That's what I observe I see Vogue getting lighter since a year. I live in Europe. We dont get extras we just get plain magazines. I am a long term fashion magazine reader and collector. I say what I observe. I buy different editions every month and check newsttands every week. I am their long term reader for MANY MANY years.
This month is very light. I checked at newsstands like I do every month buying lots of magazines since age 13 and I am in my 30s. Magazines are getting lighter and it makes me sad. You can read here too. I just talked about how media is changing. Nothing lie. Nothing to hide. Can I freely write my observation here?
It says here too:
Of course, things are much different today. Last year,
The New York Post declared September issues "dead," pointing to a lack of publishing funds. While it seems publishers stopped reporting on ad page counts a couple of years ago,
citing that revenue comes through many different channels now, there's no denying that the issues aren't as thick as they used to be. Not to mention the
many print magazines that have shuttered over the last few years.
The trend forecasting purpose of the September issue has also become largely irrelevant with the immediacy of digital and social media, as Gabrielle Korn, former editor-in-chief of
Nylon, points out. "The traditional point of a September print issue is to reveal that year's fall fashion, but people no longer need a magazine to tell them what's about to be 'cool' — they already know," she explains. "What can a publication tell them that they don't already know? What is a brand's authority in the space if a reader has access to the same info and resources?" According to Korn, these are questions editors should be asking themselves.