I think this is the weakest group of girls the compitition has had, and the worst headshots.
My top 15 are:
Natasa Mitrovic
Manon Pieto
Charlotte Reboutier
Beth Leader
Caterina Ravaglia
Sabrina Rathje
Marketa Fridrichova
Linnea Ahlman
Julia Saner
Zuzanna Gredecka
Erika Packard
Emily Smith
Sara Joffs
Nikola Paurova
Candice Coetzer
I also like Emma Ostilly, Yinglan Li, Dominika Lukiewicz, Emiliana Carli, Gracia Maria Brettschneider, Jadine Walters and Nyasha Matonhodze. Barre Levin is another favourite but she's quite short.