Cleaning out your closet

Yeah, when I moved I threw away all my random plasic hammers and got some simple wooden ones at Ikea. Looks much better!
^I did that as well... it looks so much neater. And instead of focusing on the hangers, I focus on the clothes.
Though they do take up more space than the white plastic ones. But I can live with that.
Ikea has great stuff to organize closets with, and affordable too. (no, i do not work there :lol:).
im thinking about getting just one type of hanger and dumping the mismatched hangers i have. has anyone else done that?

I did this and it made a big difference in the way my wardrobe looks. IMO it always looks better with better hangers. Gives it a more uniform & organised look. ^_^
Hi, new to this thread.
I really need to clean out my closet. I really only wear about 1/3rd of what I own, my daily uniform is black jeans, button down, cardigan, but for every outfit like that, I have racks of dresses that I just cannot part with, either their some kind of 'pristine vintage' whatever, or is from a great label. I have nowhere to wear these things, and on top of that. I don't really cycle through my basics a lot. I think I could really cut down there - I have a washing machine in my apartment, so I usually just wash the same 3 things and wear them constantly. :doh:
I've read all the way through this thread now, though I got to page 3 and just couldnt keep reading until I'd combed through my wardrobe and drawers again haha.
I regularly detox my wardrobe, but still somehow end up keeping stuff that I've had for several years which I know I will either never wear or don't even like any more. I'm 20 now, just coming into my final year at uni, and have (or I should say 'had') so much stuff that's just completely not me anymore. It got so frustrating to gaze into my cupboard and have so many clothes yet nothing I wanted to wear. So this time I took it a lot more seriously and threw out the real bad stuff, bagged a load up for charity, and stuck a ton on ebay. Someone earlier mentioned sticking everything up starting at $1 or something, which is what I've done with most of it (unless its more special) just so it's gone at least and the amount of stuff I have on there it will add up nicely.
Anyway, rambling. Just went through all my make-up too and threw out the ridiculous shades of eyeliner and nails varnish (green nails and turquoise eyes anyone?) that I've kept hold of in case I had some crazy party/fancy dress thing... No! Gone! And chucked loads of cheap jewellery out too which I've been building up over the years, thanks to the likes of Topshop.
This thread has inspired me to do this in all aspects though so I'm working on everything bit by bit. I need to organise and file all of my bank statements/payslips/uni feedback/receipts etc.
Oh I pulled a load of crappy 'chick lit' books off my shelf to that have been given to me and I've never read and never intend to. They'll be gone soon.
Basically, I'm trying to strip everything down back to basics, I have too much 'crap' basically, noone needs this much stuff, and most of it isn't 'me' anyway. This whole thing is SO refreshing :)
Maybe I need to learn to not clutter up my replies on tfs next... :lol:
^^given to friends who will love them? i hope.. :p

i gave away a navy blazer from urban outfitters this week...
just came to the conclusion that i have 2 other navy blazers (one zara, the other jean's paul gaultier) that i decided i would ALWAYS choose over that one so it was clearly time for it to give up its hanging space in my closet.

it's always a small victory for me when i'm able to part with something :p
i think i easily get emotionally attached to my clothing...
am hoping i'll be able to do a little purging some time soon though...

yep- they went to good homes and now another pair of 'never worn' boots has a new home as well...

because i have an emotional attachment to my things...
it makes me feel better to give things to someone who i know will appreciate them as much as i do...

i also have all one kind of hanger...
i have the same kind they have in stores- the clear plastic ones...
it does make it easier to see the clothes...
that is why at magazines and stores they do this...
i recommend it highly...

i want to buy a spring trench...but i have another coat that i will never wear by the same label...
and i want to get rid of that one first, before i bring the new one home...
it's a thing i'm trying to do...
but it's hard!
^^i know what you mean! it's nice to maintain some sort of connection when you've become attached :p
even if the item no longer officially belongs to you...
My plan is to kind of just not replace things as they become too worn out, and pare my wardrobe down to a few nice basics, and some really stunning 'statement' things or whatever.
I really want to clean out my closet and start building it again. But the problem is that over a third of it is other family members stuff being stored in mine. Any tips on encouraging someone else condense their wardrobe for the flow on effect:shifty: It really is an eyesore seeing a wardrobe filled with clothes and most of it untouched either because its not yours or its the wrong season etc.
^ nicely let them know that you are cleaning out your closet and would appreciate if they can take their clothes. or you can nicely fold and store them in a bin and take it to them.

I don't like to share closet space. I myself am also in a perpetual state of clearing out my closet. it's amazing to find clothes I wore in hs still being stored somewhere deep in my closet. I'm finding that at this moment, I am able to let go of older stuff without much care. and also the clothes I do buy, I'm trying to buy quality stuff, no more cheaply made items.
my closet is completely jammed. :unsure:

im thinking about getting just one type of hanger and dumping the mismatched hangers i have. has anyone else done that?

Yes, i did that not so long ago, mine are all now on wooden hangers and i find they support the shoulders alot more on jackets and coats and are alot more durable.
Ive started pulling out the summer clothes I really do not like. They're going on a giant trashbag, and once the bag is deemed full enough by me, posting it on Freecycle so someone who needs them can come take it away.
I'm currently cleaning out my closet and while it's a lot of work, it's so refreshing. I did a major cull two years ago and a minor one in 2010. Can't believe I'm doing it again lol! I'm jotting it down, see below, as I progress ... still some more work to do.
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I need to clean out my closet but I simply don't know where to start. Meanwhile the clothes just heaps up all over my bedroom... :ninja: :unsure:
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^ I'd set out and afternoon or whole day dedicated to this if you know there is a lot to go through. Start in a small section like a draw or a rack. Just focus on that one section and nit pick at what you you're going to keep. How you decide this really depends on your budget, how much you need to get rid of etc. just remember don't be too lenient otherwise all you'll end up doing is re-shuffel your closet whilst making it neater. After this you might just become motivated to do the rest when you see what you've achieved or have at least got yourself into a rhythm.
I'm currently cleaning out my closet and while it's a lot of work, it's so refreshing. I did a major cull two years ago and a minor one in 2010. Can't believe I'm doing it again lol! I'm jotting it down, see below, as I progress ... still some more work to do.

I love your closet, it's amazing!
La Vanguardia, can you go more into detail about your shoe storage? what other ideas did you discard before the ikea storage containers? we want to know more!:flower:
^ I used to have the high Billy bookshelves with glass/wooden frame doors as shoe storage in my old closet. I really liked them. Now that I'm moving my closet to the attic, I needed low cabinets. The low Billy would have fit, but, unfortunately, they didn't make the glass with wooden frame doors anymore for this height here. They only had the glass doors with aluminum frame but they're not my style.

My criteria was really finding low cabinets with glass/wooden doors and not super deep. I didn't search outside of IKEA as where I live, there isn't really anything much cheaper than IKEA. The Besta is really a fabulous shelving unit as it has different heights and widths.
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