Dustin Diamond ("Screech") Has a Sex Tape?

fashionicon said:
I liked how they added that last part about Elizabeth Berkley baring it all in Showgirls as if there's a connection.

Anyway, ew. I prefer my old school childhood stars to leave their skeletons in the closet. I will never able to watch an episode of Saved By The Bell without thinking about this. :yuk:

There will be a connection.....Showgirls ruined Elizabeth Berkely's carreer.
This movie Dustin is doing surely will do the same.......:ninja: This is just freaky! :shock:
BodhiTree said:
There will be a connection.....Showgirls ruined Elizabeth Berkely's carreer.
This movie Dustin is doing surely will do the same.......:ninja: This is just freaky! :shock:

:lol: :lol:

Right, because both Elizabeth and Dustin had such thriving and successful careers before her movie and his sex tape!

Didn't they just recently reposess his house and auction off his things? (there's a word for that but I can't think of it right now). I smell a publicity stunt...:innocent: (I do know what you mean though.^_^ )
^Well....this surely won't help him if he is thinking of a comback....:lol:
But the idea of financial problems just reaks of desperation.....:lol:
The_Ida said:

...what is it?

It's too gross to even repeat what it is.:sick:
I cannot see the pleasure or fun in this action though....
cosmogrl5 said:
OK, I had to look up what a Dirty Sanchez is...and now I feel so dirty, I am going to go and take a shower.

PS- I will NEVER look at a man with a mustache the same way again.

Ugh :sick: I know, why do we look up stuff when we didn't want to know but had to know and then oh yuck....:lol: I looked it up too and yeah um :yuk: gross.

Two girls want to have sex w/ Screech?

Dirty Sanchez's are enormously disgusting. Like I want to vomit.
eww, ewww ewwwwwwwwww
i already HATE this guy, ever since "saved by the bell" days.. omigod i cant believe that now he's and Collin Farrel have one thing in common.. u know, other than human and male
BohemianBeauty22 said:
Ugh :sick: I know, why do we look up stuff when we didn't want to know but had to know and then oh yuck....:lol: I looked it up too and yeah um :yuk: gross.

I know. I seriously could have gone the rest of my life without ever knowing what it was and would have been perfectly content. Thanks a lot, Screech. :yuk:

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