Overrated Movies

Lol, 'gimmicky'? It's pure genius how Nolan puts us in the perspective of the characters memory loss by playing the scenes in reverse order. And I disagree with your view of The Dark Knight too. The best comic book film I have seen yet. Can't wait to see how The Dark Knight Rises turns out
It's all opinion, you're free to disagree with me.

I thought that the reverse order in Memento felt contrived. I got tired of the technique after the first half hour or so and became anxious for the story to go somewhere. I felt like it was trying too hard to be smart. However without the puzzle-like structure I don't think anyone would find it particularly noteworthy.
500 Days of Summer. Ok, the movie is cute, and so is Zooey, but it didn't live up to the hype.
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I hate the word "overrated". However, I will say The Hangover is SOOOO overrated. I disliked the film immensely. I thought Knocked Up was horribly overrated too. It's like comedies can't have a brain. They have to be raunchy to be "funny." UGH. We need some intelligent filmmakers, more female filmmakes, and comedies that have brain and heart. I am so over this "raunchy" trend. I will NOT be seeing Bad Teacher for example. UGH!!!!

Okay, rant done. Phew.
Titanic = EPIC FAIL!!!

Lord of the Rings: I love Peter Jackson; i mean Heavenly Creatures is unrreal brilliant, but I kept falling asleep in the Lord of the Ring films. Same for the sequels to The Matrix, though I enjoyed the first one.

And what about Avatar? Durrr. Durrrr. Prettttttty??? Durrrr.
I teach film so I appreciate Citizen Kane, The Shining, and others (that have been named in this thread) for the technique involved, although I can see how others might slot those into this category.

Also, I truly admire the subtlety of all of Sofia Coppola's films: the mise en scene, the editing, the use of sound, the sets, how the settings become characters in themselves. Hence I love her films. But again, I "get" how people can find them boring. I just think "awww, that's too bad."

But then, they might like things I don't; for example, Titanic (a.k.a. Epic Fail!!! ;))
^I love Citizen Kane, it's one of my favorite movies. :)

The Witness is overrated, specifically the murder scene at the beginning.
I heard it was so graphic and gave people nightmares, but then I saw the movie recently (which was so dull) and the murder scene was lame and un-shocking.
But then again, maybe I'm just desensitized due to all the violence in today's films.
These movies are overrated to me:

The notebook
The Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction
Forrest Gump
One flew over cuckoo's nest
Rear window
Clockwork orange
Catch me if you can
Touch of evil
The Intouchables
Harry Potter movies
Pirate of the Carribean movies
The Lord of the rings movies
I agree with Trainspotting. Hated that movie tbh. One flew over Cuckoo's nest was too lengthy for my taste.
Black Swan. yeah, I said it. Ballet as Oscar bait and ballerina going crazy, what a novel concept :rolleyes:

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