Astrology and personal style

one thing's for sure, the common placement in each of my two profiles, it's the sun and virgo :P at the beginning

the others don't match
^ That would be very unusual :huh: Usually it's the majority of the placements that are the same, sometimes it's all of them or all but one. If you want to PM me your info, I'll take a look ...
I'm looking at the symbols when I go to "edit profile"

1.) sun virgo, moon libra, AC cancer 2 degrees
2.) sun virgo, moon scorpio, AC gemini 19 degrees

PM sent :lucky:
^ OK, here you go gius ... as you noted, the Moon changed signs during the day you were born. Everything else stayed the same. You do have a major Virgo influence in your chart ...

Sun in Virgo
Mercury in Virgo
Venus in Leo
Mars in Virgo
Jupiter in Aquarius
Saturn in Scorpio
Uranus in Sagittarius
Neptune in Capricorn
Pluto in Scorpio
all of the bold words are mine? :o haha wow that is a lot of virgo
thank you

do you suggest i just type in ex. "mars in virgo" to google? and see the explanations?
all of the bold words are mine? :o haha wow that is a lot of virgo
thank you

do you suggest i just type in ex. "mars in virgo" to google? and see the explanations?

Yup, all that is yours :wink: Yes, that would be a good way. There used to be a forum called HoroscopeChat with tons of great reference info posted. If they're still around it'll probably come up prominently in your search ...

Mars, for instance, relates to work among other things. So it makes sense that you would be pursuing work that relates to your taste ...

The slow planets at the end, those placements you have in common with your generation.
I can't find out everything about me as I don't know my exact birth date...what I do know is that I am a virgo I wonder what that means in regards to my personal style.

I like black? Hmm..:P
Was HoroscopeChat a msn group? msn forum
If so, yes it has been taken down

Does the number in that they're listed matter?
For example mine , sun in virgo is first out of the three

re: Mars and work
I guess I would say even with clothes there is work for me
I'm not satisfied enough to just buy something but there is work put on top, something altered (or it is completely made from scratch)
I can't find out everything about me as I don't know my exact birth date...what I do know is that I am a virgo I wonder what that means in regards to my personal style.

I like black? Hmm..:P

pucci, we were talking a bit about this in the avant garde thread ... take a look over there. I am not surprised to learn you are a Virgo :wink:
Was HoroscopeChat a msn group? msn forum
If so, yes it has been taken down

Does the number in that they're listed matter?
For example mine , sun in virgo is first out of the three

re: Mars and work
I guess I would say even with clothes there is work for me
I'm not satisfied enough to just buy something but there is work put on top, something altered (or it is completely made from scratch)

Yes, it was an MSN group. Ironically it had a very bad horoscope as the person who originally started it didn't really know anything about astrology :o

Not sure what you mean about the number they're listed in ... Sun is the most important placement. I believe the rest are in order of distance, so the Moon is closest and Pluto furthest ...
Great thread...I run my chart with the help of fashionista-ta:flower::heart:

...but I still can relate it very well with my style...maybe a little more help :blush:...

I see I probably should post some of the results...

Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Cancer
Ascendant in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the Eighth House
Sun in the First House
Saturn in the Second House
Venus in the Third House (You are keenly interested in the creative arts, and your thoughts and words are surrounded by a halo of beauty, taste, and proportion.)
Moon in the Eighth House
Mars Conjunct Ascendant
^ The thing that came to mind for me looking at your chart is you have a very strong Capricorn influence in your chart (I think you have 4 Capricorn placements if I recall?). You mentioned hesitance to dress the way you would really like, and my thought was that this Capricorn influence may be making you care what others think.

It's also interesting that you're a double Sagittarius (which would give you a tendency to be very frank, I also have Sag rising), but with the Moon in Cancer, that would give you a pronounced tendency toward privacy & not revealing yourself, plus you've got fire vs. water tension there as well. (I do too, with Sun in Leo and Moon in Pisces.) I feel that this kind of 'conflict' makes us more complex, but also stronger, because you've got all these different 'weapons' in your arsenal.

I've worked for a Scorpio before, and my natural fiery tendencies weren't really what I needed in that situation. So I drew on my Mars in Scorpio ... I think having a diverse chart like this can perhaps make life a bit difficult as you get a grip on it all, but then it makes it easier for you to 'survive' in different situations and relate to others in a variety of ways.
^^Thank you very Much!!!:flower:

The next time I'll give a s*** whatever others think and wear wathever I want :lol:

Really interesting topic...
Wow, I am shocked how accurate my portrait is :shock: I think it was helpful that I knew my exact birth time (4.44 am)... Hm, maybe I should dress in friendly colors, so people are not intimidated by the sarcastic, morbid, blasphemous me :shifty::mrgreen:

"Sun in Libra, Moon in Scorpio • Ascendant in Virgo, Mercury in the Third House • Sun in the Second House • Venus in the Second House • Moon in the Third House • Saturn in the Fourth House

These astrological positions indicate a clever and shrewd personality. You tend to be aggressive and are often downright blasphemous.(...) You lean toward the darker sides of life, and your imagination can be morbid.(...)You are very attentive to detail and this makes you a good worker, especially so in those jobs that require a great deal of precision and observation. You have a desire for purity and though you don't mind relating to others there is something that you do dislike: continuous intrusion of your privacy. Business and practicality should be very important in your life.
(...)You're basically an intellectual person with a great penetrating power and an exacting need for precise detail. Your weaknesses are tendencies to worry and be preoccupied to excess."

the morbid and dark thing is indeed interesting :smile:
i wonder what that is about..
the morbid and dark thing is indeed interesting :smile:
i wonder what that is about..

here is the whole section:

"These astrological positions indicate a clever and shrewd personality. You tend to be aggressive and are often downright blasphemous. When crossed you wreak revenge in full measure. You relish displaying your wit and knowledge and make a point of telling others of your various successes and victories. These shows of your achievement, however, are to your detriment because they earn you the ill will of others. You lean toward the darker sides of life, and your imagination can be morbid. You are fascinated by the mysterious, malignant forces in the universe. A nocturnal individual, your thoughts often turn to death, finalities, and the mysteries of life after death.
The key to a more harmonious self lies in developing optimism and recognizing the good that exists in the world."

The first association that crossed my mind was: *vampire* - what do you think? Might be that all the talking about Twilight got to my head :lol:

Although I did some more research with my astrological data on hand I haven't found much about style & fashion yet... one thing I can remember from past searches is that libras need to surround themself with aesthetically pleasing things, harmony makes them content (from the same portrait: "Your intellect is very sensitive to external events always changing and adjusting to the situation.").
sounds a bit not-nice horoscope actually :ninja: it does seem to say a negative personality.. but i guess we all have our flaws.

i'd love to know more too
about other places to find out about astrology and personal style
about other sort of 'astrology' or horoscopes

it's interesting when i mix what i've read about astrology with what i am in the chinese zodiac. a bit similar too. they both emphasise work-related attitudes...
gius.. we have Virgo in the same houses - Sun, Mercury and Mars ! :woot: (the rest is completely different tho')

Not loving my ascendant/rising sign - Capricorn

I have 4 signs in my 7th house.. :shock:

As far as I've been able to read ta-ta I was born on a cusp (embodying the qualities of two star signs) in my case just between Leo and Virgo.

When I was a child my horoscope always listed me as a Leo but the slight movement of the planets over the years means that now, whenever I look at a horoscope I'm listed as a Virgo ..:huh:

I don't know if that (the cusp thing) is just a bunch of crock.. but it is strange that the listed star sign for ones birthday changes.. ta-ta?

the site you mention writes the following
In case you are wondering why you are addressed as Virgo in this report: If you had been born 3 hours 57 minutes earlier, you would be the preceding sign Leo. The exact hour at which the sun moves from one sign into the next is different every year.
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Hanne, as far as the cusp, I don't think it's a crock ... your primary Sun sign is still primary (I am definitely a Leo, not a Cancer), but there is an influence that comes from being on the cusp. I once read some really good cusp info (don't remember quite where at this point :huh:), but it said that Cancer-Leo cusps were great cooks and give wonderful gifts and a few other things that were true of me & others I knew on the same cusp.

I would say astro is going to be correct about your Sun sign ... it is definitely taking the exact position of the planets when you were born into account. I believe the cusp is considered 4 days either side, but when you're right on the cusp, sometimes it can be difficult to get accurate info--like not necessarily the dates in the newspaper :innocent:

m&c, sounds like Mars/8th house stuff ... do you mind saying what those placements are? I believe my Mars in Scorpio is in the 8th, and ... let me go check for sure :wink:

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