American / United States Fashion Schools

parsons accepted

you know how you said Parsons requires a HOME TEST??? well i got ACCEPTED but did not get a home test. any of you know why?
Hey guys what does FIT look for in design majors I want to design and I have all these ideas on sketches but none in fabric. Should I turn in sketches, illustrattions, and samples in muslin or otheer cheaper fabrics or just sketches and illustrations. And do I need a sewing machine for fashion schools.

Oh yeah what about Academy of Art University in San Fransisco. You need a portfolio to get in does that destroy its credibility as turning out fashion designers.

I'm currently a sophmore studying journalism and art history at the University of Florida, which is an extremely hard school to get into and I want to transfer to either Parsons or FIT next year to purse fashion merchandising or a related field. I've heard that these schools are competitive and tough to get into. Do they base it on grades, scores, etc?? Am I at a huge disadvantage because I'm out of state? I have over a 4.0 GPA and I got a 28 on my ACT's. Do I have a reasonable chance or should I not even waste my time?

Any input would be great!
What about fashion schools in California? What is the lowdown on FIDM? Say you are planning on going to FIDM, is LA by far the best choice? Because they also have locations in San Diego, Orange County, and San Francisco. Is anyone attending the one in San Diego? Also, do most of you attend the fashion schools right after high school? Thanks so much for any answers and advice!
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I have two choices for fashion design. Parsons and FIT.

I will be on financial aid.

Where should I go?
lilsweetie said:
I'm currently a sophmore studying journalism and art history at the University of Florida, which is an extremely hard school to get into and I want to transfer to either Parsons or FIT next year to purse fashion merchandising or a related field. I've heard that these schools are competitive and tough to get into. Do they base it on grades, scores, etc?? Am I at a huge disadvantage because I'm out of state? I have over a 4.0 GPA and I got a 28 on my ACT's. Do I have a reasonable chance or should I not even waste my time?

Any input would be great!

Grades and scores are not the determining factors for these schools, the portfolio is the most important thing they look at. However of course its important to have the great grades and test scores.
maganda_x3 said:
I'm Going!!!!!!!!!!

how old are you guys going? haha sorry I'll be a junior in high school this coming year, and am looking for art programs to go to next year. I'm taking classes right now at Sage College of Albany in my hometown and it's so great. A very good art school, but not really big on fashion.

At art camp they've been saying that SCAD and RISD are the best design schools in the country. I've never heard of SCAD though, but apparently it is really good.
J'aime_la_mode said:
Grades and scores are not the determining factors for these schools, the portfolio is the most important thing they look at. However of course its important to have the great grades and test scores.

I'm not applying for a major that requires a portfolio though?
What do they look at if your applying for something like Design and Managment, where they don't require you to submit a portfolio????
Im just curious if it is 100% necessary to go to a fashion college/design school if you are heading into merchandising/pr/buying or anything on the business side of fashion. Or is a business/communications/merchandising degree say enough as long as you have a healthy obsession with fashion?
I have a question,

I'm heading off to NY to have a portfolio assessment in Parsons and I have a few "life drawings" that I think will add to my portfolio, but the thing is, they're quite big (18"x24") so what would you guys advise me to do? Take it, or is there another solution like photographing the picture?

Thanks MUCH!
I'm currently a sophmore studying journalism and art history at the University of Florida, which is an extremely hard school to get into and I want to transfer to either Parsons or FIT next year to pursue fashion merchandising or design and management. I've heard that these schools are competitive and tough to get into. Do they base it on grades, scores, etc since you dont need a portfolio?? Am I at a huge disadvantage because I'm out of state? I have over a 4.0 GPA and I got a 28 on my ACT's. Do I have a reasonable chance or should I not even waste my time?

Any input would be great!
Parsons School-NYC

Recently I started considering going back to school and geting a degree.
I'm 28 and not sure if it's not too late. Parsons is the school I'd like to attend, again this is still very prelimenary thinking/planning. Has anyone here attneded Parsons?,please reply. How old are you? thanx
I'm 24 and I go to Parsons and I just completed my first year, so I was a little worried about starting school when most people are about to graduate. Many of my classmates were married and had other careers (lawyers, finance) before coming into Parsons. Don't let your age stop you, the life experience you have will be an asset to your education.
I did dear..if you do chose to go there you'll love it. I did not finsh my studys there but it's a great place and you'll meet great people
since The New School (the university which Parsons is part of) has a large adult education department, there are many Parsons students that are not traditional age. Plus, fashion tends to attract people who have established themselves in other careers and then just change their mind. Its a great school, I say go for it!
MJCouture said:
since The New School (the university which Parsons is part of) has a large adult education department, there are many Parsons students that are not traditional age. Plus, fashion tends to attract people who have established themselves in other careers and then just change their mind. Its a great school, I say go for it!

Thanx for the encouragament! It does sound great. I just need to make a lot of decisions over the next few months.I have been stuck in one place for way too long, and have just realized I don't even have a degree.
Parson's a great school and you can make great connections there!!! I got accepted there but i never attended due to the high cost. Age should never be an issue!!!

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