The Skinny Jean Scene #1

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ive tried on many skinny jeans from many different brands...
but for me the best fitting ones are the ones from Primark for 8 pound! :D
I like J Brand in Silverfox, or Siwy in Rain or Gunmetal
Skinny jeans from seven, tru relig, and rock & republic are all i wear now, i dont even care if the trend dies down.
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concrete, i think those are by superfine, and if they aren't, superfine has at least two pairs of grey skinnies. matchesfashion, brownsfashion stocks them. usually a pair or two on ebay too. i like sass&bide's grey misfits alot too; net-a-porter.

the girl in hong kong who wanted to try cheap mondays: you can get them at
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in the kate moss thread, there is a side view of her in those light gray and it's siwy.
she wears 3 grays pairs of siwy i noticed and tracked . one is rain, one is clay and one is nostalgia. i own all 3. the clay is the darkest gry, rain is the one that has some fading and nostalgia is all one color. you can usually tell by the button if anything.
i'm still wearing skinnys. i tried to put wider ones in my boots and i looked like 1999.
As do I, am so disproportionate, but I love it. I only like skinny jeans, but being that I live in an area where skinny jean equates with GAY and GAY is totally looked down upon and ridiculed, as to not stir any confusion, I have been buying Cheap Monday straight legs with the tapered ankles, also regular super slim leg jeans that are MASCULINE enough for mass society. So sad, but what can I do.

I do wear my skinnies though, but just not as frequently as I would like.:cry:

I think you shouldnt care what people say.. My boyfriend is not gay (of course since he is with me hehe) and he wears only skinny jeans.. Ok yes some people might think he is gay but so what? If it looks good (and I think it does on guys), what do you care what the society thinks? I would think in New York skinny jeans fashion would have penetrated the mass markets by now (???).. At least in little Finland it has. I see everyone wearing skinnies nowadays..boys, girls, kids...

Hold your head up high, wear your skinny jeans.. you know you dress way better than they do, anyways! ;)
i just got a pair of j brands fo 75$ at a sample sale, does anybody know what the retail price usually is
retail is around $150-$170
but you can get them on sale for $50 up
About the whole skinny jeans = gay guys thing.

Seriously, anybody who goes into any form of artsy/fashiony scene will immediately be immersed in guys who are totally straight but totally okay with skinny jeans. Hell, most of them will be wearing them.

Style is not what you wear for someone else. That's fashion. That's just going along with what other people say. Style is what you wear for yourself, and you shouldn't let some xxx get in the way of you expressing your style.
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the girl in hong kong who wanted to try cheap mondays: you can get them at
Thank you, but I meant... like a store, really... but I'll definitely try this site! :heart:
I think if your a guy and you look good with them on then wear skinnies. some people, girls and guys, just don't suit them, but others look fabulous in them.

Personally i love skinnies
humm if you're in la area jbrands down to $49 at fred segal like two weeks back?
cause they were having a major sale
I wasn't a huge fan of the skinnies but for some unknown reason, one day BOOM I realized they could be quite cute with the right outfit. I decided I wasn't going to shell out a lot of money for a trend that's already dying out but I managed to find a pair that I loveeee. And although I cheated a little (they're straight cut, not skinny-skinny), I love them are they are fabulous. Suck on that skinny-jean nay-sayers! (I was once one too) :p:blush:
I've never heard of this gay guys skinny jean thing? I think that would be a very North American perspective though. My boyfriend was just over visiting Canada and said all the guys here wear 'baggy jeans' so I think it's just the perspective
I've never heard of this gay guys skinny jean thing? I think that would be a very North American perspective though. My boyfriend was just over visiting Canada and said all the guys here wear 'baggy jeans' so I think it's just the perspective

Where about in Canada? I've found that in a lot of smaller cities, guys like baggy jeans -- the baggier, the better I think. But in busier cities, skinny jeans are starting to become more prominent, at least in Toronto. You remember that whole "new rave" fiasco you guys had to deal with a few months ago? It's coming here!

Also, I think I agree with you about the gay thing. North Americans were probably the first people to start using the word "gay" to describe everything that moves...
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