Sorry to double post, I was editing my first post, but I accidentally took too long and it wouldn't let me save the changes anymore.
whoever his girlfriend is she would be a fool if she chose to continue to date him.
Thinking about this, I'm conflicted... I mean, I must say, if she's worried about her image and publicity, then it'd be wise to part ways from him, however, I can't help but think that nobody is perfect, and yes, being an alcoholic is a particularly difficult and prominent problem, however, if she dumps him over this single incident, that would seem a bit cold. I mean we all screw up and make mistakes, at times.
The difference here is that he's a celebrity, and on top of that, he head-butted
another celebrity of sorts, which of course means his mistake will be heavily scrutinized, and criticized, in a way that would most likely not happen with someone who is an "unknown", so to say.
Now, if Kiefer continues to drink heavily and not seek any help...then I would understand his girlfriend breaking up with him. But
hopefully, this incident will be a wake-up call, and he'll see that he clearly can't continue with drinking like he does, otherwise he'll just keep hurting those around him.