lilsweetie said:
What do they look at if your applying for something like Design and Managment, where they don't require you to submit a portfolio????
I'm going to apply for the Design and management course too. We don't have to have a portfolio, but instead do an additional exercise that I'm dreading.
Additional Exercise Instructions
All applicants must submit the six part exercise described below. Please mail to the Office of Admissions. Please note: if submitted online, each of the six components (3 .doc files and 3 .jpg files) may not exceed 1MG in size. If submitted via mail, presentation must be in one of the following formats only: slides, CD Rom, DVD, VHS, or website.
Please submit, in one of the aforementioned formats, representations of original creative work done in the medium of your choice. These media may include drawing, video, photography, sculpture, 3-D work, collage, digital images or any combination of the above. All images and statements must be clearly marked with your name and date of birth.
- Choose an object, event, activity, or location near your home that has had an impact on your surroundings in some way.
- Represent your chosen object, event, activity, or location from three (3) perspectives in any medium of your choosing. Each view should represent a different perspective or point of view.
- Write three (3) brief statements of approximately 150 words each, exploring and explaining each perspective. The statements should provide a commentary on your decision making, and the relationship between your perspectives and the surroundings that inform them..
Your work will be evaluated on both your writing and your visuals and the relationship you are able to create between the two.
BBA may also submit 1 - 2 writing samples or essays.