Maybe it’s purely psychological, but this new editor seemed to have further diluted the consumer sensibility that runs throughout the pages— from coverstory, to fashion stories, to feature stories. Everything looks very much dumbed down for mass consumption. And here I thought Edward had already dumbed it down to such incredible lows to be accepted by the masses-- this person comes along and proves me wrong… You can tell she has midrange department-store roots and discount weekly flyer roots: The overwhelming aesthetic has that overcast, flat-lighting budget/oultet billboard look instead of a steamy, smouldering, summer heat (that Emmanuelle’s Vogue Paris would have easily conjured for their legendary June/July issues.)
Dan’s story is by far the strongest. Although you can tell that he was told to reign in the elevated summer escape sensuality, and give the shoot a more consumer-end catalogue look. He’s capable of so much more. And the story is so poorly edited to save on pagecount. Jill ’s the most versatile commercial model to have earned her keep, and more. Understatedly beautiful and effortlessly smouldering as always, she looks so easygoing, so radiant. If only she was given a big wind-swept hair, instead of this flat, limp, mousey hair that just reminds you of reality when every single teen at teh local mall/outlet has the same hair. Vogue 2024: One step forward, 19 steps back as always.