Prada F/W 2007.08 Milan

Miuccia and Rizzo at the height of their powers. I constantly go back to it and stare at my screen, mouth agape at how gorgeous and desirable everything is: The opening look, the black and white suit on Sasha, the coat Phuel mentioned. Anabela's last look with all those feathers, stands to this day as one of the coolest looks I've seen. To succesfully merge colors and textures that by all means shouldn't work, that's the whole point with Prada and that look (and this collection in general) serve as the perfect example.

Goes without saying that the little beanies are forever burnt into my brain, it's not surprising Marie Amélie Sauve considers it her favortite Prada show. Other than at Ghesquiere's Balenciaga where else could you find something so sleek, nonchalant and yet somwhat off-kilter? Only Spring 2009 can compete with this one for me.
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This is one of my favorite Prada collections and one of the first shows I remember watching as a fashion obsessed kid when I got access to Internet in a third world country back in '07 and I got a story from today that still melted my heart as much as it would have back then.

So, in my low-standard country you rarely see any designer items - you can spot some accessories, and maybe some nouveau riche Balmain or Dolce & Gabbana, but never something from iconic designer collections we revere. So imagine my surprise when at an NGO event this evening I spotted a middle-aged woman carrying the coat from Look 19 in her hands! I totally flipped out! Naturally I'm a rather shy person and would never walk up to some random ambassador's wife and start a conversation, but I somehow made myself go up to her and tell her that I recognize her coat. She was extremely surprised that anyone - let alone a 25 year old guy - had recognized it. She told me it was one of her favorite coats and that she re-wears it every season; she let me touch the fabric (I nearly had a heart attack; it was like touching the Dalai Lama) and we talked about the degrade wool-and-silk fabric and what else she owns from that gorgeous collection.

I know it's super nerdy and maybe wouldn't make much sense to people on here who have been exposed to designer clothes in person from an early age, but during that short conversation I felt like that little kid who would obsess over a single photo from a fashion show and it reminded me why I love this industry so much at a time when I needed it the most. :crush:
It’s really hard for me to comprehend the fact that this show actually happened twelve years ago. Twelve! Oh my... I feel like it was just a few years ago when 17yo me was watching the show over and over again on youtube and tried to find out the name of the band on the soundtrack (no Shazam back then, remember!). This collection always felt special to me... Maybe because since fw06 Miuccia had taken a direction that really resurrected my interest in the label (I had found the ss2004-ss2006 Prada way too trendy, cute and over-styled), and this collection really has all the Prada-isms that I love.

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