good.

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