Dior Homme

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I believe those white jeans were $330...$330 or $350 don't remember something like that. Wait I actually think I saw them at Saks for $310.
Baizilla said:
hehe.. how tall are you??
187cm and I have pretty long arms :(
It feels like the chothes are made for guys that is 170-180cm....
Medium was waaay to short for me and large had allmost the same lenght but was to big over the waist, to small shoulders and short armlenght. :angry:
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those were 310 at all the stores, maybe cept jeffrey they mark up like 5 bucks. and the material is more stiff and sturdy, and has a tighter fit then the blue jeans. the ones in the pic look huge, what size r they
chris_daka said:
does anyone know how much these jeans sold for, and how they fit? :)
HauteFashion said:
This collection is horrendously overrated, its appeal is beyond me...skin tight "skinny" jeans, hats reminicent of a fallen rock and roll junkie and insanley narrow suspenders dont seem to inspire me at all. Contrary to giving me inspiration.. it makes me question the masculinity of mens fashion. Male fashion should not only be for gay men. It should beintended for men that are real men and have a preferance in basics, comfortable clothing and casual garments to wear, with of course, the occasional eccentric peice to intrest their ladies.

Hedi has stated in past interviews that he believes masculintiy is all in your head and I guess its aparent in his collection. I do find there are certain elements that can be considered feminine, but I wouldn't call it a gay man look just because the sillouhette is slim. I think wanting his collections to be marketed towards a "real man" that wants basics is defeating the purpose of having a target customer that resembles the brands ideal sillouhette.
mouko's post was on point. Not to mention I don't think that collection is inspired by a particularly "gay" theme, i think he was more trying to capture the mod look of the British rock scene.
anyways theres been all this talka bout sizing increases. however i met this guy while at work and he had on this jacket(see pic below) from strip. i talked to him for a bit and he let me try it on, it was a 50. it was absolutely huge, it was on par of the sizing on current seasons, it may have even felt larger. Also the leather, id idnt really feel any difference in quality from my SS 05 one, they both felt liek the same butter soft leather. jacket was cool though, it had zip off detachable sleeves, and he said it cost around 6,000 dollars can anyone confirm this?
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EdK said:
those were 310 at all the stores, maybe cept jeffrey they mark up like 5 bucks. and the material is more stiff and sturdy, and has a tighter fit then the blue jeans. the ones in the pic look huge, what size r they

they're size 33 - I wasn't sure if they ran small or not. thanks for the info :D
Edk, what is a reasonable price to pay for those on ebay?

thanks very much :)
^Around $275 probably.
haruki said:
My best estimate, but pretty close don't you think?
No. And while internet statistics don't necessarily reflect much of anything, it seems that most guys who frequent this thread and the MSN forum are straight. And yes, many are Asian, though I'm not.

Anyhow...my jeans from Strip came today, and they're my favorite jeans now. F*cking amazing. The color(s) are great; they look kinda grey from a distance, then you see touches of light blue, a wash of brown here and there...they even have a silvery shimmer in some lights. Right now I'm in a basement with nothing but yellowy artificial light, and they look like a subtle dull shimmery gold in spots! Amazing...hehe. They also look a bit "rubbery". I'm wearing my brown F/W 05 eyelet runway belt with them, and it brings out the brown tone and looks amazing. These jeans will lend themselves to a much larger variety of outfits than I originally guessed. And they certainly don't just look "dirty" in person. What else...across between the denim's thickness and the finishing, they're very heavy. The creasing everywhere is done perfectly. Nice subtle claw-marking on the knee, too. And I definitely didn't have to worry about a size 27, 17 cm being too small; they're not at all like the destroyed jeans, thank God. I think the waist measures about a 29 or maybe even 30, and the leg isn't too tight at all. Anyway, everyone should buy a pair. :lol:

I'd say they look better on me than these coated ones do on this guy. I've always thought this outfit looked pretty ridiculous, though. :p

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AlexN said:
I'd say they look better on me than these coated ones do on this guy.

That's not a nice thing to say!! :lol: Well obviously you are a Dior Homme model..... ..... so...... ;)

Looks like you are more than please with your purchase AlexN, good for you...... those jeans look pretty awesome in my opinion!
maybe 200-250, theyre great jeans prolly my fav dior homme jeans
chris_daka said:
they're size 33 - I wasn't sure if they ran small or not. thanks for the info :D
Edk, what is a reasonable price to pay for those on ebay?

thanks very much :)
travis_nw8 said:
why are dior homme fans so posessive?
i can understand after the fuss over luster but its now just a standard fashion brand...

:rofl:....... that comment just made my day!!!! :flower:
pbtvan said:
Anyone notice on the yoox search results there was a 3/4 length black wool jacket in three sizes, 38 thru 42, but the record itself indicated it was sold out. Assmuming this was a glitch because I check the site fairly often and had not come across that item. Also, yoox has weird pricing sometimes and the synthetic winter jacket from Luster seems like a case it point. Basically the same as the cotton one listed in the same size, but less than 1/3 the price at 468.00, a steal for that particular jacket. Or maybe that listing is also a mistake.
Yeah, that jacket price was weird. Could have been a misprint. About the 3/4 wool...they probably really did just sell out of them. People like me check the site constantly and just snatch stuff up. Happens all the time. Gotta be quick! ^_^
EdK said:
maybe 200-250, theyre great jeans prolly my fav dior homme jeans

cool, thanks :)

i normally wear 32-34 depending on the cut.. was the waist on these jeans pretty true to size? or did the waist run larger than the tag says?

thanks a lot for my annoying questions :D just want to pick the correct size :)
HauteFashion said:
This collection is horrendously overrated, its appeal is beyond me...skin tight "skinny" jeans, hats reminicent of a fallen rock and roll junkie and insanley narrow suspenders dont seem to inspire me at all. Contrary to giving me inspiration.. it makes me question the masculinity of mens fashion. Male fashion should not only be for gay men. It should beintended for men that are real men and have a preferance in basics, comfortable clothing and casual garments to wear, with of course, the occasional eccentric peice to intrest their ladies.

I feel like this is what is wrong with american mens fashion.
i have size 30 and measured 30.5
chris_daka said:
cool, thanks :)

i normally wear 32-34 depending on the cut.. was the waist on these jeans pretty true to size? or did the waist run larger than the tag says?

thanks a lot for my annoying questions :D just want to pick the correct size :)
Man, I could've freakin' SWORN somebody posted a really nice pic of those white hi-top eyelet Strip sneakers on DH MSN not too long ago. But I just looked through every photo album on there, and I can't find it. Does anyone here have it? All I found was a display photo from the Dior Omotesando store that was posted a really long time ago. This is driving me crazy. :wacko:

Those are definitely going on my list of things to buy, along with the correct size of destroyed jeans from Strip, a bloodwound shirt from Albert (I hope :lol: ), chainmail belt and bracelet from Strip...too bad I don't have any extra money right now.

And this just seems so...wrong to me, for whatever reason...


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AlexN said:
I've always thought this outfit looked pretty ridiculous, though. :p

actually.... i think you could pull it off quite well... :winkiss:
Chinor1z said:
I really don't understand a lot of your posts... that is, you write with the strangest points of view and statements. Everything from the DH wearer being a "kept boy" to "90% gaysian".

I mean, WTF does that even mean.

I'm asian, not gay, and I wear plenty of DH. I don't even think a lot of gays that buy the brand are asian, nor are a lot of the asians that buy the brand gay.


you're my #1 gaysian forever, Albert! :D I love you :lol:
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