How do you make your skin smooth and flawless? #2

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I love my liver too much to drink green tea daily. I also doubt that caffeine is beneficial for the skin.
I love my liver too much to drink green tea daily. I also doubt that caffeine is beneficial for the skin.

I don't work for The Green Tea Consortium so I'm not pushing anything on anyone, but google is a wonderful thing.

This is from a study done by the University of Maryland Medical center (among thousands of others done by legitimate research centers)

"Population-based clinical studies have shown that men who drink more than 10 cups of green tea per day are less likely to develop disorders of the liver. Green tea also seems to protect the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances such as alcohol. Animal studies have shown that green tea helps protect against the development of liver tumors in mice.
Results from several animal and human studies suggest that one of the polyphenols present in green tea, known as catechin, may help treat viral hepatitis (inflammation of the liver from a virus)."

As for the benefits for skin,

Green tea is made from unfermented leaves and reportedly contains the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants are substances that scavenge free radicals -- damaging compounds in the body that alter cells, tamper with DNA (genetic material), and even cause cell death. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet rays from the sun, radiation, cigarette smoke, and air pollution) also give rise to these damaging particles. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause.

There are many other sources on the benefits of green tea to the skin though, again, everyone knows what works best for themselves. :flower:
Yeah. A lot of people in Denmark has had their livers absolutely destroyed by green tea, so...I do think it's tasty, I just seriously doubt it's good to drink 10 cups of anything but water pr day.
^ Exactly... 4 cups of green tea... Sorry that just seems to much. It is caffein after all. I'm no expert though.

I drink one cup everyday. I don't drink coffee or eat sugar. I noticed eating blueberries, bananes, mangos, all those fruits really helps... My skin is not naturally like Kate Bosworths, but now I really like it. If I eat fries and unhealthy for 2 days it definitley shoes on my skin... So I try to really eat healthy! What's more motivating to eat healthy than seeing it directly on your face everyday? :-)
Yeah. A lot of people in Denmark has had their livers absolutely destroyed by green tea, so...I do think it's tasty, I just seriously doubt it's good to drink 10 cups of anything but water pr day.

Well no one said ten cups. Again, if you add one bag to a thermos of water you would get the same amount of caffeine as adding the one bag to one mug or cup. The tea amount stays constant and the water changes.

And I think I'm going to go with the overwhelming majority of the research and findings as to the benefits of green tea to the body, including the liver.

And if it gets destroyed, eh, I'm sure by then they'll have artificial ones I can buy.
eating raw foods is the best.
nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables and fruits. a little wild fish too
Well no one said ten cups. Again, if you add one bag to a thermos of water you would get the same amount of caffeine as adding the one bag to one mug or cup. The tea amount stays constant and the water changes.

And I think I'm going to go with the overwhelming majority of the research and findings as to the benefits of green tea to the body, including the liver.

And if it gets destroyed, eh, I'm sure by then they'll have artificial ones I can buy.

The last sentence :lol::flower:.

I too think that green tea overall is quite healthy and good for you.

I try to take good care of my skin... so I'm wondering (I've used sunscreen since age 16... didn't know about the effects before that unfortunately) if my skin is going to look better than other people my age...

I have noticed that some of my friends already have wrinkles that are very noticeable. I have 1,2 very fine lines under my eyes, which come from laughing, but noone sees them but me - if I look really closely.
I hope using sunscreen every single day really pays off and my skin will look great when I'm 40! I also noticed that my friends who have smoked for a few years now have quite bad skin... it looks wrinkley and doesn't glow at all... That motivates me to eat healthy and use sunscreen. Stop smoking people !!! its not only unhealthy it also ruins your skin! :flower:
I think we all know there are worse things for you to drink than green tea, if you enjoy it, drink it!
but all in moderation :smile:
I didn't know green tea could harm your liver!:o When I'm studying I drink around 4, 5 cups a day.:ninja:
On the green tea debate:

I understand that the much quoted 10-(small)cups-a-day thing comes from the author of one of the most publicised toxicology studies in this area. BUT he also stressed that the main risk to liver/kidneys/intestines in this context is from taking supplemements containing polyphenols (in green tea = catechins type) which contain up to 50 times the amount as found in a single cup of green tea ( = original research which is worth a read for any heavy drinkers = New Scientist comment). The study/review was initiated from some pretty ground-breaking research in early 2000's which raised concerns about potential pro-oxidant effects of green tea (so it's not a stand-alone finding), but Yang also concluded with a recommendation for further research on the effects in humans...still, it feels significant to me.

Of course, the polyphonols found in dietary consumption of green tea in the correct dosage & form, i.e. moderate consumption of a few cups a day can be tremendously beneficial for health...that's toxicology for you :rolleyes:...hence the controversy...but overall another reason IMHO to steer clear of supplements unless there is a nutritional void which needs to be filled. And to take medical advice before taking high-dosage of any supplement in case a) it's attached to a toxicity concern, b) it's not compatible with a medical condition 3) it interacts with any other medication...and probably more stuff too...(the problem comes when people don't know how high *high* is tho' :nuke: but I digress....)

When it comes to the usage of green tea to make your skin look smooth & flawless, things change a bit though. The "good for skin" bit of green tea catechins is a components referred to as EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) which has been shown to help alleviate some of the damage from UVB rays (sunburn & dna damage). It's found in small quantities in a cup of green tea so I would guess that an enormous amount (probably waaaay over the supposedly "safe" limit) would need to be consumed in order to reach the skin in any meaningful concentration, if at all. Which is probably why skincare manufacturers use a concentrated green tea extract of EGCG as a topical ingredient instead (it's pretty good at penetrating the skin when applied from the outside).

In any case, green tea and rather the active catechins / EGCG component is clearly powerful stuff and ongoing research (another 20+ great scientific papers published this month on this ingredient :woot:) suggests it can do both good and, potentially, in high doses, bad things to the organs of living creatures.

I can't stand the taste of green tea :sick: :yuk: but I used to have a 12-a-day coffee habit which is another story...:bounce: Even if I did like it though, I wouldn't drink more than a few cups of green tea per day. And for any skin benefits I'll stick to putting green tea extract directly on my face through a cream.
I do this once a week:
- First I apply lush ocean salt and leave it there for about 5 minutes then rinse it off
- Next I use Mario Badescu glycolic acid foaming cleanser and really massage it into my skin, then rinse it off
-Then I spray on some lush Eau-Roma water onto my face
- Last but not least I use Embryolisse lait creme on my face and voila, I have SUUUPER smooth skin!
Funnily enough my skin seems to get notably worse when Im on a diet/cutting out sweets, bad carbs and artificial sugar. could that be in any way be possible ?
I don't think it's because of the things you avoid eating but because of the general change in diet. I noticed that "phenomenon" too but after a while my skin looked better than before.
Yes it happens for the first couple of days but then your skin will glow and turn out amazing!
You guys are sure ? Hm perhaps Im just to impatient then ?! Im still abit unsure :-/
I made a lovely green tea scrub today :smile:

it's so simple, I put green tea in a cup-with boiling water, let it soak..take the teabag out- wait till the green tea is lukewarm- add it to a bowl- add sugar- add some drops of lemon juice- MIX until its a thick granual exfoliant mixture and rub on face for a couple mins and wash off with lukewarm water.

i made too much so i put the rest in a tub and keeping it in the fridge so i can use it for a couple more days.

it worked SO well,i read online about it and was skeptical but it made my skin so so so smooth and vibrant looking- i have oily skin and my skin is smooth but my nose is always rough and flaky sometimes- and i used it there- and my nose is sooo soft now.

i do recommend.
Funnily enough my skin seems to get notably worse when Im on a diet/cutting out sweets, bad carbs and artificial sugar. could that be in any way be possible ?

Your hormone levels are probably adjusting with the change of diet. Just give it some time.:flower:
I drink crazy amounts of water and always wear sunscreen (50) on my face. But I am spoiled with very forgiving skin! When I think of all the nights I've slept with full make-up :ninja:
fortunately i was blessed with a smooth skin, but recently i noticed some slightly darker stains on my chin and forehead and I can't get rid of them!

any tips?

i'm a smoker and i know that's really bad for the skin. But I wear sunscreen, drink lots of water, wash my face properly and remove all my make up before going to sleep.
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