Designer & Fashion Insiders Behavior (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

Not that I wish harm on anyone, but I hope that if she is replaced it will be by someone who does a good job... I'm even in favor of bringing Glenda back and saying that it was all just a misunderstanding!
^^^ Also curious... But likely some witless, careless, uneducated, ignorant Leftist propaganda ending with #FreePalastine nonsense. Because it’s as simple as that. There’s a local MPP posting disrespectful nonsense even calling the Israeli state as “apartheid”. I wonder if these silly people in their plush lives understand that given the chance, Hamas-elected Palestine would have women stripped off any civil rights, let alone be in government office. And the “free Palestine” protests in the Western world is surprise surprise, boys-dominated. So all the ignorant gheyz supporting and encouraging “free Palestine” would be discarded alongside women as second-class property— if they’re lucky, but likely executed under Islamic Fundamentalist laws with Hamas. Yeah, keep supporting barbaric terrorists Hamas and keep condemning Israel that would actually protect your rights.
I wonder if Gabriella Karefa-Johnson has gotten any blowback, professionally, from her many statements on the situation.
Oh boy ... I mean it's inhumane to do that but definitely not the most inhumane thing we have seen since Saturday :(
She got backlash for condemning a war crime? Everyone is being so ridiculous.
I wish people in entertainment and fashion wouldn’t get involved in politics. There have been a lot of stupid and careless posts all over social media from celebrities from both sides. If they are going to speak up they have to mean it. So many people are withdrawing their statements and “apologizing”. They all wanted to post to avoid backlash but they’re just getting more backlash because they have no idea what they’re posting about.
Seriously tho... If you want to say something you believe in, mean what you say. All I see all day is declarations of vibes based on vibes. No one with integrity. So much chaos and confusion. Twilight zone sh*t.
Seriously tho... If you want to say something you believe in, mean what you say. All I see all day is declarations of vibes based on vibes. No one with integrity. So much chaos and confusion. Twilight zone sh*t.
50% of Europe's bigger luxury brands are split between two French conglomerates. This is the Twilight Zone.
Oh boy ... I mean it's inhumane to do that but definitely not the most inhumane thing we have seen since Saturday :(

If that's all she posted-- and I asbsolutely disagree with it, she shouldn't need to apologize. It's embarrassingly-- and hilariously living-in-my-ivory-tower sort of reaction in believing that having no water and electricity is the "most inhumane thing I've seen in my life", but that's to be expected from many in the West and their concept of "inhumane".

Perhaps if her and the others posting soundbites would take that time to learn/remember/research a tad more of the history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that's sadly showing no resolution even after over a century, they'd be less inclined to judge Israel with politics-for-dummies optics.
50% of Europe's bigger luxury brands are split between two French conglomerates. This is the Twilight Zone.

now that IS a problem you can help fix by texting from your $50k couch! :dizzystar:

Seriously tho... If you want to say something you believe in, mean what you say. All I see all day is declarations of vibes based on vibes. No one with integrity. So much chaos and confusion. Twilight zone sh*t.
It's beyond me why someone, with enough fame and exposure, would feel the need to join the debate. Who gives a s*it. It's political. You have Israel's far right getting a tiny little taste of its own soup and the US sponsoring a 'response', and no one can do much. It's not like the Israelis will be like 'omg I heard Samira from this fashion magazine called Harper's Bazaar is opposed to what we're doing, we should probably stop, guys!'

This whole consumerist mindset of 'tell me exactly where DORITOS stands on this debate, I need to know NOW before I buy it!!!' is so repulsive on all sides.. Doritos for caving in and the delusional consumer thinking they're exercising some kind of power through short-term purchases, but avoiding questions on long-term investments with political connections far worse than Doritos yaying or naying a situation 8 time zones away.

Honestly, if your neighbor across the street is dealing with a violent squatter and they get into some crazy fights every now and then, and you happen to have helped the squatter move in/change the locks, but you're also dealing with your own domestic violence originated from handing out money to every squatter under this idea that you can manipulate who will live where, you need to own up to your contribution to this issue and fix the problem. Start small, start from the most pressing issue that is inexplicably ignored: facilities outside US jurisdiction that are yet to be turned into "countries" (and legitimized by those you bribe), and that are still used to brutalize and torture people. There are still prisoners without a charge in Gitmo, people who were kidnapped because someone who barely graduated high school assumed that kidnapping a specific person would make the real 'criminal' turn himself in. Some of them can't even stand trial because they're that f*cked up from sexual abuse, from being confined to tiny boxes with insects, from having their nails pulled, getting drowned, it's been 22 years of that and the gang that runs this country still thinks it's okay to keep them there. Why is no one making cute instagram stories on that? does it require more effort since it's internal and you'd need to get off the couch and act on your activism?. It may sound like whataboutism but these operations abroad are literally how this whole debacle started and it's now way out of hand so maybe fixing what's still fixable could prevent s*it shows like this in 100 years time.
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^^^ Unlike Doritos, it’s understandable why Samira’s voiced her sympathy for the Palestinian civilians. If her conviction is sincere, she ought to have a right to post her concerns, even if they may upset the opposition: She needs to explain her voice rather than immediately apologize. If you can’t/won’t take the heat and value your job/status quo more than your convictions, then perhaps yes— don’t bother with having a political voice, and stick with posting that “cute” Phoebe Philo bag dropping at the end of the month. Fashion people having a political opinion— as cringe as it may seem at times (most), is still a tad better of a direction than the attitude of oh-nos-what-designer-will-I-wear-to-the-apocalypse while the world is burning. However, having an opinion that isn’t of the current hivemind mobset would be a welcome amongst these fashion people. Unfortunately, condemning Israel while not condemning Hamas seems the predictable trajectory of their hivemind. I don’t disagree with you that Israel’s militaristic rightwing maneuvering is and always will be a severe thorn to overlook. However, within the context of their conflict within the region that god knows how long will continue, it’s as understandable as Samira being supportive of Palestine.

Have to wonder tho: Why are Palestinians in the West not protesting against Hamas??? Has Samira been as pointed towards Hamas as she’s been to Israel…??? Unless they also support Hamas— including all the Muslim boys in Western countries out “protesting”— but really openly being anti-Israel…??? The Iranians living in the heart of darkness Iran have far far far more to lose facing against their terrorist-government with their pro-democracy protests. People supporting the Iranian dissidents do not support Iran (as anyone that values democracy would). That’s the different between these pro-Palestine protests and the Iranian pro-democracy movement in the West: One is not supporting democracy. One is supporting Palestine to overthrow Israel—without a hint of condemning Hamas, of which unfortunately has been the constant going back over a century (and that’s putting it in politics-for-dummies form). And when some Western pro-Palestine protests reveal the hostility, the hatred seething in these boys (and it’s usually male-dominated), that’s more than enough to show their end goal. And burning the Israeli flag just confirms the cherry on top of their anti-Israel/antisemite motive. Had Israelis/Jews protest with burning the Palestinian flag, the hypocritical outcries of Islamophobia would be expectedly cringe level. Do some people really believe having a critical opinion of these types is anyway being anti-Islam-- or for one hot second that these types would support LGBT equality (LOL), when they didn't even treat refugee Muslims from neighbouring regions by denying them Palestinian citizenship, with anything but disdain??? (LMFAO at the delusion of these people, like that person who thinks TFS is garbage socials where he can lie about anything, insult at will— and say nothing when confronted with such lies. Sort of unfortunate the good mods have deleted his post, because it’s rather hilarious and unhinged. )
Fashion editors or anyone in the industry should refrain from their unsolicited opinions regarding an issue that dates back to the 1900's. Nobody wants it, especially from an industry associated with affluence and indulgence. Politicians will do as they please and will find an editor's (or anyone in the industry) input feeble or unnecessary noise.

We are unbound and cannot interfere or meddle in an aftereffect when both sides are accountable to a polarizing degree.

Fugit Inreparabile Tempu

Time will pass, this is a historical fallout that is inevitable.
Israel’s militaristic rightwing maneuvering is and always will be a severe thorn to overlook. However, within the context of their conflict within the region that god knows how long will continue, it’s as understandable [..]
Shouldn't that explain Hamas as well? it's a recurrent cycle in any society that goes through hardship: prolong it and stress its foundation enough and it will fall into anomie, which shows its face in deviance (extremism, brutality). Not unlike the trajectory of Al Qaeda, E.T.A., KLA, FARC, France's Reign of Terror: noble origins [they do not own], absolutely valid points.... f*cking horrific strategies. :grinningwsweat:

The Invasion of Iraq really marked my formative years because I am zero susceptible to this-or-that mentality. Saying I'm 'Anti-American' because I'm against the invasion of a country over 'rumored' weapons doesn't make me think 'oh no, I guess I am!'. I was fortunate to not attend any school system that relies on multiple choice tests with 'incorrect' and 'correct' answers at any point in my life, so not really wired to that. Most of the time a social issue is an open question that demands critical thinking and open answers. From this side, finding it scandalous that someone would be short-sighted enough to confuse criticism with Islamophobia is no different than someone equating the condemnation of a state as 'antisemitism'. Same rhetoric.

There might be a cultural barrier at play here. I did not grow up in an imperialist country. I truly never ever think of freedom or sovereignty as conditional, as something that a foreigner should manage for you depending on what you plan to do with it. There's a sense of heartbreak for me when I think of Afghanistan, and also huge relief to know they're no longer occupied. Is the Taliban good? f*ck no!, you and I would be stoned to death there, but every nation should be entitled to their own development stages with no intervention. Do they have a big f*cking problem? yeah, and it is all theirs and for them to solve. Supporting freedom doesn't mean you have expectations on their ability to manage that freedom. They won't pick any progressive agenda because that is not where they're at or where they will be any time soon and that's okay, it doesn't mean they deserve less freedom to make and learn from their mistakes.

Back to our girl Samira, that IG is 99% work, she uses it for profit. It is not her personal, private account. What compelled her to join such a hot topic publicly is beyond me. It's as insane as me interrupting a meeting at work like 'so you know.. believing in god is laughable and I'm surprised you can even function at your job while still adhering to Dark Ages garbage that only emerged because formal education was not for everyone'. Like ??. Why on earth would I say something I truly believe in but that is also deeply offensive and WILL rightfully make others uncomfortable? and why oh why would I go straight into the absolute worst topics you don't bring up at a large family gathering let alone at work: politics and religion. That's the stuff you talk about with friends!. Unless you work or have some affiliation to a political or religious organization, you have no business opening that can of worms. The only thing you will 100% accomplish is inserting your dumb and inconsequential product into this perverted game of divisiveness that politicians and armament manufacturers want us to be a part of. Whoever was thinking of Harper's Bazaar as the magazine that will for sure have that Philo bag at the end of the month, is now thinking of Bazaar as 'the magazine led by that anti-something person'. It's completely unnecessary. It doesn't mean fashion peeps shouldn't have an opinion, they better do!, but do not package your politics into your product, I'm not an idiot, I don't need Harper's Bazaar to grab my hand and walk me through politics, and this goes also for Vogue, which does it infinitely worse. I've seen some of these issues of Vogue from the late 1930s-early 1940s, and they cover the war, you may see some outrageous sentence here and there but most of the time, you just know that these people knew the place of fashion and were humble and okay with that, they knew fashion is not saving lives and that the best it could do was to nurture resilience.

Finally.. Haz.. I don't like anyone who steals my job of debating with Phuel :rofllaughing:, but his only violation was matching the energy! lol 'witless, careless, uneducated, ignorant, silly people' to address opposite views.. I mean... I don't take offense because.. witless, careless, uneducated, ignorant and silly is all I want to be if I wake up in troll mode :smilingwtear:... but for sane, non-unhinged people it's 5 insults in one shot.
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It's sad how the fashion industry has become a real circus...

I just watched a clip from a Kardashian show and in it was Daniel Roseberry at the Schiaparelli atelier, where obviously Kim makes some fittings for a dress and her daughter says the pearls look fake and the dress is something worthy of ONE DOLLAR stores... This designer need to have his work depreciated in this way to generate minimal buzz for the brand? They created a monster by giving space to people like this, now they get what they deserve. In Kim's own words: "TRAGIC"!

PS: Kim even adds that her daughter has already done the same to John Galliano.
It's sad how the fashion industry has become a real circus...

I just watched a clip from a Kardashian show and in it was Daniel Roseberry at the Schiaparelli atelier, where obviously Kim makes some fittings for a dress and her daughter says the pearls look fake and the dress is something worthy of ONE DOLLAR stores... This designer need to have his work depreciated in this way to generate minimal buzz for the brand? They created a monster by giving space to people like this, now they get what they deserve. In Kim's own words: "TRAGIC"!

PS: Kim even adds that her daughter has already done the same to John Galliano.
Honestly, the Belgian model seems more and more appealing everyday...
It's sad how the fashion industry has become a real circus...

I just watched a clip from a Kardashian show and in it was Daniel Roseberry at the Schiaparelli atelier, where obviously Kim makes some fittings for a dress and her daughter says the pearls look fake and the dress is something worthy of ONE DOLLAR stores... This designer need to have his work depreciated in this way to generate minimal buzz for the brand? They created a monster by giving space to people like this, now they get what they deserve. In Kim's own words: "TRAGIC"!

PS: Kim even adds that her daughter has already done the same to John Galliano.
Ah so it was him.
I was browsing the explorer page on Instagram when i saw the beginning of the video but quickly scrolled because i thought it was embarrassing.
I remember years ago when I had a tv and satellite (lol), the Kardashians were always on E! and I don't recall ever seeing a full episode because it always grossed me out a) the way they looked (just so trashy- this is before their high fashion-ization), b) what they always seemed to be eating lol, and c) the way they talked to people in service, behaved in public spaces and particularly the way they talked to each other, especially their mother.. in this way that is rather common in the US where you hear kids being like 'oh my god mom, you're SO cringe, that is LITERALLY the dumbest thing you've ever said!' and even hitting their parents. So not really surprised the deranged dad and Kim feel like continuing that pattern of poor parenting.. I'm sure designers deal with worse (that job is basically catering to rich people and 'rich people' is an umbrella for a gigantic group ranging from old families, some self-made lawyer, to escorts, oligarchs and cartel members really)... but still, that would not fly with anyone committed to being a good parent. I cannot imagine being allowed, as a child, to degrade someone's work without being severely scolded and like I'd continue munching my salad as my daughter says 'that looks from the dollar store' to a designer.. that is not an opinion, that is rude and if you can't correct rudeness as a parent, then you're helpless and watch society correct them the hard way in a few years...

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