Kristen Stewart Cheated on Robert Pattinson #1

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From UsWeekly

Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart "Had a Dramatic Makeup"

This epic romance isn't over.
After the most trying, painful couple months of their three-year relationship, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart recently "had a dramatic makeup" in Los Angeles, sources reveal in the new Us Weekly, out now.

Gutted by Stewart's shocking mid-July affair with her Snow White and the Huntsman director Rupert Sanders -- Us Weekly broke the story -- the 26-year-old British hunk finally agreed to meet his estranged love, 22, for an initial meeting.

After that tete-a-tete, the Twilight twosome (Breaking Dawn Part 2 hits theaters in November) have met on subsequent occasions, another source confirms. "They're working it out," the source tells Us. "He's still in love with her."

And, in unrelated news, Kristen Stewart sounds even more pretentious than the usual, if that's at all possible:

Girl definitely doesn't know when to shut up. :innocent:
We really are in no place to judge his decision to take her back. It's obvious they had an incredibly serious relationship and bond. I've never been in his situation, so I'm not sure what I'd do.

Exactly. I know for some people cheating is the worse but the cheaters are not evil. They didn't murder or r*pe anyone. Some couples can get past what happened. Once and cheater always a cheater is a lie.

Some people won't remember this but way back in early 2000 English Radio DJ Zoe Ball. She's married to Fat Boy Slim and she had an affair with another DJ which blew up in the news just like this situation. These two are still together to this day. They worked through it and I remember reading an interview with Fat Boy Slim saying that he forgave her cause he loves her. It can work for some people and I don't judge him for taking her back.
From UsWeekly

And, in unrelated news, Kristen Stewart sounds even more pretentious than the usual, if that's at all possible:

Girl definitely doesn't know when to shut up. :innocent:

Apparently the person who wrote that article chose unrelated clips from the actual interview and put them together to make her look/sound bad. People really like to automatically assume the worst about Kristen Stewart for some reason.
the German or English article? because in the German (original) article it was one answer.

So you are fascinated by the fashion industry?
I would never work with people who aren’t really creative and aren’t committed to what they do. Unfortunately there are many of those people…they are f**king everywhere, and they try to suck the soul out of you. I would never do a makeup campaign, fir instance, even though the photos with me would probably look good. Thank you, but it doesn’t interest me.

and she degrades other people in pretty much every single interview of hers, it's hard to believe that she's misquoted in every single interview ever:innocent:

regarding him forgiving her...i don't think he's weak, but they should have taken more time apart, i can't imagine their relationship (if they really are back together) is very healthy at the moment.
the German or English article? because in the German (original) article it was one answer.

So you are fascinated by the fashion industry?
I would never work with people who aren’t really creative and aren’t committed to what they do. Unfortunately there are many of those people…they are f**king everywhere, and they try to suck the soul out of you. I would never do a makeup campaign, fir instance, even though the photos with me would probably look good. Thank you, but it doesn’t interest me.

and she degrades other people in pretty much every single interview of hers, it's hard to believe that she's misquoted in every single interview ever:innocent:

I'm not sure, I'm assuming the German one - that's what people were saying in the comments on the above article. :mellow:

I actually agree with what she's saying here, and don't really see what's so bad about it. She tends to over-express her opinions in a pretty intense manner, but maybe she's just a passionate person who isn't great with words. It's not like everything that comes out of everyone here's mouth is perfectly worded all the time and without fault.

I guess what I'm ultimately trying to say is that I don't see this kind of vehement hatred in other threads of this type here, and it's a bit disturbing.
I just found out there was a cheating by Kristen and a following break-up (don't follow celebrity news). I actually thought they had broken up ages ago.

Honestly, I'm not the one to judge, but I don't see how someone, who has Rob could switch him for anyone else, even for a day :rolleyes:
I don't see the big deal here. He's an adult, he can make his own decisions. I don't like her, but she's also just a human and she made a mistake. Quite big one, but if they love each other let them be.
US Weekly:

Now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are done making up, they're back to shacking up!
"They are living together and have reconciled," an insider tells Us Weekly in the new issue, on stands Friday.
PHOTOS: Kristen and Rupert's shocking affair
But they haven't exactly returned to the way they were before July, when Us broke the news that the Twilight actress, 22, had cheated with her Snow White and the Huntsman director, Rupert Sanders, 41.
PHOTOS: Rob and Kristen's three-year romance
As Us revealed last week, Pattinson, 26, and his estranged love recently "had a dramatic makeup." But a source tells Us the British hunk "is extra-sensitive right now. He's insecure."

For more on Rob and Kristen's reconciliation -- and how Rob is feeling moving back in together -- pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on stands Friday.

When the story of cheating was realised, I totally avoided an assumption that it could be just for promotion. Now, the whole situation definitely looks like a PR stunt for me.
"A dramatic makeup" seems more attention-drawing than flabby boring romance. Not only fans, but also media will be drooling over "happily ever after" couple during the promo-tour.
Well, looks like Kristen's PR team is working overnight. I don't buy that they are back together.
Pattinson has become such a puppet to her PR team, the "dramatic reconciliation" pieces dropped by her PR team are shameless. Spin, spin, spin.
I am starting to believe because she is walking around with a smile and all his jewellery - some of this has to be true. I'm so SAD for him - what is wrong with him?? He is so insecure. He needs to get some space away from her and her PR.
This was his chance to get away from her and he ruins it. ugh.
The most obvious blind item in history:

Everyone is so excited that these two lovebirds are back together! Sorry, but that kind of naivete is going to come back and bite you on the butt. Why? Because their reunion is both fake and temporary.

We told you before that they their original coupling took place in a publicist’s office. They became good friends, but nothing more. If they look like they are in love, it is only because they are actors. If they can convince you on screen, they can convince you off screen.

They are now reuniting as a “couple” to promote their new film. The success of that film with enable both of them to command top dollar for subsequent films, after which they will be parting once again. Their breakup is scheduled to occur in 2013 after the DVD release.
from blind gossip
I like how Stephen Colbert put in on Twitter:

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are back together! Wow, and so close to the release date of their new movie. That's lucky!
:D where people that suprised that they got back together considering they have a movie to sell and a fan base to appease.

My only real question is how long after the end of their twilight obligations will they split up?! I'm thinking a couple of months after the dvd & bluray release the last film.
I don't know - they could promote the movie in a "friendly" way meaning that he would forgive her enough to do the promotion and try and be her friend. What I am hearing though is that they are fully back on and living together - that's a bad idea - that's not PR that is just stupidity on his part and insecurity.
Whether its a sham or not, this whole thing is ridiculous and theyre both annoying as hell.
I wish they and their PR team would fall off the face of the earth.
Hopefully when this damned movie series ends, they'll both fade away in to obscurity, never to be heard from again.
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