What To Wear On An Airplane

i get cold easily, so i wear lots of layers. i wear my tight stretch jeans (it's thick and stretch, so it's comfortable), a mini dress on top, long sleeves thin cardigan, over coat, socks, open toe shoes (no sneakers and no sandals), and i always bring my gloves and scarves in my hand luggage.
nice jeans, my hogans (so comfy!!), simple black turtleneck or sweater/cape etc, nice handbag, minimal makeup (lipgloss!!)
Am I the only one of few who wears a $15 sweatsuit, a beat-up pair of sneakers and call it a day?
^ Think so.

I just travelled the other day. On my return flight I wore.

- Marc Jacobs printed tee (I hate MJ but thing is so damn cute)
- Stitch's overdyed jeans
- Puma Miahara sneakers w/ blood splatter
- Black velvet peacoat w/ big silver buttons
- McQueen "Raised By Wolves" scarf
- Black leather tote bag

I was really comfortable especially that plane was so damn small, I hate commuter jets!! I had to crouch to walk in the damn thing. It was only an hour flight though, on my really long flights (Trans-Atlantic) I look like a hobo, Ive worn PJs to fly, because I DONT CARE. I changed in the bathroom at the airport b/c Im not about to walk around Paris in PJs.
I like to travel in:

- A pair of baggy pants, not neccesarily denims. The thing is that they need to be fitted on top, but flare and slouch on the bottom. That way, they are comfortable, but still give me that "slouchy, hobo, I don't give a damn" look, while the fitted top makes it look proper (such pants are seriously SO hard to find.)
- A slightly fitted tee, as too fitted = i need to breath and too loose = not cute.
- A shirt over it. Button it, you look proper. Don't button it, you look casual.
- Lately, I also like to take a hoodie with me on the plane. You never know how freakin' cold it'll be on the plane or at your destination. A hoodie gives me a feeling of being prepared for nearly everything.
- Havaianas. I may sound like some dumb SoCa kid, but how freakin' comfortable is it to travel in flip flops? In case it gets cold, a pair of light shoes and socks can easily fit into any bag.

I'm seriously contemplating wearing a pair of Adidas Sweatpants on my next flight. Especially since I got a hoodie that matches it...
Always natural fibres
I am always long haul from or either to the tropics
Normally the flight from is freezing, they really like the airco there and towards always very hot
i am always wearing black so you do not notice the stains (travelling with children)
- long wife beater (hate it when my lower back gets uncovered so uncomfortable)
- a thin cotton long sleeved rollneck
- a cashmere button down
- coton pants i have found these donna karan black label with elastic band that i only wear while travelling
- cotton knee socks (h&m) hate cold feet
- a very large silk scarf that i also use as a blanket because hate the blankets they give you on the flight
- ballerinas
- balenciaga overnighter amazing how much you can carry on in that one + front pocket for passport boarding pass storage
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I always feel ashamed walking around the airport and seeing incredibly chic people who look perfect but after a 7 hour flight, no matter how I look going in, I always look terrible coming out. So I think the flight I'm on tomorrow (transatlantic) I will just be hoborific. Free City sweats, flipflops, plain l/s tee and maybe a cardi and my Muse. I'll change on the plane. I have a lot of luggage this time around.
I'm all about layering.
I tend to be very cold, all the time, so I wear:
jeans, a fitted t-shirt,a light zip-up sweater, a scarf, and usually pumps with funky socks. (pumps are eays to remove for security checks, but being a germaphobe, I refuse to walk on the floor in bare feet.)

Makeup-wise, I mainly use moisturizer before and after the flight, a bit of concealer for puffy eyes, and lots of lip balm. I've tried to travel madeup, but it's too much work. Everything smudges around, and I end up looking worse than I woudl without any makeup at all! :lol:

My rule: no sweats, no slippers. I won't go out of the house in sleepwear. Yes, it's comfy, but I hate the way it looks.
Kobe said:
for my 21 hours flight, I just wore jeans and sweater .....
O M G. Id ***********, I can barely handle 8 hours, which was my longest, I thought I was going to die.
Traveling in style

Long gone are the days when people actually dressed up for a flight. I intend to buck the trend when I travel to Europe this summer. ^_^ So help me plan my perfect flight outfit. I will definitely be carrying my rust/orange colored cashmere pashmina with me if the flight gets cold. I'm thinking about a knit/jersey dress and comfortable but chic sandals (maybe my pewter/silver jack rogers). Any suggestions?

What do you like to travel in that's comfy but also stylish? Do you accessorize with your luggage? This picture is my inspiration:

The fabulous Laura Bennett of PR fame.
I tend to wear simple flats, and black tights with cotton dresses. Usually I also bring a cashmere cardigan and a pashmina shawl. I keep my stuff in a rather large Longchamp bag (looking to replace it though) which is very functional and, in subtle and classic colours, can be chic!
I ALWAYS wear closed shoes, I've seen something really, really icky happen with someones suitcase and their toenail.
Other than that, I wear slim stretch pants and a cute not too tight top because irrational as it may be in case the plane lands on water and we have to go in those rubber boats I want to be able to move and not get caught anywhere or freeze to death
I had an 11 hour flight today, and since it was warm wore black dressy shorts, a black/grey layered tank,black cardi over top, black slouchy boots
If it's a holiday flight I usually wear simple chinos, polo and slip ons. But if it's a work trip and I'm expected to be working the day I arrive, gotta be the suit and tie with leather slip ons.
I'm usually in very long flights, mostly red eye; so i make sure to wear something confortable enough yet stylish. Last summer I even wore white jeans with high wedge sandals and a white tee and didn't regret it.
Lat winter, I wore slim jeans and flats with a black v neck and biker jacket.
This wednesday I'll be taking the plane again for a 7 hr flight overseas and I think I'm going to wear my cork super high heel sandals. long slim fit jeans with a cute top and a cardigan since it tends to get cold aboard!
The examples shows by Lacroix are great choices...
Bu I make sure not to put too much make up on since I'll be sleeping anyway, I always go straight from the plane to the washroom where I apply my make up and look fresh when I go through customs!!!
And never forget sunglasses.
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I usually wear linen pants, a simple tank top with a sweater or scarf over..shoes are often sandals.

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