Astrology and personal style

OK, I knew I had something important in the 8th, it's the Sun ... :p

Sun in the Eighth House

The Sun was found in your eighth house at the time of birth. This inclines your individuality to be oriented, in one way or another, to the deeper sides of life. Your sexual feelings are long-lasting, intense, and vital. Your inner self seems attracted to unusual matters related to the termination of life-death and its mysteries.

I hadn't read this in awhile, and it is so true!

What this 8th house placement also means is that I'm not necessarily dark myself, but I'm perhaps more comfortable than most with the variations people have ...
sounds a bit not-nice horoscope actually :ninja: it does seem to say a negative personality.. but i guess we all have our flaws.

I don't see it as negative, more as a mirror of my complex personality...

There's a blog that sometimes publishes some entries about fashion & astrology, but I really don't understand the concept:


I don't know which of the two lines about 8th house position you mean, can you help?

Planetary positions
planet|| sign|| degree|| motion

Sun - Libra - 2°29'22 - in house 2 - direct
Moon - Scorpio - 7°44'51 - in house 3 - direct
Mercury - Libra - 26°49'24 - in house 3 - direct
Venus - Libra - 11°38'15 - in house 2 - direct
Mars - Virgo - 21°51'45 - in house 1 - direct
Jupiter - Aries - 27°31'52 - in house 9 - retrograde
Saturn - Sagittarius -15°39'57 - in house 4 - direct
Uranus - Sagittarius - 22°58'22 - in house 4 - direct
Neptune - Capricorn - 5°15'04 - in house 5 - direct
Pluto - Scorpio - 8°27'11 - in house 3 - direct
True Node - Aries - 2°21'57 - in house 8 - retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Virgo 3°52'44
2nd House Virgo 24°17'00
3rd House Libra 20°58'06
Imum Coeli Scorpio 25°11'32
5th House Capricorn 3°31'18
6th House Aquarius 7°03'13
Descendant Pisces 3°52'44
8th House Pisces 24°17'00
9th House Aries 20°58'06
Medium Coeli Taurus 25°11'32
11th House Cancer 3°31'18
12th House Leo 7°03'13

Major aspects
Sun - Square - Neptune - 2°46
Moon - Sextile - Neptune - 2°30
Moon - Conjunction -Pluto - 0°42
Moon - Sextile - Ascendant - 3°52
Mercury - Opposition - Jupiter - 0°42
Mercury - Sextile - Uranus - 3°51
Venus - Sextile - Saturn - 4°02
Mars - Square - Uranus - 1°07
Jupiter - Trine - Uranus - 4°33
Neptune - Sextile - Pluto - 3°12
Neptune - Trine - Ascendant - 1°22
Pluto - Sextile - Ascendant - 4°34
Numbers indicate orb (deviation from the exact aspect angle).
^ tigerrouge, I'm sorry, I'm tired tonight :heart: I see you have Moon in Pisces like me ... no wonder we both are in that advice thread so often ;) It's a lovely placement. I imagine the 12th house adds an interesting twist. And Mars in the 8th :brows:

m&c, your Mars is in Virgo (quite common here--seems to be a fashiony placement) and Pisces in the 8th. I can't say that gets me any closer to understanding your very interesting horoscope--but completely agree it's not negative :flower:

Mine has always been pretty true. Especially being a Leo, I have always been drawn to luxury.

Sun in Leo, Moon in Libra • Ascendant in Virgo, Mercury in the Eleventh House • Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant • Moon in the Second House • Saturn in the Eighth House • Sun in the Eleventh House • Venus in the Twelfth House
wow, i'm really loving this thread...i've always been interested in astrology, but i never realized that there was so much more than just what sign you are, what with the alignment of the planets & all that. i did one of those charts for myself on & omg, it is so accurate! :woot:

my signs are...
sun in cancer, moon in libra
ascendant in saggitarius, jupiter in the seventh house
saturn in the first house
sun in the eigth house
venus in the eigth house
moon in the tenth house
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wow, i'm really loving this thread...i've always been interested in astrology, but i never realized that there was so much more than just what sign you are, what with the alignment of the planets & all that. i did one of those charts for myself on & omg, it is so accurate! :woot:

my signs are...
sun in cancer, moon in libra
ascendant in saggitarius, jupiter in the seventh house
saturn in the first house
sun in the eigth house
venus in the eigth house
moon in the tenth house

Cool, huh? ;)

I notice you have a Virgo influence as well, designerleather ...
Fashionista-ta, can you expand a little more about Virgo, which I guess I have Virgo rising...

A little side not to share to some folks. Back in 1992 I moved to Minnesota to start a company with a friend and really only knew him out there. He was newly married, so can you say I really had to strike out on my own.

Well I started going to some social get togethers, and it was at one of these, a wine tasting that I had a fascinating conversation. This older woman pegged me for a Leo, or more accurately stated something to the extent that "you were born late July or early August". We talked a little, and she pretty much nailed a ton of my personality to a tee without knowing me. I was curious, I gave her my info and she ran a chart for me.

We met up again two weeks later and she went over my chart and some of the up coming things.

At the time realize that I was an accountant by nature (more interested in running business than being a bean counter) was doing the books for the company, selling, trying to get things going, etc.

1) She said that I would be changing careers... Doing something very creative... lots of writing. Well if you have seen my posts, you know I like to write... I am trying to collect my thoughts and write a novel or two that I know are in me, but more closer to the fact, over the next few years, I really transitioned into a programmer as well as then embarked on Web Design in 1994... Coincidence?

2) I would be moving very shorty... In the next few weeks to a couple of months, and I was going to be with a woman, and we would have a long relationship, but it would not be a marriage. This to me was ridiculous because I was not even halfway into a year lease. Well, there was a woman whom I had a crush on at the Sports Bar when I first moved out there, that sort of became acquaintances/friends. She got into dire straights with an obsessive landlord who was a jerk, I had a spare bedroom which was the office for the failing business (starting a high-tech medical sales business when Clinton came into office, because of promise of affecting high-end tax payers and re-doing the health side, was a death knell), she moved in, and within a month, I had broken the lease and we had got a better place south of where we were living.

She became the sister I never had, even though I have two. She has an amazing family, always makes me laugh, and when we get together, people think us mad, because we laugh so much and have such a great time.

Coincidence? Perhaps set self-fulfilling prophecy. The first I can see as just being a Leo and their creative nature... the second? I thought her crazy and all of this a bunch of garbage... No way was I moving with something like 7 months or more on a lease... Then again... What happened was just like she said.
^ I remember when I had Uranus transiting my first house, I was told that I was probably revamping my personal image ... which in fact I was. When you see people like Karl and Marc completely change their looks, I'm certain that that could be seen in their charts.

Anyway, about Virgo ... I think we had a discussion earlier--oh, most of it may be in what was the avant garde thread, and I believe was merged with the eccentric thread ... so you might be able to find it there. (I suppose it should perhaps be moved here ...)

But Virgo seems to be a common thread among people interested in fashion. I have Venus in Virgo (which all the books say is common among fashion designers), but I know of only one other person here who has it (I'm sure there must be others who aren't confessing ... ;)) Only a few sun signs can have that placement, though. But what did seem to be common was Sun, Mercury, and was it Mars? in Virgo.

Anyway, Virgo is about discrimination, as in discriminating, particular taste.

As for your astrologer, my guess would be that she was psychic and using astrology as a jumping off point. I could be wrong, of course, but take the point about a long, significant relationship but not marriage ... it seems like that (the course the relationship would take) would be difficult to determine using just astrology without seeing the other person's chart.
ta-ta reminded me yesterday of this thread, which is fascinating!

Like Hanne (born the day after me) I'm a Leo on the cusp of Virgo, and sometimes I think the latter better describes me.

Sun in Leo, Moon in Aries Ascendant in Virgo, Mercury in the Eleventh House Venus in the Second House Saturn in the Third House Moon in the Seventh House Jupiter Opposition Ascendant Sun in the Twelfth House

Because of the position of the Sun in Leo, which indicates a sense of uniqueness and importance about the self, you will tend to become isolated, not physically but through a self-imposed psychological alienation. (sad, but true :rofl:)

Leo also gives a very highly developed sense of privacy. You want total control of your surroundings and you hate to see things outside your grasp. (I used to always be confused by the descriptions of Leos as showmen since I'm much more shy than that... although the fantasy of attention is probably there :p)

Externally you are seen as an enthusiastic, impulsive, and militant person. You are easily irritated and angered, although not for very long. You know how to forgive easily and to pardon others.

All so true. That bolded bit is hilarious to me, since my mom (who was born two days earlier) is the exact same. Growing up we would have blazing rows, slam a few doors and 5 minutes later arrange to do something together much to the confusion of those around us. In primary school, one boy voted me person most likely to become schizophrenic but I don't quite see that here. :lol:
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^ Since you have Virgo rising in addition to the cusp, Virgo is def going to be a strong influence :flower:

Leo can be OTT, but I've seen even good astrologers get really carried away with their descriptions and caricature the sign. Surely the most extroverted Leo doesn't quite live up to the press. There's definitely a Leo introvert, sometimes described as the shy pussycat. (With teeth, of course ...) :mrgreen:
i've been interested in astrology for a long time. i'm still a little confused by it, and although i think i understand more than the average person i still don't understand a lot. i know my sun is sag, moon pisces, and ascendent is aquarius . . . and although i have a sun sag, and i think i often am a sagittarius to a t, i have a LOT of influence in water, particularly pisces, i think i have three signs in pisces and a two or three in scorpio. anyway, i don't really know how any of this influences my sense of "fashion"

you say, ta-ta, that virgo seems to be a common thread to people influenced in fashion (i know, there are exceptions, but i was just curious) . . . i, however, don't have ANY virgo influences whatsoever in my chart, and furthermore, i don't get along very well with people with those virgoean characteristics. i wouldn't go so far to say i don't get along with virgos, as my dad and godmother are both virgos, but let's just say we butt heads a lot.

so, i'm asking you, what else can influence one's interest or approach to fashion, from an astrological perspective?? if you have any ideas, ta-ta, or anyone else reading this, i'd be fascinated to hear your imput.

my chart is as follows:

Planetary positions
planet sign degree motion
Sun Sagittarius 16°16'13 in house 10 direct
Moon Pisces 20°20'50 in house 1 direct
Mercury Scorpio 28°05'58 in house 9 direct
Venus Scorpio 7°49'30 in house 8 direct
Mars Pisces 8°33'43 in house 1 direct
Jupiter Pisces 14°29'37 in house 1 direct
Saturn Sagittarius 12°40'46 in house 10 direct
Uranus Sagittarius 22°11'24 in house 10 direct
Neptune Capricorn 4°48'49 in house 11 direct
Pluto Scorpio 8°46'29 in house 8 direct
True Node Aries 19°13'09 in house 2 direct

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Aquarius 18°10'56
2nd House Aries 6°39'20
3rd House Taurus 11°37'52
Imum Coeli Gemini 6°25'40
5th House Gemini 27°22'13
6th House Cancer 19°06'36
Descendant Leo 18°10'56
8th House Libra 6°39'20
9th House Scorpio 11°37'52
Medium Coeli Sagittarius 6°25'40
11th House Sagittarius 27°22'13
12th House Capricorn 19°06'36

That profile chose to focus in on these characteristics:
Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Pisces • Ascendant in Aquarius, Uranus in the Tenth House • Moon in the First House • Venus in the Eighth House • Sun in the Tenth House • Saturn in the Tenth House

thanks all, i'll be aruond again sooooon ;)
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^ I'm not sure either, as I'm just a dabbler ;) But I too have Moon in Pisces (widely considered a very nice placement), as does Michelle Obama ...

I also have the Sun in a fire sign, and a combination of fire/water influences in my chart. I find that it makes you a bit conflicted, perhaps, but also stronger ... you have a varied arsenal ;)
it would be interesting to know the specifics in having a Sun in something or Moon in something

here's what I found for Mars (in something):

What makes us tick? What gets us all fired up? What makes us angry, and how do we express that anger? What do we really desire, and how do we go about getting it? The sign position of Mars reveals much about our basic animal nature—our aggressive instincts, our sexuality, and our drive.
^ As I understand it, the Sun is kind of the baseline of your personality, and the Moon is your interior world, emotions, etc. Ascendant is the face you present to the world.
I find this thread to be very interesting.I've noticed that most people I know that have an interest in fashion seem to be Virgos or at least have some kind of assosiation with it.

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Gemini Ascendant in Virgo, Mercury in the Third House Venus in the First House Sun in the Third House Saturn in the Fifth House Moon in the Tenth House

Planetary positions
Sun Scorpio 3°03'42 in house 3 direct Moon Gemini 19°25'28 in house 10 direct Mercury Scorpio 17°42'08 in house 3 direct Venus Virgo 16°41'40 in house 1 direct Mars Scorpio 6°55'52 in house 3 direct Jupiter Virgo 8°38'43 in house 1 direct Saturn Aquarius 0°35'32 in house 5 direct Uranus Capricorn 10°25'51 in house 5 direct Neptune Capricorn 14°14'55 in house 5 direct Pluto Scorpio 19°36'25 in house 3 direct True Node Capricorn 12°16'31 in house 5 retrograde
House positions (Placidus) Ascendant Virgo 2°29'06 2nd House Virgo 26°30'10 3rd House Libra 25°20'27 Imum Coeli Scorpio 28°18'50 5th House Capricorn 2°26'00 6th House Aquarius 4°14'53 Descendant Pisces 2°29'06 8th House Pisces 26°30'10 9th House Aries 25°20'27 Medium Coeli Taurus 28°18'50 11th House Cancer 2°26'00 12th House Leo 4°14'53
So from this it seems I have both the ascendant and Venus in Virgo so that's supposed to be a big creative-artsy influence on me,right?
I also have my sun and three other planets in Scorpio and three in Capricorn.I was wondering what this may mean...also I am a bit worried about the moon in Gemini thing as I've heard many things about Geminis being two-faced and backstabbing.:ninja:

So if anyone could give me a hand explaining things I'd be glad because the horoscope seems to be a little bit contrastring on some points.:shock:

I also find this site( to be pretty good as birthcharts go by I really don't know much about astrology and it seems kinda confusing to tell you the truth.:lol::blush:

I'm sorry if there are any grammatical or syntax mistakes as English is not my first language.:unsure:

Don't worry about the Gemini angel/devil thing ... that is an unevolved Gemini. If you actually notice it in yourself, then you can work on it, but if not, then not to worry :flower:

I have Venus in Virgo, and it basically gives you very discriminating taste, and also makes you independent.

Famous People with Moon in Gemini: Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor, Julianne Moore, Milla Jovovich, Jessica Simpson, Goldie Hawn, Jake Gyllenhaal, Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Connely, Gwyneth Paltrow, Bette Davis, Fred Astaire, Roseanne Barr, Jeff Bridges, Brett Butler, George Carlin, Jason Alexander
Personality Profile: Those with the Moon in Gemini have brightly lit up minds in which the wheels are always turning. For them the world is full of interesting topics to learn and think about, and of course, chat about with others. They’re lively conversationalists, and usually able to find the hilarity in any situation.
This makes them social butterflies, and curious about peoples lives in general. They take in everything that people share, and can become notorious gossips if they pass it on. It’s usually not out of malice, but out of a genuine fascination with the human condition.
The Gemini Moon can find it hard to relax, and even when winding down in the evening may have several conduits of information on at once, such as the TV and radio, all the while surfing the Net. Today’s technology is tailor-made for them, with its short, snippet-style and quick turnaround.
The Moon in Gemini mind needs constant stimulation, and this is how it finds emotional comfort. Ideally, all this information is filtered through, and then redistributed out to the world through their unique gifts. Many are fine writers, artists and comedians, since they’re so tuned in to the peculiarities of their social surroundings.
In romance, the Gemini Moon is an enchanting mate that is also like a fun, child-like friend. Their ideal mate is someone with an adaptable outlook who helps sooth their nervous temperament. In return they offer a relationship that is fresh and always evolving because of their endless search for variety.
I find this thread to be very interesting.I've noticed that most people I know that have an interest in fashion seem to be Virgos or at least have some kind of assosiation with it.
what kind of interest in fashion?
shopping, analysing, designing..?

i have met a couple of Leos who want to be designers but often i can't tell if they do it for love /for themselves or because they want to be famous :blink:or up higher on the status scale (in their terms)
I noticed that a lot of sites say Libras are artistic and have very good since of style..the 1s that I know live up to that..they say we become artist or designers and even musicians and actors
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