Israel’s militaristic rightwing maneuvering is and always will be a severe thorn to overlook. However, within the context of their conflict within the region that god knows how long will continue, it’s as understandable [..]
Shouldn't that explain Hamas as well? it's a recurrent cycle in any society that goes through hardship: prolong it and stress its foundation enough and it will fall into anomie, which shows its face in deviance (extremism, brutality). Not unlike the trajectory of Al Qaeda, E.T.A., KLA, FARC, France's Reign of Terror: noble origins [they do not own], absolutely valid points.... f*cking horrific strategies.
The Invasion of Iraq really marked my formative years because I am zero susceptible to this-or-that mentality. Saying I'm 'Anti-American' because I'm against the invasion of a country over 'rumored' weapons doesn't make me think '
oh no, I guess I am!'. I was fortunate to not attend any school system that relies on multiple choice tests with 'incorrect' and 'correct' answers at any point in my life, so not really wired to that. Most of the time a social issue is an open question that demands critical thinking
and open answers. From this side, finding it scandalous that someone would be short-sighted enough to confuse criticism with Islamophobia is no different than someone equating the condemnation of a state as 'antisemitism'. Same rhetoric.
There might be a cultural barrier at play here. I did not grow up in an imperialist country. I truly never
ever think of freedom or sovereignty as conditional, as something that a foreigner should manage for you depending on what you plan to do with it. There's a sense of heartbreak for me when I think of Afghanistan, and also huge relief to know they're no longer occupied. Is the Taliban good? f*ck no!, you and I would be stoned to death there, but every nation should be entitled to their own development stages with no intervention. Do they have a big f*cking problem? yeah, and it is all theirs and for them to solve. Supporting freedom doesn't mean you have expectations on their ability to manage that freedom. They won't pick
any progressive agenda because that is not where they're at or where they will be any time soon and that's okay, it doesn't mean they deserve less freedom to make and learn from their mistakes.
Back to our girl Samira, that IG is 99% work, she uses it for profit. It is not her personal, private account. What compelled her to join such a hot topic publicly is beyond me. It's as insane as me interrupting a meeting at work like
'so you know.. believing in god is laughable and I'm surprised you can even function at your job while still adhering to Dark Ages garbage that only emerged because formal education was not for everyone'. Like ??. Why on earth would I say something I
truly believe in but that is also deeply offensive and WILL rightfully make others uncomfortable? and why oh why would I go straight into the absolute worst topics you don't bring up at a large family gathering let alone at work: politics and religion. That's the stuff you talk about with friends!. Unless you work or have some affiliation to a political or religious organization, you have
no business opening that can of worms. The only thing you will 100% accomplish is inserting your dumb and inconsequential product into this perverted game of divisiveness that politicians and armament manufacturers want us to be a part of. Whoever was thinking of Harper's Bazaar as the magazine that will for sure have
that Philo bag at the end of the month, is now thinking of Bazaar as
'the magazine led by that anti-something person'. It's completely unnecessary. It doesn't mean fashion peeps shouldn't have an opinion, they better do!, but do not package your politics into your product, I'm not an idiot, I don't need Harper's Bazaar to grab my hand and walk me through politics, and this goes also for Vogue, which does it infinitely worse. I've seen some of these issues of Vogue from the late 1930s-early 1940s, and they cover the war, you may see some outrageous sentence here and there but most of the time, you just know that these people knew the place of fashion and were humble and okay with that, they knew fashion is not saving lives and that the best it could do was to nurture resilience.
Finally.. Haz.. I don't like
anyone who steals my job of debating with Phuel
, but his only violation was matching the energy! lol 'witless, careless, uneducated, ignorant, silly people' to address opposite views.. I mean... I don't take offense because.. witless, careless, uneducated, ignorant and silly is
all I want to be if I wake up in troll mode
... but for sane, non-unhinged people it's 5 insults in one shot.