the "Lohan To Represent Chanel" rumour

Admittedly Lindsay isn't Chanel but to be fair I never really though Kate was Chanel (too cool for school Brit) or Daria for that matter. Chanel to me is classic models like Christy Turlington.
Chanel designer KARL LAGERFIELD has laughed off singer/actress LINDSAY LOHAN's claims she will front the fashion house's next advertising campaign, insisting she is too immature.
In December (05) the MEAN GIRLS star boasted she had won a lucrative contract with the fashion giant, following supermodel KATE MOSS' dismissal over allegations of drug abuse.
But chief designer Lagerfield insists the label needs more sophisticated icons, such as film star NICOLE KIDMAN - who advertises signature scent Chanel Number 5 (corr).
I LOVE daria for chanel! Though admittedly when i first heard she would be doing the campaigns i was a little unsure. But i love the edgier vibe her and Kate Moss bring.
Lindsay Lohan Rumor Is True!

Attention everyone interested-the rumor is in fact true.
Lindsay Lohan signed a $1 million contract for 2 years to represent Chanel and do adverts for their Coco Mademoiselle fragance. This further fuels the rumor that Lindsay has replaced Kate Moss, but I completely agree with you all. Why on earth did Karl Largerfeld hire Lindsay Lohan?
When I think of Chanel; class, sophistication, elegance and grandness come to mind. Not some teen film star whose acting skills are questionable. I think someone like Angelina Jolie or Winona Ryder would of been a better suited choice. I mean does anyone really associate Chanel perfume with Lindsay Lohan?? I think not.
Ahh well, the fashion word is fickle. Lindsay will be old news in 2008.
Selma Blair Modelling Questions Answered...

To all interested, Selma Blair does in fact front Chanel women's spectacles (which only came out in Fall 2005) and she also fronts Miu Miu (division of Prada) ready-to-wear women's clothes.
Selma has a $1 million, 2 year contract with Chanel and a $1 million, 3 year contract with Miu Miu.
SiennaInLondon said:
Admittedly Lindsay isn't Chanel but to be fair I never really though Kate was Chanel (too cool for school Brit) or Daria for that matter. Chanel to me is classic models like Christy Turlington.

I kinda disagree about that Chanel is always about the modern woman. But Ms. Lohan is not that modern woman; her behaviour is extremely distasteful and unsuiting for a house like Chanel that demands a bit more maturity. Lindsay Lohan cannot sing for one thing, and all of her other movies except for Mean Girls, which was fun to laugh at for its sheer stupidty and promotion of sterotypes and ignorance. It is a bit annoying that some people are famous and paid for making pure sh*t.
Gross I think that the Olson twins would be better! Ya know like a black and white action picture...kinda like burberry but kooler! :D
i know it seems that Lindsay doesn't fit the image of 'Chanel' but really... can't wait until the actual adverts come out... coz i think it would be a very interesting crash... also i think Chanel is trying to get some younger customers... so Lindasy might be their 1st move...
if she attends the fw06 chanel show..then its true she'll be doing it..if she doesnt come then i think its just a rumor...its a pattern whenever a celeb gets signed to do an ad..they attend the show before the ads come out..i might be wrong
if she attends the fw06 chanel show..then its true she'll be doing it..if she doesnt come then i think its just a rumor...its a pattern whenever a celeb gets signed to do an ad..they attend the show before the ads come out..i might be wrong
Apparently she's the new face of LV:


Lindsay Lohan is set to become the face of Louis Vuitton.

The 'Mean Girls' star will replace Leonardo DiCaprio's ex, Gisele Bundchen.

An insider said: "She just got asked to be in the ads and she's going to say yes.

"She's really excited."

The change of face has reportedly been ordered by the chic label's designer, Marc Jacobs...

...The deal with the exclusive French house is worth $1 million dollars over a three year period.

ewwwww wth lindsay potrays as a drinkaholic, party girl, tennage girl who doesnt know fashion and just screwing around hollywood. well at least she aint representing chanel, chanel is wayy too chic, classy and sophiscated for her. LVs whatever. at least shes not representing chanel
Karl Actually laughed it off and said that he would never place Lohan in one of his ad campaigns and said he prefers the Nicole Kidman generation compaired to the teen queens.

It looks like Marc Jacobs will NOT be using Lindsay Lohan for the fall Louis Vuitton ads after all. WWD says that talks between the two have "hit a snag and a replacement is still undecided."

For his other two labels, Marc will be using Jennifer Jason Leigh shot by Juergen Teller (surprise!) for his Marc Jacobs ads, and Malgosia Bela for his Marc by Marc line -- she will be modeling both the men's and women's clothing, so that will be interesting to see.

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