American / United States Fashion Schools

!!! I didn't even know the degree could fill up. What was your intended major and what are you going to parsons for?! I'm currently in college also, i have straight a's, good scores, etc and I live in FL and I don't want to bother if my chances are slim. What were your grades like if you dont mind me asking?

I am going for fashion marketing.. I graduated 2 years ago from Georgia State University.. and I made okay grades.. I pretty much slacked off a lot and did enough to squeak by. I honestly think that I got into Parson's b/c of my essay for the application. I worked really hard on it, and I think that was my ticket in.
I'm hoping with my Degree in communications and an AAS in fashion marketing I can do PR/Marketing in some of the cool fashion houses.. like Anna Sui, Betsy Johnson type places...
J'aime_la_mode said:
I have a question about scholarships to FIT or any other fashion school. I have extremely high grades and test scores. I've also been/will be in a fashion program for 1/2 a day for 3 years. But I find that its extremely hard to find a scholarship that's based on academics. Are fashion school scholarships just based on artwork and sketches or do they also exist for academics?:cry::unsure:

What state do you live in? If you live in a state that has a public university with a good fashion program you could probably attend for free with your grades and test scores.
J'aime_la_mode said:
How important are extra-curriculars for being accepted into any US fashion school?

Not extremely, but it can never hurt. Schools in general like to see those things because it shows you are self motivated, well rounded, and capable of leadership positions. Unless they are directly related to fashion it won't be taken with any special regard other than that.
^Thankyou so much for the help, I dont know anyone else whos planning on going to any fashion/art schools and they put so much emphasis on extra-curriculars, so naturally I was very curious. And about going to a state school, its always an option for me, if all else fails...
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Hey guys maybe you can help me out since the Fashionn INstitute of Technology cannot as they say help me due to the mass emails. They basically sent me to their website when I emailed them a question about admissions that I needed answered personally by a counselor since their website did not help that much.
So here's my problem, I was going to enroll in a clothing management course at my high school to learn how to sew, and to get some pieces together for admissions portfolio. But, that course filled up and I couldn't take it. That was my only fashion course. What I wanted to know from them was how much did sewing and clothing construction come into play when choosing an applicant? Does sketches and understanding of fashion as well as potential count more than sewing and construction skills? I mean you go to fashion school to learn right why not learn to sew.

Can you guys help. Are some of you from F.I.T. Can you help me figure this out.

Thanks guys.:D
Are there any good schools for fashion in the south west? Not California but NM or Arizona...
parsons design and management bba

i'm very interested in this program. i know there are some students and alumni on the board...what did you think of it? no detail is too small!
lilsweetie said:
What do they look at if your applying for something like Design and Managment, where they don't require you to submit a portfolio????
I'm going to apply for the Design and management course too. We don't have to have a portfolio, but instead do an additional exercise that I'm dreading.
Additional Exercise Instructions

All applicants must submit the six part exercise described below. Please mail to the Office of Admissions. Please note: if submitted online, each of the six components (3 .doc files and 3 .jpg files) may not exceed 1MG in size. If submitted via mail, presentation must be in one of the following formats only: slides, CD Rom, DVD, VHS, or website.

Please submit, in one of the aforementioned formats, representations of original creative work done in the medium of your choice. These media may include drawing, video, photography, sculpture, 3-D work, collage, digital images or any combination of the above. All images and statements must be clearly marked with your name and date of birth.

- Choose an object, event, activity, or location near your home that has had an impact on your surroundings in some way.

- Represent your chosen object, event, activity, or location from three (3) perspectives in any medium of your choosing. Each view should represent a different perspective or point of view.

- Write three (3) brief statements of approximately 150 words each, exploring and explaining each perspective. The statements should provide a commentary on your decision making, and the relationship between your perspectives and the surroundings that inform them..

Your work will be evaluated on both your writing and your visuals and the relationship you are able to create between the two.
BBA may also submit 1 - 2 writing samples or essays.
omg, me too, have you started yours yet?! the instructions are so broad i have no idea what theyre looking for
homework at fashion schools like parsons and FIT

Hey guys what's the homework like at a place like parsons. Is the foundation homework like art class homework. Is FIT homework different for the design program?
Oh! before I forget who is applying to FIT, Parsons, Academy of art university, or CCA. Cause we might be class mates next year in the fall and I don't want to be all alone in New York or San fransisco. I'm just a little black southern boy tryin to make friends.
i just want to let you gals know that FIDM in los angeles is a bad school 1st of all you dont get a well rounded education all you learn about is fashion.. no other skills... and you dont get a BA you only get an AA which is bad. if you go to fashion school at CSU NOrthridge in LA you can get a well rounded education and get a BA which is better back up in the future. I am going to use my BA for lots of things like subsituite teaching which is awesome! while doing the fashion thing. ANOTHER THING IS FIDM IS EXPENSIVE 20,000 a semester or year.. WOW CSU northrigde is only 1,000 a semester i go there! there ya go
rangerrick14 said:
Oh! before I forget who is applying to FIT, Parsons, Academy of art university, or CCA. Cause we might be class mates next year in the fall and I don't want to be all alone in New York or San fransisco. I'm just a little black southern boy tryin to make friends.
I'm in the same boat! I am applying to Parsons and FIT.
I'm having to make a decision... Either F.I.T. or a Design School in Houston:unsure: I would take as many online classes with F.I.T. and then live there one year to finish the rest. Or I could go to Houston and possibly work for local designers and maybe have more opportunities because I feel like being a fashion designer in NYC is like being a boyfriend of Paris Hilton's (in other words lost in a sea)... Any suggestions? I'm feeling a bit lost in my decision:doh: I know that if I don't go to F.I.T. it doesn't mean I cannot ever go to NYC to work, etc...^_^
Pick where ever you feel comfortable. New York is a big place and you might not get that much 1 on 1 at FIT while if you work with a designer in Texas you'll probably get mroe hands on in your first year than most students.
I started on my Parsons exercise and it's sorta hard but I guess they are just weeding out those who view fashion and art at surface level. The exercise is probably just a teaser for the course work in the foundation program; the work makes you think though, way beyond what they taught me about art in high school. Good luck hope to see you all next year at Parsons.
^Are you doing the exercise where you have to draw a place near your home from 3 different perspectives?

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