Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes

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fashionkitten7 said:
Didn't she say she was a virgin and waiting to be married to start being sexually active ? A long-term relationships and living together with a partner ? Now, I'm confused... :unsure:

We all are ;) She stated that she was a strict Catholic, and saving herself for marriage, despite being in a long term, live in, engaged relationship with Chris Klein. She may have been truthful, and it's an admirable sentiment (not that people who have sex aren't admirable, just that its hard to go against the grain of society and stick to what you believe sometimes).

She breaks up with Chris I believe early 2005. She disappears for several weeks. I am not exaggerating. Canuckcutie may know the little details - Katie, who had been in daily telephone contact with her family and old best friend in Toledo, dropped off the face of the planet after going to the LA Scieno Center to meet with Tom about MI3 (Scarlett Johansson was also summoned, before Katie, and walked out, saying it was the freakiest thing she'd ever seen). She was missing for several weeks. No one knew where she was, no one could contact her.

When she resurfaced, it was on Tom's arm in Europe, proclaiming her undying love to this man she had just met. She severed all contact with all her former friends, including the one with whom she had daily contact with since high school. She dropped her agent, her publicist, and the lease on the apartment she had just moved into. She stopped her frequent visits home to Ohio, and shortly thereafter she gave up her since-birth-devout religion, and announced she was pregnant, and was never seen in public without Jessica Rodriguez, a high ranking Sea Org member (an elite branch of Scientology) - which is probably good, since she needed Jessica to supply her with answers to interview questions. So the going back on a public vow of virginity is one of the least disturbing things here.
Hmm... alright... What is MI3, btw ? Since I don't know what it is, in the context of this story I could have assumed that that is some kind of an underground scieno prison, where she had been brainwashed on all the aspects of her life and the rest follows...

She was obviously doing the Britney Spears by saying she was saving herself for marriage, 'cause if you and partner want to live every day together, but have strong religious feelings about sex before marriage, then you just go and get married ! If not, you live separately until you decide if you want to live every day together or not...

It's just that I've never heard anything about her former partner Chris, coz I don't really follow celebrity news, so I naively bought into Katie having been a virgin. I no longer believe it, for obvious reasons...
fashionkitten7 said:
Hmm... alright... What is MI3, btw ? Since I don't know what it is, in the context of this story I could have assumed that that is some kind of an underground scieno prison, where she had been brainwashed on all the aspects of her life and the rest follows...

She was obviously doing the Britney Spears by saying she was saving herself for marriage, 'cause if you and partner want to live every day together, but have strong religious feelings about sex before marriage, then you just go and get married ! If not, you live separately until you decide if you want to live every day together or not...

It's just that I've never heard anything about her former partner Chris, coz I don't really follow celebrity news, so I naively bought into Katie having been a virgin. I no longer believe it, for obvious reasons...

Yeah, the whole baby before marriage makes the virgin until marriage story suspect :lol:

MI3 is Tom's movie Mission Impossible 3 :)

It's pretty obvious (to me at least) that for whatever reason she allowed herself to be comprehensively audited (brainwashing by another name, the official Scientologist word) during those weeks, and turned her life over completely to Scientology, dumping her family, friends, faith, home, agent, publicist, and apparently her career as fast as she could. I hope she's happy, at least. Genuinely happy. Because its too sad otherwise.

Chris Klein used to seem like a good, if somewhat bland guy. In the past year he's done a few interviews that show a really horrible attitude towards women, and a really high opinion of himself. I'm not sure what to make of him.
Ah yes, Chris Klein. A true *prince* that guy. Ginnifer Goodwin is way too good for him. I vary from thinking she's better off without him or she's worse off now.

Glad to see some publications are reporting that the best man did accompany them on the honeymoon. I imagine Tom would do one of his trademark guffaws and then change the question if someone ever asked him why the best man came along.

I doubt Katie saved herself for Tom. Firstly because I think Tom doesn't swing that way and secondly because I'd read ages ago that she'd been sexually involved with Josh Jackson back when they were doing Dawson's. I think the virgin bride role must have been just what Scientology wanted, all the better to prove how virile Tom is. I mean look how quickly Katie got pregnant compared to Tom's ex wives and gf's.

"She breaks up with Chris I believe early 2005. She disappears for several weeks. I am not exaggerating. Canuckcutie may know the little details -"

Hmm I'm a little hazy.I recall reading that she and Chris had split and then didn't he get arrested for DUI? Next thing I'd read that Katie was living in NYC and gushing over how great life was there and she was reported to be dating Josh Hartnett. I thought it was a mere few weeks later that she was sighted in Rome with Tom which blew my mind in a "how the hell did that happen kind of way". Unfortunately (or fortunately as the case may be) seems Tom and Katie can't quite get their stories straight on how the hook-up happened either.

Katie has pretty much cast off all ties to her past life. I imagine her parents have little to no contact with her, I bet the wedding invite was just so the public didn't start to think that the tab stories about the Holmes fan not liking Tom were true. The wedding was designed to be a public spectacle and part of that included having the Holmes clan there. I imagine now they'll be pushed out as "supressive persons".
that vanity fair article had the whole Holmes family living at Tom's ranch, on holiday, all getting along famously
NEW YORK - Newlyweds Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will celebrate their nuptials with a post-wedding party in Los Angeles this weekend. A reception/cocktail party will be held Saturday at the home of Hollywood power couple Paula Wagner, who is Cruise's producing partner, and Rick Nicita, the actor's agent, Arnold Robinson, a spokesman for Cruise, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

Cruise, 44, and Holmes, 27, were married Nov. 18 in Bracciano, Italy. Afterward, they flew to the Maldives for a two-week honeymoon.
The party is "for friends (who) were not able to attend the wedding in Italy," Robinson said.
Cruise and Holmes are the parents of a 7-month-old daughter, Suri.
Last month, MGM announced that Cruise and Wagner would be in charge of the United Artists movie studio. They were cut loose from a 14-year producing deal with Paramount Pictures in August.
Sumner Redstone, chairman of Paramount parent company Viacom Inc., had blamed Cruise's antics over his romance with Holmes (jumping on talk-show host Oprah Winfrey's couch, for example) and his Scientology preaching for undermining box-office returns on the actor's "Mission: Impossible III."
How many wedding celebrations are they gonig to have?!

source: yahoo
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that vanity fair article had the whole Holmes family living at Tom's ranch, on holiday, all getting along famously"

I imagine the second that the reporter left, the family got kicked out of the place. AT the end of the day the Holmes clan are praticing Catholics and as such they'd be deemed supressive persons and Katie would be told to cut them out of her life. As the girl doesn't have a working brain cell in her head obviously she'd do just that.

"How many wedding celebrations are they gonig to have?!"

I guess as many as it takes to convince us all that it's true love. They could have 1 a week for eternity and I wouldn't buy it.

Anyone see Kathy Griffin on Larry King last night? she was dissing the Scienos and she talked about how Katie was fampus now she'd married Tom, Kathy expected her to disappear into the creek. Then Kathy talked about Suri and said, "I don't know whose kid that is, it's not his kid". I was killing myself laughing
The weird thing is the random people invited to the TomKat wedding.

J.Lo: Who knew she was even friends with Tom Cruise. There's speculation she was only invited because she's close friends with Leah Remini, whose a Scientologist.

Will Smith: No idea he knew Tom Cruise either.

Brooke Shields: Oh come on! The only reason why she was invited was because Tom wanted to show to the world how they've made up.
I thought it was common knowledge that Will and Jada Smith were good friends with Cruise?

JLo is probably met Cruise/became friends with him through that acress from King of Queens (can't think of her name, lol).

Brooke Shields. I think they used to be friends before Cruise made those remarks about her and then they made up recently.
Jada was in Collateral with Tom and she hangs out with him quite a bit. Will makes big bucks so I wouldn't be surprised if the Scienos are trying to recruit him hardcore. The scienos are in need of some fresh A-list blood. I think Jada could get sucked in but I think Will is too smart.

J-Lo is friendly with Scieno Leah Remini. Wouldn't surprise me if they are trying to recruit her either as she's very wealthy. I'm doubtful that she and Tom are close, I think they were desperate for celeb guests so they took what they could get.

Brooke and Tom made a movie together yrs ago (Endless Love?). I think he invited her solely so he could win over all those women he turned off. Frankly i'm disappointed that Brooke went to the sham of a wedding.
that's ridiculous, i really don't get why people are critisizing scientology, Scientology is actually very close to pyschiatry with out the drugs.

I'm not a scientologist but my brother is and there is nothing weard about this religion.
I read that Will Smith stated that he and Jada do not really believe in organized religion and he will not be converting, although he's still friends with mr cruise....

anyway, I don't see why there's hoop-la about them doing another wedding party, many *celebrities* have had 2 parties/receptions to accomidate family and friends. I don't know why it's so hard to be happy for other people.
^Those people don't 'announce' it to the press.

that's ridiculous, i really don't get why people are critisizing scientology, Scientology is actually very close to pyschiatry with out the drugs.

I'm not a scientologist but my brother is and there is nothing weard about this religion.

I have read articles by former Scientologists and it is NOT a normal religion.
eternitygoddess said:
^Those people don't 'announce' it to the press.

I have read articles by former Scientologists and it is NOT a normal religion.

sorry if this sounds stupid or naiive but what does scientology stand for?and what is the religion like?
I don't think anyone can really say what's normal and what's not.
What's normal to one may be freakish to others.
I don't believe in it, I am christian, but I know people that think that's not normal either.
Let's not pass judgment on one's religion, no one really knows who's right when it really comes down to it.
my disagreement with scientology doesn't come so much from their beliefs but from their irresponsibility in representing their views on psychology etc, and also from the supposed corruption both economically and morally. it's been said for years and years that l. ron hubbard created scientology on a drunken bet with another science fiction writer, as well as the possible deaths linked to scientology. but that's just me
swizzlekiss0125 said:
my disagreement with scientology doesn't come so much from their beliefs but from their irresponsibility in representing their views on psychology etc, and also from the supposed corruption both economically and morally. it's been said for years and years that l. ron hubbard created scientology on a drunken bet with another science fiction writer, as well as the possible deaths linked to scientology. but that's just me
what possibly deaths linked to scientology if you dont mind saying?:heart: x
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