Lanvin S/S 10 Paris

:wub: :wub: Elbaz NEVER disappoints.
When all else fails you ALWAYS have Lanvin to get you through the sh!tiness of fashion week.

Elbaz is the Master of draping. No one does draping and layering like him. So talented.
I love every bit of detail he's put in there, from the foldings to the embelishments, to the one handed gloves.

It's so absolutely feminine. But what I love the best about Lanvin is it's always modest. It's never ever too over sexual.
sorry to say but... we're always jumping on john galliano for doing the same thing over and over but - As much as i LOVE this - there are certain looks in this collection that are the same exact outifts he put out in the past like: this one
Similar thoughts crossed my mind as I looked at the pictures and scanned a few of the comments.

What I like:
  • Some of the looks are derivative from previous collections, but that is OK because Elbaz carried over looks that I like.
  • I like (or am impressed with) many of the fabric textures.
  • The black dresses are not boring or aging.

What I don't like:
  • The one glove took away the polish and sophistication from several of the looks.
  • Not many, but a few of the looks look cheap and/or home-sewn.
  • I have a very, very big problem with the waistlines and shapelessness of some of these looks, I mean come on, several of the models look thick waisted... bloody awful!

I can't say that I love this collection, but I recognize its "importance" in terms of setting fashion trends in the seasons to come. Also, it leaves curious to see what Elbaz will do next.
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All of you can b&tch all you want all week long about the sad state of fashion but in retrospect Paris sucks the life out of ANYTHING that is dreamt up in 10 yrs anywhere else. Get some perspective before you share your charming critiques.
It may not change the course of fashion but it makes the world a lovelier place.
Again, look at the clothes in real life and then state your vitriol.
There are numerous other "designers" that deserve your advice.
I see a lot of past collections in this. Spring/Summer the last two years seems to be like an amalgamation of past collections with the addition of some vibrant colour and some quirks (the one glove in this case).

This isnt his best performance for me. I'm a little disappointed. Spring 2008 was his best.
i want to see real life clothes.. sweaters, jackets, button downs you can wear to work, shoes you wear to the market.. on a level this lanvin wardrobe's as functional as a balmain one..:ermm: sorry for the connection :doh:

Well, I would wear these shoes to the market on my way home from work :D but I know what you mean. Lanvin is a bit heavy on satin and brocade in general. I'd like to see more practical fabrics ... I think the draping is wearable.

I don't really understand the complaints of repetition ... to me this is a significant evolution. I like it, especially the shoes (best in a long while IMO), but overall not nearly as exciting as last fall--to me. And of course that set was fabulous too, set it off perfectly ...
^^^^ yes it was helmut ....I have the green grecian gown....and i got it for a damn good deal
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I'm actually really loving the over-the-topness of this. In almost anyone else's hands this would be a mess, but somehow Elbaz makes a chaotic approach to chic dressing seem just right. I love the eccentric, haphazard approach to glamour that he has made all his own. Even though there are times when I want something unexpected from Lanvin, the expected is never really disappointing. Alber just has a gift for making what are essentially the same clothes seem fresh and appealing each season.
exactly! this is SO gorgeous. can't wait to see HQs.
I want a mini Alber to carry around in my pocket :heart:
me too. i wish i could give him that alice in wonderland mushroom to make him shrink. and then i'd buy a little toy house with little furniture so that he had a place to live in... maybe i'd even have a flea circus for his entertainment.
A lot of great pts. have been brought up. I too miss the wearbility factor in many collections, gius. Wearability is not synonymous with boring. It is very possible to design garments that tickle the aesthetic sensibilities and also serve multiple purposes in RL. The woman who can afford tons of Lanvin probably doesn't do her own grocery shopping anyhow... :lol:

It is very grandiose - loud, even - in a few areas; a trend that has been sneaking into Alber's work for several seasons now. Sometimes it works and other times it's headache inducing. But besides that, it's pure Alber. I love that he is incorporating the Grecian/Jeanne elements back into his work once again. The draping is lovely as are the accessories. Very nice collection overall, but it's definitely missing those elements of 'awe' like most collections this season...

Italian Vogue has detail shots up ...


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I see loads of repetition from his previous collections. This's not bad, even have some delicious outfits and accessories, while it's a just effortless collection coz Alber does nothing new or creative, it's safe, it's opportunistic, it's boring.
So glad the shoes aren't sky-high platforms. A lower, more realistic heel seems so fresh right now. Sexier, even... The sky-high platforms can look so desperate @ times, imo...
I see loads of repetition from his previous collections. This's not bad, even have some delicious outfits and accessories, while it's a just effortless collection coz Alber does nothing new or creative, it's safe, it's opportunistic, it's boring.

Isn't it rather French to find your style and then create variations on a theme?

As a customer, I find designers who continually reinvent themselves to be quite tiresome :innocent: I am certainly at the variations on a theme point, and I don't appreciate schizophrenia from designers I want to rely on. While fashion shows are entertaining, ultimately Alber is answerable to his customers--and I highly doubt they are looking for big surprises.
More accessories


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FINALLY!!!!!I've been waiting for soooo long!
oh alber,how can you do the divine lanvin every season?!I'm sure if I had enough money I would buy every whole collections!

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