I watched it in IMAX a few hours ago with two extremely talkative friends who managed to make me find something funny about absolutely everything in the first half and nearly made me choke on my drink when Harry talks to Griphook at Shell Cottage. For the second half, I kind of ignored them so they shut up a bit and let me cry. Just a few observations:
spoiler alert
-Did anyone else feel like they were going to have a heart attack when the Warner Bros. logo came out?
-In the Great Hall after the battle, Harry just totally walks past Ginny but stops to smile at Cho.
-As for the hug, I did wonder why they did it but I quite liked it. I'd cross over any day to get a hug from Voldemort, lol. It's absolutely priceless.
-I absolutely loved the Malfoys in this; all of them! Narcissa totally has style. She just marches off with her son, Dark Lord and future of society be damned.
-Helena Bonham Carter is
amazing. I've probably already done more than my fair share of fawning over her in this thread, but I honestly think she did such a good job with Hermione! Her portrayal of the character was more spot on with the Hermione in the book than I've ever seen in the films. So boo to all people who say that Helena can only do one type of role!
-The King's Cross scene was like Harry Potter and the Matrix, lol.
-I was actually a bit disappointed with Alan Rickman's acting in this one. I'm absolutely in love with what he's done with Snape in PoA and I just don't feel that his acting in DH2 is on the same level (or any other HP film since PoA, for that matter, but he was also quite good in HBP). It definitely wasn't bad because he's perfect for the role of Snape, but I didn't feel like he was doing enough as an actor. The only parts that he really impressed with the depth of his acting were his scenes with Dumbledore in his memories. In the scene where he's addressing the students of Hogwarts, the line delivery felt a bit simple.
-I still think Bella's death is a fluke.
-Ralph Fiennes's acting was omgwtfbbq amazing. I could really feel the pain or desperation or anger or whatever Voldemort was feeling. I'm always completely blown away by his performance, but I was impressed in this one especially at how he can act acting but simultaneously act both acts convincingly. (Did that make any sense at all?)