Dior Homme

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AlexN said:
^Around $275 probably.
No. And while internet statistics don't necessarily reflect much of anything, it seems that most guys who frequent this thread and the MSN forum are straight. And yes, many are Asian, though I'm not.

Anyhow...my jeans from Strip came today, and they're my favorite jeans now. F*cking amazing. The color(s) are great; they look kinda grey from a distance, then you see touches of light blue, a wash of brown here and there...they even have a silvery shimmer in some lights. Right now I'm in a basement with nothing but yellowy artificial light, and they look like a subtle dull shimmery gold in spots! Amazing...hehe. They also look a bit "rubbery". I'm wearing my brown F/W 05 eyelet runway belt with them, and it brings out the brown tone and looks amazing. These jeans will lend themselves to a much larger variety of outfits than I originally guessed. And they certainly don't just look "dirty" in person. What else...across between the denim's thickness and the finishing, they're very heavy. The creasing everywhere is done perfectly. Nice subtle claw-marking on the knee, too. And I definitely didn't have to worry about a size 27, 17 cm being too small; they're not at all like the destroyed jeans, thank God. I think the waist measures about a 29 or maybe even 30, and the leg isn't too tight at all. Anyway, everyone should buy a pair. :lol:

I'd say they look better on me than these coated ones do on this guy. I've always thought this outfit looked pretty ridiculous, though. :p

Glad to hear you're happy with your purchase, Alex. Yeah the DH jeans I received this week are my favorite Dior jeans, by far...actually they're the best jeans i've ever owned, period. I love the natural creasing on the thighs Dior Homme used to do. And now it's almost non existent, or the ones that do have that creasing are $500...like those washed raw denims with no details but that creasing, yet cost $475. WTF.
do the new dior collections have names? what are the collections after Victim of the Crime called? Do SS05, FW05, and SS06 have names?
no official names yet... but we could name them after which band who played.. like VotC :]

Guys, please STAY ON TOPIC! This is a Dior Homme thread in a FASHION FORUM!!!! Discuss about the label/clothes/designer! All off topic comments will all be deleted!
AlexN said:
Those are definitely going on my list of things to buy.. a bloodwound shirt

I remember a series of posts a while ago on the subject of the love shot wound tops, are they still in high demand? Any idea what price i would get if i were to part with one of my ones?
doo888 said:
I remember a series of posts a while ago on the subject of the love shot wound tops, are they still in high demand? Any idea what price i would get if i were to part with one of my ones?

Woah, "ones"? What size are you? I'm definitely interested if it's around a 40. But regarding price, it's really hard to tell, since there haven't been many up for sale thus we can't get a precise median price. But I remember a tank top-version of it sold for around $400 (or was it more?) on Ebay if I'm not mistaken.
doo888 said:
I remember a series of posts a while ago on the subject of the love shot wound tops, are they still in high demand? Any idea what price i would get if i were to part with one of my ones?
You're an XS, are you not? That'd be my size.
doo888 said:
I remember a series of posts a while ago on the subject of the love shot wound tops, are they still in high demand? Any idea what price i would get if i were to part with one of my ones?

Not sure exactly... but I know someone in NYC bought a sleeveless white dress shirt (red wound) from another guy for $1550:shock:

Basically double retail... so the demand is definitely still there. Especially for small sizes!

Indeed i am a XS/S, but this is a size Large tank top (red sequins on white) that I have been keeping hold of for a long time. I have the pieces in my size so i figure i can afford to let this go (possibly?) ..

I rarely sell off anything that's exactly my size and/or constitutes part of what one could call my archive i suppose. :flower:

But wow, $1550?! :shock:
Fade to Black said:
$1550 is double retail...so retail is like $775?! :shock: That's a very expensive shirt.

Yeah, that's the dress shirt though, and it was bought by the son of an oil baron, so yeah... he's got a lot of money to throw around:lol:
what colour/style jeans are these?

kol lover those are the black whiskered jeans. I had that issue of GQ, so based on the date, those were the VotC (A/W 04-05) reissue...the ones out right now look nothing like that so i think your best bet is ebay.
Eww Dior Homme on Jude Law? So not right. Anyway supposing a girl (that would be me!) wants Dior Homme-esque clothes, what is her best bet? Getting the clothes in a small size? Buying from Ann D's women line? Just getting key non-designer items? The latter option will make me look like a parody of all those Pete Doherty clones... I don't want that. I want something really androgynous.
mouko said:
I had a question about your necklace, how delicate is it? I've only seen the eagle drop one in person, is it basically the same construction?

the construction is actually a lot nicer. the chain is much more tightly linked. totally worth the extra 60$ or whatever it is.
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