The skin you're in ...

I usually just play music when I get dressed, I dance and sing a long with it.
I've never done this before.. but I really like the idea of it. :D Problem is though that I'm always in such a hurry in the morning. I like sleeping, and I like to sleep as long as possible..

But I think I will give it a try since I actually have the time at the moment.. ^_^
i have a bit of eczema on my arms and i got a tan and the eczema has made my arms have lighter patches. im so sad :( n some ppl i knw look at me like wtf
^ I would take that as a sign that those people haven't learned to accept themselves either :flower:

I think most people have areas with lighter pigmentation ... I do, but I'm very pale & don't tan, so I'm not sure if anyone but me has ever noticed ;)
all these are great ideas...
but i am a bit pragmatic and like concrete things i can do with clear results...

so in addition to the internal work you can do
( which is vital and different things work for each person, so please explore until you find what works for you...)
i am going to say-
however much water you drink each day- double least...

water hydrates your skin so you look better...fuller, pinker, healthier..etc..
but it also hydrates your brain so you can think better and be alert and that always takes the scowl off my face in the morning...!


* and you are welcome to everyone who said thank you for starting this thread...
it's about supporting each other on the right path for beauty and for life!!!

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and seriously...
how great is music...??!!>>??!!

next to laughter, it is probably the greatest thing in life!..

I could give a number of concrete examples of how setting intentions works, but here's one I tried just to see what would happen ...

I used to work about 40 miles away from home, and my hours weren't very flexible, so I was spending a fair amount of time stuck in traffic, and I really didn't like it. I had no idea how I could possibly change this, since "rush hour is rush hour," but what the hay, I tried it :p

So every day for weeks I wrote in my journal that I wanted to drive to work in flowing traffic (i.e., no bumper to bumper madness--but I stated it positively). One day a coworker (who was mad at me at the time) came to my desk and seemed to be compelled to tell me something, which was the shortcut she took to work through the airport. I thanked her & started taking it, and voila, no more bumper to bumper. Also ... in record time they reconstructed the road so that it flows much better. I have never seen the highway department get something done so fast. And what could be more concrete than a highway :lol:
water for the reasons mentioned above...
i drink a big glass with lemon juice along with my coffee in the morning
and i keep drinking it all day. explained by several people already.
It's a constant source of energy and inspiration,
particularly when you stumble across something new. :heart: least 45 minutes of aerobic activity, ideally early in the day.
It really makes the skin glow and is both energizing and relaxing.
There are few things that make me feel as physically good, especially if i'm down
or under the weather.

reading...exercise for the mind and imagination.
I am constantly reading because of my work
but i try to spend at least an hour a day with something unrelated,
usually fiction or art-related writing.

nice thread, softie. :flower:
I really agree with the others who said how important it is to take time to relax. Whether I'm able to make a full breakfast or just a great cup of coffee, having those few minutes just to relax puts me in the right frame of mind for the day.

I also agree with the extra water thing, but I've noticed the biggest diff when I make sure to drink lots of water the evening before. I wake up hydrated and fresh.

Great thread!
The water isn't very refreshing here unfortunately. I still try to drink as much as possible though. I do, however, drink a bunch of tea. Any kind I can get my hands on. I'm such a tea girl. It soothes me, curbs hunger, and relaxes my mind. It also makes me feel at home and reminds me of the people I love most, since I have to spend an extended time period away from them and it kills me. Every day I realize I am not living life to the fullest. I try to have a positive attitude, but their are definitely people bringing me down here. I'm trying to work around it, although it's not very good for my confidence.

Why do I find you so god-damn inspiring, fashionista-ta? You seem to have the answers for everything. A few of the things you've said like the traffic thing remind me of a book I partially read called The Secret, although that book had a few ideas that I couldn't buy into, so I put it down. It was all about attracting positive energy. That's the kind of person I want to be.

I try to play music all the time. I tend to associate specific verses of songs with memories. It usually works better in the negative way though. When a song makes me sad, I try to play it a lot to make it meaningless to me. I agree to getting ready in the morning to high energy go-get-'em music such as "White Wedding" by Billy Idol, "Kids" by MGMT, some Spoon, Britney, Daft Punk, & Kanye West. I usually also find that "Pigs" by Pink Floyd always keeps me going. It's my most listened to song on itunes, despite its length.

I've always admired stars like Clemence Poesy, Charlotte Gainsbourg, and Diane Kruger who just always seem to be so confident no matter what they're wearing and so happy. They give off such positive energy and can make even the most ordinary outfits look extraordinary and personalized. Whenever I put on a boring top with jeans, I look in the mirror and think, "I would have considered this genius on Diane."

I've been writing in a journal more and more. I keep one online for my friends and family at home to read. And I write privately as well, mainly to remind me of all of the good things I have in life, that I can still count on if all else fails. I have such a terrible attitude naturally where when things are going great, I look for something to go wrong and create problems.

Yea, so this post was all over the place and kind of a diary entry in itself for me. Might as well copy and paste this to elsewhere. ;)
^ What answers I do have, it has taken me many years to find ;)

I have never read The Secret, but yes, it's more or less the same stuff. Esther Hicks was in the original 'The Secret' movie/series/whatever it was, but was cut out when she was told to sign over all her intellectual property rights or be cut. I 'do not approve' :p of the way The Secret's author has conducted herself so I prefer to get the information from other sources. I go by the vibe I get. When you start looking into esoteric stuff, you find

* people who seem to have good intentions
* people whose intentions seem more nebulous and self-serving
* people with a 'witchy' vibe--no offense, but not my cup of tea

I do my best to stick with the first category. I wasn't going to say any more about this, but as long as I am :lol: It's been awhile since the traffic thing, but one other thing I did besides the journal during those weeks ... whenever I got stuck in traffic I would visualize it coming unsnarled and unwinding in that mysterious way it does, and flowing like it should.

It's really all a matter of getting yourself aligned with that flow.

As far as the situation you find yourself in, it's a little hard for me to tell how much is missing your family (some separation is just part of growing up and getting your own life) and how much is real discomfort with the situation you find yourself in, which would be a genuine signal from within to change it ...
I find you very inspiring too, Fashionista-ta.

Great thread, though your posts in it have meant a lot to me especially :wub:
Ah so the boyfriend and I have broken up . . . for the time being I'm sure. More like prob for a few days. But it's from across the world so I'm literally alone in the world. I react by re-directing my wardrobe. Everything is sitting out on my bed. I think I managed to find a way to make white tights work on the bright side. That was a goal of mine. Although I'm frustrated because I closed the blinds to get changed, since my room looks out to a huge restaurant with tons of people in plain view. So I turned on my one light. And my host mom sees and she's like, "no, no, no. Electricity is too expensive!" After 3-4 tries she was like, "oh okay if it's for getting changed." Some things are NOT cultural differences.

Overall I don't think I've ever been more stressed than I have been this week. There's just been so much to take care of, especially with school and my volunteering commitments. I was doing well attracting good karma when all of a sudden everything when to ****. This has been an off week in every sense of the word. Although, I'm oddly mellow now, because I'm like, well things can't get worse, can they now?

I really need help with this positive thinking though too.
^ I'd say it's a really good sign that you're feeling oddly mellow ;)

The thing to remember is that what goes up must come down, what begins must end, what expands must contract. There is a cycle to life that is pretty much what it is. You really can minimize the bumps in the road, but change is inevitable. And it is not always welcome.

What you can always control (given a certain amount of skill, from practice) is your reaction to what's happening. And more often than not, that is the difference between a good day and a bad day.

Btw, stress (and it's an issue for me too) is the result of not being fully present, of pushing to get somewhere you're not. The solution is to relax and align yourself with the flow that will take you to where you want to go. It's kind of like a martial artist who can just tap, and down the opponent goes. Because of a lack of skill we typically expend way more effort than necessary, and in the process we literally wear ourselves out (stress is superhard on the body).
i have a bit of eczema on my arms and i got a tan and the eczema has made my arms have lighter patches. im so sad :( n some ppl i knw look at me like wtf

I have psoriasis on my arms and Ta-ta is right,people who look at it and stare are worthless. Honestly. As long as you feel okay with yourself you have nothing to be ashamed of or embarassed about :flower:
first of all:good thread.

so i really don't like myself. even when i look in the mirror i just have to squeeze my eyes.. its because my facial skin. but when my best girlfriend is around and we get dressed for the club/party/whatever and listen to good music i forget about that fact...
so i really have to say that music is a good way too start something good :)
^ :heart:

As the title of this thread says, you are so much more than your skin ... it is simply the skin you're in for this moment, but I believe you were before & will be after ... IMO you should love the essence of yourself, and let your dermatologist worry about your skin ;)

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