American / United States Fashion Schools

Thanks for your reply.
Ohhhh, i do have a bachelor's degree though in a different stream.
I have a bachelors degree in science along with this one year diploma in fashion design.I kinda switched from science to fashion and in the process, did this diploma and entered the apparel industry.I have worked for reputed retail and catalogue buyers of Europe and USA market.But all of my experience is from India and we were one of the vendors for the retail and catalogue buyers.I have a very good niche of wholesale merchandising.
I have already met the admissions dept people at FIDM and Academy of Art.
Evaluating my experience and education, they find me eligible for their course requirements. My only confusion is about choosing a school and decide upon the best.I am seriously thinking for MFA- Fashion Merchandising at Academy of Art.Looking at the cost and time factor, i'm concerned if it would be worth going for it.Shall it really make a difference and 'd get me a good position in corporate offices of US apparel brands.Please guide.I'll appreciate your help.
jeffrey0806 said:
if you have enough money to afford parsons, go to parsons, although FIT is better for fashion merchandising than is Parsons. Parsons is better with Fashion Design. But if you do have the money to afford Parsons meaning you wont be taking out any big loans(over 30K) just to attend the school than go to Parsons.

If you have to take out big loans to go to Parsons, don't go and attend Philly U. Because in the end a lot of fashion merchandising is climing up in a company and networking. Or interning and working your way to the top.

Like myself. I just barely got my first year of school done(out of 4) and already I've interviewed with places for an assistant buying position, and I'm not even majoring in fashion merchandising. Currently I'm doing visual merchandising for a retail store, and guess what?(I'm not majoring in fashion merchandising) I got the paid visuals job i have now after interning at another place(without pay).

I have one more year of hishchool. After, I plan on studying fashion merchandising. Why is F.I.T. better than Parsons? And have you heard anything about L.I.M.?
want.2B.bones said:
I have one more year of hishchool. After, I plan on studying fashion merchandising. Why is F.I.T. better than Parsons? And have you heard anything about L.I.M.?

Parsons is more of a design school, Parsons is better than FIT in fashion design.

FIT is better than Parsons in Fashion Merchandising because in general they have more resources to dedicate to their fashion merchandising students. Their program is super competitive to get into, and every one wants to go their for fashion merchandising. Plus it's cheaper.

At Parsons, Parsons gets more students because of the fashion design major more than anything.
LIM is like a trade school in my opinion. It's like one of those schools you see in TV commercials advertising a good education, when in reality if it was a good school it wouldn't need that type of publicity.
What would be the best school for either marketing OR graphic/communications arts? I pretty much need something 4 year. Schools I'm thinking of visiting when that time comes are: FIT/Parsons/RISD..and I would love to look at FIDM/Otis/Academy of Art, etc. but my parents say it's too far.

I know this is the US school thread but for graphic design would Central St. Martins make sense. I would love to just get out of the world...a little adventure, get out of sheltered suburbia. (don't know if they'd consider England too brother applied to Oxford though!)
what about FIDM

Hey guys I have a dillema I don't know which school to go to I know I want a more vocational school instead of art like parsons or otis but i can't choose between FIDM or FIT in your opinion which one should a person with little design experience (basically none) also little sewing experince, but i am trying to learn. But I do have alot of drive and will soak up any knowledge given to me. I want to be a designer so bad.
How is the opportunity for those with AA's in Fashion Design? I was thinking of applying to Parsons for AA in "Fashion Studies" (which is Fashion Design) after I get my degree in Communications/Public Relations (PR). How are my chances in the fashion industry?
meandthebees said:
I know a guy who goes to Columbia, and according to him, they have a 99% acceptance rate. Do you know if he was exaggerating?
Nope, he's right.
rangerrick14 said:
please help me

go to FIT. FIT is an actual reputable school. My personal issue with FIDM is that they are still considered a proprietary school, meaning that they make money from students. Look up any reputable school from FIT/Parsons/Otis to Harvard, Yale, Brown, and the like, and they are not Proprietary schools.

Proprietary schools usually consists of schools that have those info ads on TV, and actually send you stupid emails building up junk. They are not reputable

That's why I say attend FIT.

Another thing is that Otis, although considered an art/design school, their design programs, including fashion, are not artsy. Their design programs always lean towards what will sell, and gear you towards a market, instead of a school like central st martins or risd, whose fashion programs do push more the art of fashion rather than what will sell fashion.
summer 06' at parsons

Hi EvErYoNe!!! I just wanted to know if anyone of you guys is doing the summer program at Parsons this year??? I'm doing the second half. I start MoN the 21st of JuNe.If you are please let me know i would love to share thoughts and maybe meet up:) If you have done it before please give me some tips on wut to expect:) ThAnX
xPiNuPgIrLx6 said:
What program are u doing? I'm doing the Drawing and Painting:) Did you get ur supplies yet?

i'm taking fashion design. which i'm extremely nervous about. i bought most of my supplies but i still have to return some and buy some. how about you?
lafilledanse said:
I'm considering attending F.I.T.'s graduate program: Global Fashion Management. I plan to attain my bachelor's degree from ASU in supply chain management. Has anyone heard good things about this program? Or is anyone currently part of the program right now? PLEASE let me know! I want to do as much research as I can, even though I have about two years to make my decision. Thank you!

I've been looking at that program as well. Did you get any info? I have about another year. I have my BBA (in music business) and am almost done my Masters (in sports education). I am planning on doing ent., sport and fashion law so I want to get a good foundation......
FIT is a really good school, and also a very hard school to get in no matter which major you decide to go.
you know how you said Parsons requires a HOME TEST??? well i got ACCEPTED but did not get a home test. any of you know why?

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