Christian Lacroix Haute Couture F/W 09.10 Paris

Is is beauiful but where is the lacroix that is bright an optimistic. This is a bit of a let down.
I do truly love this collection. It is so wearable, yet stunning enough to be couture. I kind of like the darkness aspect, the lack of colour - although, it does kind of feel like a symbolic ending. I sincerely hope this is not his last collection, he is so, so talented it would be terrible to see it go to waste. I really hope if there are no other offers he accepts the one that client put forward.
maybe its because I love dark colors but I thought this collection was the most creative next to Givenchy
appropriately, lacroix marked the death of his house with a flock of the most funereael and serious black ensembles he could put together. i pray that someone rescues him to bring life back to his house and color back to his catwalk.

if there's one trend i see developing on the couture catwalks that we've already seen starting in the ready to wear is that we're entering truly black times.
Fabulous! I really love it.
Such a pity it was too small.
Guys this is even better in HQ (

You can put it as your desktop background :lol:
what an emotional moment! i need time to look at all the details, every suit, every skirt! beyond! let's just pray this isn't goodbye
You can put it as your desktop background :lol:

Haha, totally did it.
This collection is so brilliantly heartbreaking.
It's like attending a funeral of a truly beloved person who has passed away too soon. Someone who has always been vibrant and full of life. You know the one would not have wanted all of the guests to be dressed in black and with serious faces, but you feel like it's the only appropriate way to say goodbye. To express your inner deep sadness.
Christian, don't do this to me! Let's hope somebody at this funeral carries a defibrillator!
^ Im glad Im not the only one he feel like that (so much drama)
there is something incredibly pure about this "free" collection, some sort of liberty from money and other domination. this shows that lacroix is a ture couture-artist!

the raw aesthetic of the location, obviously different from the usual lacrox couture setting, made this collection, together with the slightly gloomy clothes, very modern and relevant.

hope it won't be the last for him.
i was expecting a bit more .... but i think this collection will sell better for its wearability ... which is good cuz lacroix kinda needs the money now to rebuild his empire? ....
I know this is not an usual Lacroix collection, but I absolutely adore it. I do not know if I'm putting my emotionality here but while I was watching this collection my eyes started to blur. Lacroix is such an inspirational and talented artist and I really, really hope that this is not his last collection, because it would be such a major pity.
I loved how he used black and made things wearable, and at the same time you can still recognize that this is Lacroix.
Christian Lacroix Forever
there is something incredibly pure about this "free" collection, some sort of liberty from money and other domination. this shows that lacroix is a ture couture-artist!

the raw aesthetic of the location, obviously different from the usual lacrox couture setting, made this collection, together with the slightly gloomy clothes, very modern and relevant.

hope it won't be the last for him.
You took the thoughts right out of my head and wrote them down perfectly.:heart:
You can put it as your desktop background :lol:

I did!

I think this collection is amazing, because even with all the constraints he obviously he had when making it, well it was still magnificent. It's wearable, which is maybe a good thing, yet every piece still contains the essence of what he represents as a designer and I love it. Many of these pieces in my opinion are masterpieces, more subtle than his usual works, but masterpieces nonetheless.

This collection made me cry. I remember when I was 14 (which wasn't really that long ago, but still) and we had to do a project for French class on what we thought was the best aspect of French culture and I did it on Christian Lacroix and I still think he is. I really hope it isn't the end, because he has so much more to offer.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
omg it's so weird to see an all-black lacroix collection :S. Although I was expecting way much more for this collection I think it's a nice one.

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