Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
lilsweetie said:I'm currently a sophmore studying journalism and art history at the University of Florida, which is an extremely hard school to get into and I want to transfer to either Parsons or FIT next year to purse fashion merchandising or a related field. I've heard that these schools are competitive and tough to get into. Do they base it on grades, scores, etc?? Am I at a huge disadvantage because I'm out of state? I have over a 4.0 GPA and I got a 28 on my ACT's. Do I have a reasonable chance or should I not even waste my time?
Any input would be great!
maganda_x3 said:I'm Going!!!!!!!!!!
J'aime_la_mode said:Grades and scores are not the determining factors for these schools, the portfolio is the most important thing they look at. However of course its important to have the great grades and test scores.
lilsweetie said:I'm not applying for a major that requires a portfolio though?
MJCouture said:since The New School (the university which Parsons is part of) has a large adult education department, there are many Parsons students that are not traditional age. Plus, fashion tends to attract people who have established themselves in other careers and then just change their mind. Its a great school, I say go for it!