Kate Moss (Please put any and all Kate related gossip in here)

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Kate Moss apologizes



Supermodel Kate Moss has said in a statement that she takes "full responsibility for my actions" and apologised to "all the people I have let down" following drugs allegations. She also admitted having "various personal issues" she needs to address.

The statement said: "I take full responsibility for my actions. I also accept that there are various personal issues that I need to address and have started taking the difficult, yet necessary, steps to resolve them.

"I want to apologise to all of the people I have let down because of my behaviour which has reflected badly on my family, friends, co-workers, business associates and others.

"I am trying to be positive, and the support and love I have received are invaluable."

It came after Moss denied further allegations of drug taking after The Sun claimed she has smoked crack cocaine.

The continuing furore over the claims has seen make-up brand Rimmel move to review the super model's contract.

"Rimmel is shocked and dismayed by the recent press allegations about Kate Moss's behaviour," a statement said.

"We are currently reviewing her contract."

Fashion companies Burberry, Chanel and H&M have already ended their associations with Moss after allegations surfaced last week she had used cocaine.

Commenting on the crack cocaine allegations, her lawyer Gerrard Tyrell told The Sun: "The allegations that you put to me are specifically denied by my client."

It has also emerged that the Metropolitan Police is to investigate her alleged cocaine abuse.

Officers from the Specialist Crime Directorate are to "review the matter", Scotland Yard said.

A spokeswoman said: "We cannot discuss any individual in any case. It would be inappropriate for us to comment.
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I've heard about it today..... I can't believe that Rimmel and Chanel don't want her anymore... :cry: She's the best!
^ amelia i agree she's the best.

but perhaps, chanel, rimmel and the other companies don't want a poster girl that's representing those kind of substances.

and not just that but the fact that h & m pulled their campaign pressures them to also pull their campaign.
I hope she gets help, finds true love, and finally finds happiness and peace in her life. :flower: for Kate. I have heard it said that Kate suffered a lot when she was growing up. I hope she seeks solace and support from her true friends, her family and her sweet little Lila.
Amelia said:
I can't believe that Rimmel don't want her anymore

WHo cares about Rimmel. I don't know anyone who buys it or wears it and never heard anything good besides the fact Kate is the "face". To me getting rid of the most popular model in the world (drug taking aside) is such a bad idea. I had never heard of the brand before Kate started to do it.
Label Basher said:
WHo cares about Rimmel. I don't know anyone who buys it or wears it and never heard anything good besides the fact Kate is the "face". To me getting rid of the most popular model in the world (drug taking aside) is such a bad idea. I had never heard of the brand before Kate started to do it.

Who cares? Me :lol:. Rimmel can't exist without Kate, because she was a face of it and now Rimmel will be just a cheap company. Not so famous.

But of course I think that's her fault! That was her. In this radio some guy said that her career is ruined.... So fast? I just can't believe.
She is a famous face and a celebrated model so of course the most punishment she would get is a slap on the hand, followed with a stint at a rehab center. And like Martha, she'll come back as famous and as coked-out-of-her-mind as ever. The way society treats their celebrities is perverted and despicable. Us mere mortals would find ourselves in jail faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Is it any wonder then how Kate and her ilk developed this reprehensible sense of entitlement?
Who cares about losing contracts.. Jobs will come and go. This is life and death situation for her if she doesn't stop using drugs.. she could die. Part of this is all cost and consequences of her addictions.. obviously, like alcoholism drug addiction is a very serious disease and she will eventually lose everything including her life if she doesn't stop.
People don't go to jail for using cocaine, at least not in the U.S. You have to be caught actually possessing it or distributing it. That didn't happen in this instance.

And don't get me started on Martha...my favorite class in law school was securities law. Martha did not commit an actual crime, she did NOT commit fraud, she only lied about what she did. Go back and review all the info. on that one because she was convicted of perjury, which is lying. They couldn't prove the fraud charges. It is unprecedented in the US for a person to go to jail for perjury. The jury hung her because they didn't like her and the D.A. went after her to make an example out of famous people. I'm not trying to be snotty but legally we need to get our facts straight about what is and is not a crime to have an intelligent discussion. District Attorneys in the US have way too much unchecked power - they get to decide who to prosecute. Trust me...lots of Bush's cronies in connection with the Enron scandal are walking around free men...but HELL YEAH let's throw Martha in jail for lying and Kate in jail for doing blow. Geez.

A little consistency in the application of our laws would be nice. But who ever said the justice system in any country is completely fair? I don't know the answers, but it is an interesting discussion that Miss Moss has sparked here. It raises not only moral issues but legal issues as well.
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God, everybody knows that drugs are totally dangerous and they can subordinate all of us. But... the point is: how to fight with them? It's not so clear. This is a problem of our society.
I'm torn on the whole situation. Yes, people look up to Kate Moss as a rolemodel. But I think more people look up to supermodels as beauty rolemodels then as moral rolemodels. But still, she is in the public eye. What she did was wrong, and celebrities, weather they like it and admit or not, they're examples in one way or another. Therefore, the press and everyone else, will make an example out of Kate. She's a good model, she's good at what she does. She has never let anyone down in her job. But then again, if your boss cought you using coke, don't you think there would be repercussions against you? Like it or not, celebrities are never going to be treated like everyone else. Sometimes they'll get worse treatment, be made an example of. Sometimes their behaivor will be allowed to pass simply on the grounds of their high-profile jobs. Unfortunatly, that is how our sociaty works today.

*Sorry for the many, many misspelled words :innocent:*
BelleChic said:
But then again, if your boss cought you using coke, don't you think there would be repercussions against you? Like it or not, celebrities are never going to be treated like everyone else. Sometimes they'll get worse treatment, be made an example of. Sometimes their behaivor will be allowed to pass simply on the grounds of their high-profile jobs. Unfortunatly, that is how our sociaty works today.

First, If you decide to party with your friends and you get some blow from someone you know and go into the back to do some - you are not going to get caught unless someone you know and trust sets you up.

Second, if your boss does catch you doing it he will probably not sack you unless he thinks it will affect your job adversely. Not so likely in showbiz unless you're a full on addict. If your boss is a business man, like President Bush, you are not going to be sacked. He is going to be loyal.

Third, if you were found with drugs once you would receive a warning or a fine more likely than jail.

In conclusion - celebs do not get off easier if they're caught with drugs. Rather the reverse. Unless you're talking physicians or nurses who will be suspended.
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No offense to anyone who is a big fan of Rimmel, but they were lucky to get Kate Moss in my opinion
Don't you think that's sad? That every celebrity is on the focus when she does something BIG? It's not about feelings but facts. And you can't fly in the face of pictures which was made by someone and publiced in a big newspaper. What can you do? Just say "I'm sorry" or something like this. There's no chance to do something else :cry:
Elegance.Is.Refusal. said:
um i wonder whether this could be the begining of the end!:innocent:
to quote winston churchill, it's probably only the end of the beginning...:unsure::innocent:
Not that her modelling career is in the doldrums but if she's savvy enough (and darn it, she is that!), this wee scandal could catapult her career to even more dizzying heights of superstardom. Like Martha, she of course has to suffer a slap on the wrist first but the potential for turning this lemon into lemonade is there.

I say if Martha Inc can do it, Kate Inc can do it even better!!
chantal said:
I hope she gets help, finds true love, and finally finds happiness and peace in her life. :flower: for Kate. I have heard it said that Kate suffered a lot when she was growing up. I hope she seeks solace and support from her true friends, her family and her sweet little Lila.

a really lovely post, chantal....
i really do agree in every sense....

i must say i am suprised kate reacted with an apology....
and such a cordial one, at that....

instead of being defensive.....outraged at the invasion of privacy (whether or not it led to any good is irrelevant).... to actually admit to your behavior without aggression or judgement is quite honorable, in my opinion....

i respect that....
even if there are those who will say she is doing it for the sake of business savoir faire....

we will see how this all unfolds in the coming months, i suppose...
but above all of that, i really do hope she kicks this habit, once and for all.....and really finds enough peace and integrity within herself to allow her to live day by day without needing these particularly dangerous addictions....

best wishes to her......:heart:....
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