Astrology and personal style

Well, I see you as potentially being the opposite of MUXU ... with Sun & Moon in Scorpio & Venus in the 12th house of secrets, you probably do not like your clothes to reveal all that much about you. With Cappy rising, I wonder if you sometimes wear earthtones? I suspect you also like to put your best luxurious foot forward ... Capricorns often like having nice things. Some might not care about clothes, it would more be a really nice pen or boat, but since you're here, I imagine you do ;)

What do you think?

Thank you for the reading :blush::flower:

I think the issue is that I love to dress well - but I become so self conscious - because in my circle of friends, and professionally, I am the most fashionable. I love the compliments, but I'm embarrassed too. I do tend to pair earth-tone garments with brighter colours for contrast - because of my complexion I favor brighter hues bordering on pastel.
Lately I've focused on higher quality accessories - eyeglasses, watches, cufflinks, and shoes. My work environment is highly conservative and upon the occasional face to face with clients, subtle accents help me compensate for the restriction I feel at times in my professional wardrobe.
Sun in Taurus
Moon in Leo
Ascendant in Leo
Saturn in the Third House
Sun in the Ninth House
Venus in the Tenth House
Moon in the Twelfth House

That's a heckuva strong Saturn influence you've got there, katherine ;) And also a loaded first house. It's nice that you've got Venus there to lighten things up. Perhaps you have a strong sense of yourself & beauty? You may be quite disciplined about your beauty regimen? Moon in the 8th is also interesting ... we had a discussion of the 8th earlier in the thread.
Can you do mine? I'm #83.

It says " People with Leo in the Ascendant seem to possess a flair for the life of nobility and regality." So maybe it says that I prefer conservative and classic styles which I do?

motion Sun Taurus 0°28'42 in house 9
direct Moon Leo 10°43'00 in house 12
direct Mercury Taurus 20°21'50 in house 10
direct Venus Gemini 9°00'09 in house 10
direct Mars Taurus 11°28'10 in house 9
direct Jupiter Sagittarius 10°01'50 in house 4
retrograde Saturn Scorpio 1°10'23 in house 3
retrograde Uranus Sagittarius 8°31'28 in house 4
retrograde Neptune Sagittarius 29°07'29 in house 5
retrograde Pluto Libra 28°04'40 in house 3 retrograde
True Node Gemini 26°44'14 in house 11 retrograde
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Sun: Scorpio cusp Sagittarius
Rising: Pisces
Venus: Scorpio in house 8 direct
8th House: Scorpio

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces Ascendant in Pisces, Neptune in the Tenth House Moon in the First House Venus in the Eighth House Sun in the Ninth House Saturn in the Ninth House

Ascendant in Pisces, Neptune in 10th House = inconstant, duality/polarity, introverted, subtle, intuitive, emotional
Moon in 1st House = actions ruled over by unstable emotions, extremes, sensitive/empathetic...
Venus in 8th House = favorable financially/romancically, introverted
Sun in 9th House = intellectual, fearless-austere-analytical mind
Saturn in 9th House = cautious, studious, serious, meditative...prone to depression, fear, severity horoscope isn't so positive. i guess this just means i should be aware that i have quite a few negative patterns i should be cognizant of...maybe.

but what does all this say about my style?

i think my conservative/subtle preferences are predicted here.
i suppose i do dress pretty honestly.
but i don't think my style sense is prone to many changes/revolutions (pisces), in fact, i think that my preferences are pretty constant and not influenced so much by others.

so... i'm really curious what the experts in this thread think? :flower:
Just dropped in to say I haven't forgotten about this thread :flower: Just starting to feel human again after a grueling business trip. I'll be back soon with a real reply ;)
Okay, I'm too curious now to pass this up. ta-ta, if you don't mind me asking, what do you think these results say about my style?

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Sagittarius Ascendant in Gemini, Mercury in the Ninth House Moon in the Seventh House Moon Opposition Ascendant Sun in the Ninth House Saturn in the Tenth House Venus in the Eleventh House

I'm going to read up on them myself, but you seem to know quite a bit as well. :)

Well, let's see ... ;)

Your Capricorn steadiness may actually have you wearing Disney in the nursing home, but maybe your Gemini ascendant will moderate that ;) (Gemini being the most mutable (changeable) of signs as the mutable air sign.) It may give you an appetite for change, whereas the Capricorn tendency is perhaps to keep plugging away in one spot.

With your friendly Gemini asc + Venus in the 11th house of friends, you may have a friendly take on fashion ... perhaps you like to wear conversation pieces. And perhaps you like to talk about fashion with a wide variety of people ;)

With your Sun (and Mercury) in the 9th, perhaps you're interested in foreign designers and fashion.

With your Moon in forthright Sagittarius in addition to these other placements, I imagine you have no problem expressing your personal style. IOW, I don't see from these placements that you have anything to hide ... I think your tendency is going to be to just put it out there ;)

What do you think? Tell us about your own analysis if you like ...
Do you do mine please? I don't really understand it.

Well, I think we've talked about the effects of Taurus & Leo before ... as a double Leo that's going to be a strong influence for you, probably muted by the fact that your Moon is in the 12th house of secrets ... I would think this placement would "fight" the Leo flamboyance & make you reluctant to reveal your true self thru your personal style. We've also talked a bit about the 9th house ...

I would say with your Taurus & Leo influences, you have consistent personal style and a strong taste for luxury and "the best" ;)
i'm bumping this thread :meow:

If anyone wants help with your chart, you can PM me your info (birth date, time, place) and I'll tell you if you have any Virgo in your chart.

gius, if you don't have your time, you can run the chart for the beginning & end of the day ... any placements common between the two charts are yours. But Sun in Virgo is certainly a strong Virgo influence ;)

i went to
and created two profiles
as you said, one born midnight and the other at the end of the day

i'm looking at the profiles
and at the top there are symbols. they each have 3 sections
each section has 2 symbols
are these 'sections' called "houses"?

example: 1st House (Ascendant) – The individual personality
Together with the Sun and Moon the ascendant is one of the most important single factors in a horoscope. The sign at the beginning of the first house tells us a lot about someone's personality, temperament and constitution. It typifies our immediate, instinctive reaction and shows how we present ourselves to the world. The planet ruling the ascendant sign is of particular importance for the interpretation.

all of my 3 sections for the 2 profiles
they start with the same symbol
a sun, a moon, and "AC" (i can't find AC in the symbol definitions)...

i'm still trying to find the place where to find the actual "horoscope"
Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Virgo • Ascendant in Pisces, Neptune in the Eleventh House • Moon in the Seventh House • Sun in the Eighth House • Venus in the Eighth House • Saturn in the Eleventh House

Pretty scary how accurate it read my personality and hidden feelings.
"Generally, you have inclinations and tendencies for the following: professions dealing with occult matter or mediumships, religion, seafaring, acting, psychometry, clairvoyance, painting, poetry, mysticism, and espionage." :lol:
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i'm bumping this thread :meow:

i went to
and created two profiles
as you said, one born midnight and the other at the end of the day

i'm looking at the profiles
and at the top there are symbols. they each have 3 sections
each section has 2 symbols
are these 'sections' called "houses"?

example: 1st House (Ascendant) – The individual personality
Together with the Sun and Moon the ascendant is one of the most important single factors in a horoscope. The sign at the beginning of the first house tells us a lot about someone's personality, temperament and constitution. It typifies our immediate, instinctive reaction and shows how we present ourselves to the world. The planet ruling the ascendant sign is of particular importance for the interpretation.

all of my 3 sections for the 2 profiles
they start with the same symbol
a sun, a moon, and "AC" (i can't find AC in the symbol definitions)...

i'm still trying to find the place where to find the actual "horoscope"

I assume that's Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (the Ascendant you can't get without your birth time), generally considered the three most important placements. Your mom should remember about when it was ;)

I believe what you want is the Personal Profile link ... do you see something like that? Scroll to the bottom for the list of placements.

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