Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2007

Erin: Whoever put this girl in the show should be shot, her body is on the verge of anorexic looking, and she looks like a drugged cat in her face. Please never again.

:rofl: :evil:

Nice review Gaby, I think you're 90% on the money with those comments.

And very true about Karolina and the "air heel". Everyone knows Natasha did it better and she didn't harp on about it for a whole year afterwards.
Ok well some people like my reviews so I thought I'd finally do one for this year :smile: Just like Jayson, which i think were pretty good :smile:

Adriana Lima-My girl I love her!:heart:Her body did look amazing, and she defiantly got the crowd going and was a crowd favorite. I know everyone criticizes her pointing and etc, but the general population love it let's face it she's not boring and she's the only model there that can get a crowd pumping and excited like Tyra used to. Plus I love that they let her open this year, next to Karolina she and KK are the best Angels they have currently they are the only ones I believe that cover all three bases can do print, runway, and are popular with the general public.

Karolina Kurkova-Show wise she is one of my favorites, her leg on the fountain was genius and so was the mid turn on her second walk out. I didn't like when she turned her butt to Will.I.Am I found it in totally bad taste. My only real problem with Karolina is the girl talks way to much, and usually about the same things over and over, I am so sick of the air heel story, and honestly when I saw her trip this year I thought "Oh good we are going to have to hear about that 6 times next year too."

Julia Strenger:Don't get her. She's okay, but then she smiles and I just cringe, her smile makes we twitch.

Hana S:Loved her last year, love her this year. Her outfits were horrible, but her walk was good and she totally outshines Karolina for the most beautiful blonde in the show.

Noemi:Seriously why was this girl there? To steal the spot from an actual model. I have little to no tolerance for models who are now somewhat movie actresses, but just come back to do the show...get your publicity somewhere else lady.

Isabeli:good to have her back, and she looks great. But...I will still never get he appeal of this girl, she's gorgeous when she doesn't smile, but when she does she looks like there is something wrong with her. Plus, she seems to have lost some of her runway presence, sure she blew kisses on the last walk but I always seem to forget she was in the show when I think about the cast.

Selita:She toned it down quite a bit this year, and it helped tremendously! She's still not one of my favorites, and I would have liked to see her with bangs like she had in videos leading up to the show, but overall a MAJOR improvement.

Alessandra:Girlfriend needs runway lessons! Usually she's ok, but I wanted to take her hands hold them down by her side and say "Quit playing with your hair" Also can we please have a new face at the end of the runway instead of her putting her lips together. Another thing, she really need to stop working out, her legs are so muscular they are starting to look fat.

Heidi:Absolutely nothing good to say...I really could care less she's had three kids, and how she looks. Other models have had kids and look better than she does, plus I'm sick it all being about Heidi. She was a model, singer, and host this year enough. Plus does she really even deserve this when the only reason she even came back this year was to get promotion for Project runway? Think about it, she hardly does any launches for the company, she did 1 commercial for them last year and she isn't in the catalogs anymore, Heidi I'm begging you please don't come back!

Izabel:Runway wise she really impressed me this year, her body is insane. Nothing more to say

Mickela(sp:( Her body is insane, but her face IMO wasn't that impressive. She did have a killer walk, and opened her segment beautifully. As for her second outfit she worked it as well, and it was unforgettable. VS needs to book her for next years show, without a second thought about it.

Morgana: For the first time this year I seen why she was there. She finally fit in IMO. She had that quirky yet sexy look about her, she's a very thin girl but she has a softness to her body that a LOT of the other girls don't have. Her body looked classic Vs to me.

Inguna:I love Inguna I really do but..she doesn't fit into VS, she's to doll like for Victoria's Secret. There is an innocence in ehr face that just doesn't sell sexy to me.

Flavia:She did very well, her walk was amazing and her little bit of sexiness in pink was good, but girlfriend needs to eat a bit more.

Marija: Most improved. I was not impressed by her in 2005, but this year she was gorgeous, she wasn't over the top, and she was classicly beautiful her walk was precise

Eugenia: God I love this girl but she look like the epitome of bored this year, she just was a total flop this year. I was expecting the Eugenia from 2005 and was totally disappointed.

Caroline: She was very sweet looking, but didn't stand out as much as I would have liked to see her do, esp this being her third year.

Erin: Whoever put this girl in the show should be shot, her body is on the verge of anorexic looking, and she looks like a drugged cat in her face. Please never again.

Angela:I will never get the appeal of this women, I think she's average looking and the walk could drive a priest to become a pimp!

Elise:Please never again, just please!

Miranda: *Sighs* Her energy was good and she got the crowd going but her poise when she stood up made me shake my head when I first saw it, and then the fact she looks 14 doesn't help either. Her personality backstage was hilarious, and on her second walk out she looked much better, it didn't look like "Mommy I was in your closet and I put on a crown and aren't I pretty!!"

Candice: Like many other people I was shocked by her...she was gorgeous and she totally commanded that runway she was prefect I just wish she had received more than one walk down the runway.

Behati:I don't really care for her look but I can't not watch her and laugh at her because she was so cute. The little smile/giggle at the end of the runway was so likable.

Andi:I'm sorry but I can't help but love her, she looked so stunning this year! I only wish she would have put more emotion into her kiss and it would have been great.

Lindsey:Genius, pure Genius...she fit the little cowgirl role so well, and the pose at the end was great on her part.!

Katie:Awkward...and more awkward.

Jessica:Loved the entrance with the crowd, she did so well. The trip was hurtful to see just because you could tell how much it upset her, I wish for her sake they would have shown the other take. As for her second outfit...what is there to say except No.

Oluchi: I so wish they would have given her more outfits, she looked stunning. You can't even tell she's a mother, and a beautiful mother as well.

Marisa:If I wouldn't have known anything about the pink contest, and models I would have guessed she was the winner...OMG the was just so so so so bad. It looked like she took a candy cane and stuffed it up her bum.

Jessica White:Just no, she looked like a drag queen. Just horrible!

.As for the show overall, I think it was a good show. The casting could have been better but that's just My opinion. I wish people would get over it going back to NY, it's not going to. It MOVED to Los Angeles, didn't just take a trip like they did with Cannes. The show could have been better with better editing, but I don't even blame the editors for it being bad on that end..I blame Ms Klum and her crap. With her skit at the beginning that took 45 seconds, then her little video about herself that took 6 minutes, and the duet which wasn't nessesary took 3 minutes, then her crap at the pink contest that took 3 minutes. Hmmm add it together she took about 13 minutes of the show for herself...well damn there is the rest of the Show! If they would have done the opening like they usually do and took out her performance and took her profile down to 47 seconds like the rest of the girls and took out her stupid little song, we could have had a really good edited show with still having the angels profiled.
I agree with almost everything you said!!! Except I thought Jessica White looked pretty.
Ok well some people like my reviews so I thought I'd finally do one for this year :smile: Just like Jayson, which i think were pretty good :smile:

Adriana Lima-My girl I love her!:heart:Her body did look amazing, and she defiantly got the crowd going and was a crowd favorite. I know everyone criticizes her pointing and etc, but the general population love it let's face it she's not boring and she's the only model there that can get a crowd pumping and excited like Tyra used to. Plus I love that they let her open this year, next to Karolina she and KK are the best Angels they have currently they are the only ones I believe that cover all three bases can do print, runway, and are popular with the general public.

Karolina Kurkova-Show wise she is one of my favorites, her leg on the fountain was genius and so was the mid turn on her second walk out. I didn't like when she turned her butt to Will.I.Am I found it in totally bad taste. My only real problem with Karolina is the girl talks way to much, and usually about the same things over and over, I am so sick of the air heel story, and honestly when I saw her trip this year I thought "Oh good we are going to have to hear about that 6 times next year too."

Julia Strenger:Don't get her. She's okay, but then she smiles and I just cringe, her smile makes we twitch.

Hana S:Loved her last year, love her this year. Her outfits were horrible, but her walk was good and she totally outshines Karolina for the most beautiful blonde in the show.

Noemi:Seriously why was this girl there? To steal the spot from an actual model. I have little to no tolerance for models who are now somewhat movie actresses, but just come back to do the show...get your publicity somewhere else lady.

Isabeli:good to have her back, and she looks great. But...I will still never get he appeal of this girl, she's gorgeous when she doesn't smile, but when she does she looks like there is something wrong with her. Plus, she seems to have lost some of her runway presence, sure she blew kisses on the last walk but I always seem to forget she was in the show when I think about the cast.

Selita:She toned it down quite a bit this year, and it helped tremendously! She's still not one of my favorites, and I would have liked to see her with bangs like she had in videos leading up to the show, but overall a MAJOR improvement.

Alessandra:Girlfriend needs runway lessons! Usually she's ok, but I wanted to take her hands hold them down by her side and say "Quit playing with your hair" Also can we please have a new face at the end of the runway instead of her putting her lips together. Another thing, she really need to stop working out, her legs are so muscular they are starting to look fat.

Heidi:Absolutely nothing good to say...I really could care less she's had three kids, and how she looks. Other models have had kids and look better than she does, plus I'm sick it all being about Heidi. She was a model, singer, and host this year enough. Plus does she really even deserve this when the only reason she even came back this year was to get promotion for Project runway? Think about it, she hardly does any launches for the company, she did 1 commercial for them last year and she isn't in the catalogs anymore, Heidi I'm begging you please don't come back!

Izabel:Runway wise she really impressed me this year, her body is insane. Nothing more to say

Mickela(sp:( Her body is insane, but her face IMO wasn't that impressive. She did have a killer walk, and opened her segment beautifully. As for her second outfit she worked it as well, and it was unforgettable. VS needs to book her for next years show, without a second thought about it.

Morgana: For the first time this year I seen why she was there. She finally fit in IMO. She had that quirky yet sexy look about her, she's a very thin girl but she has a softness to her body that a LOT of the other girls don't have. Her body looked classic Vs to me.

Inguna:I love Inguna I really do but..she doesn't fit into VS, she's to doll like for Victoria's Secret. There is an innocence in ehr face that just doesn't sell sexy to me.

Flavia:She did very well, her walk was amazing and her little bit of sexiness in pink was good, but girlfriend needs to eat a bit more.

Marija: Most improved. I was not impressed by her in 2005, but this year she was gorgeous, she wasn't over the top, and she was classicly beautiful her walk was precise

Eugenia: God I love this girl but she look like the epitome of bored this year, she just was a total flop this year. I was expecting the Eugenia from 2005 and was totally disappointed.

Caroline: She was very sweet looking, but didn't stand out as much as I would have liked to see her do, esp this being her third year.

Erin: Whoever put this girl in the show should be shot, her body is on the verge of anorexic looking, and she looks like a drugged cat in her face. Please never again.

Angela:I will never get the appeal of this women, I think she's average looking and the walk could drive a priest to become a pimp!

Elise:Please never again, just please!

Miranda: *Sighs* Her energy was good and she got the crowd going but her poise when she stood up made me shake my head when I first saw it, and then the fact she looks 14 doesn't help either. Her personality backstage was hilarious, and on her second walk out she looked much better, it didn't look like "Mommy I was in your closet and I put on a crown and aren't I pretty!!"

Candice: Like many other people I was shocked by her...she was gorgeous and she totally commanded that runway she was prefect I just wish she had received more than one walk down the runway.

Behati:I don't really care for her look but I can't not watch her and laugh at her because she was so cute. The little smile/giggle at the end of the runway was so likable.

Andi:I'm sorry but I can't help but love her, she looked so stunning this year! I only wish she would have put more emotion into her kiss and it would have been great.

Lindsey:Genius, pure Genius...she fit the little cowgirl role so well, and the pose at the end was great on her part.!

Katie:Awkward...and more awkward.

Jessica:Loved the entrance with the crowd, she did so well. The trip was hurtful to see just because you could tell how much it upset her, I wish for her sake they would have shown the other take. As for her second outfit...what is there to say except No.

Oluchi: I so wish they would have given her more outfits, she looked stunning. You can't even tell she's a mother, and a beautiful mother as well.

Marisa:If I wouldn't have known anything about the pink contest, and models I would have guessed she was the winner...OMG the was just so so so so bad. It looked like she took a candy cane and stuffed it up her bum.

Jessica White:Just no, she looked like a drag queen. Just horrible!

.As for the show overall, I think it was a good show. The casting could have been better but that's just My opinion. I wish people would get over it going back to NY, it's not going to. It MOVED to Los Angeles, didn't just take a trip like they did with Cannes. The show could have been better with better editing, but I don't even blame the editors for it being bad on that end..I blame Ms Klum and her crap. With her skit at the beginning that took 45 seconds, then her little video about herself that took 6 minutes, and the duet which wasn't nessesary took 3 minutes, then her crap at the pink contest that took 3 minutes. Hmmm add it together she took about 13 minutes of the show for herself...well damn there is the rest of the Show! If they would have done the opening like they usually do and took out her performance and took her profile down to 47 seconds like the rest of the girls and took out her stupid little song, we could have had a really good edited show with still having the angels profiled.

I agree completely. Erin and Elise=disastrous on the runway. Eugenia lost her spark, seemed like she didn't want to be there at all; she seemed uninterested especially her facial expression. :flower:
I really liked EUgenia and Oluchi, for the fact that they weren't over the top. I didn't not like Erina Wasson, but I had no idea who she was. Nobody cheered for her there:/ I think they showed Jessica Stam tripping because the other take of her was an actual fall. I swear I saw a photo that looked exactly like the fall she took before(you know, the one where she did a complete nosedive into the runway?) Elise wasn't one of my favorites this year, nor was Alessandra(despite the fact that she's still one of the most gorgeous things on this planet:wink: )

The "bios" were unnecessary, as were all the backstage shots. I'm rooting for the show to be back in NY 2008, as well as a more toned-down affair like we've all come to know and love the 2005 show as
Sadly I get the feeling that this show will never be toned-down again. The producers want to make a TV show that will appeal to a wide audience by turning the models into personalities rather than just being there to show off the clothes.

We're almost at the stage where every single model in the show is blowing air-kisses and flapping their arms around.
I was taken aback by that, but I think it was only to pull VS out of a slump. They needed viewers, and they got em. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. one whole year -_____________________-"
Well I will rate the show and girls. Basically its a bore . In amongst the show and all the hype they have forgot its about the outfits they wear. I reckon when models smile they look so much better but the smiles here looked forced and false with the result they didnt look good.

As for the girls, well they didnt really get my pulse racing but Elise did increase my rate slightly. And lets be honest, the idea of VS is to get the blood flowing in the male. Sady this show failed
I really liked EUgenia and Oluchi, for the fact that they weren't over the top. I didn't not like Erina Wasson, but I had no idea who she was. Nobody cheered for her there:/ I think they showed Jessica Stam tripping because the other take of her was an actual fall. I swear I saw a photo that looked exactly like the fall she took before(you know, the one where she did a complete nosedive into the runway?) Elise wasn't one of my favorites this year, nor was Alessandra(despite the fact that she's still one of the most gorgeous things on this planet:wink: )

The "bios" were unnecessary, as were all the backstage shots. I'm rooting for the show to be back in NY 2008, as well as a more toned-down affair like we've all come to know and love the 2005 show as

I'm sorry but it's not going to go back to NY, VS proved that by doing the show in LA this year. They took a trip to Cannes in 200 and did the show once there, they "MOVED" the show to LA that was what 2006 promotions and etc where all about, they Moved it there, not just did one show. I doubt it will ever be in NY again. People need to realize that the show could be like they used to the location has nothing to do with it, it's the producers and designers location has nothing to do with it.
What I loved most about this years show was the audience seemed so enthusiastic. I know some of the cheering was done in editing, but it was nice--never seen that before. :smile:
Actually, the shows that were done in NY were more sexy, yet demure. Everything down to the lighting had "VS" written all over it. No coincidence that the shows done in LA were less extravagant, shorter runway time, brighter lighting, and more publicity behind it. It would make sense that they'd keep the show in LA because it's a media hotspot, but one can still hope that they'll hop back to another location
I need a picture from the finale of these models: Rosie, Oluchi, Candice. From runway, not on the tree... HQ not required, but no tags.
Can anyone with firstview or sililar account get me these, please? :flower:

Second wish: Does someone have the videos from FTV (show/backstage) in HQ (without tags, too)?

Thanks for any help in advance. (These are required by me for a VSFS 2007 DVD - extras. Stay tuned... :D)
hey thomas! your site is awesome! haha do you have that who's that girl remix ready?! hahha Ive been waiting soo long for it
I need a picture from the finale of these models: Rosie, Oluchi, Candice. From runway, not on the tree... HQ not required, but no tags.
Can anyone with firstview or sililar account get me these, please? :flower:

Second wish: Does someone have the videos from FTV (show/backstage) in HQ (without tags, too)?

Thanks for any help in advance. (These are required by me for a VSFS 2007 DVD - extras. Stay tuned... :D)

MQ Finale pics - Rosie, Candice, Oluchi

Hi well first of all i would like to say "Hello" to everyone since i'm a barnd new member but i have been following the threads closely, as for the show well i was exited to watch it, and of course there were things i liked and others not so much, i think it's hard to say wich one has been the best VSFS to date but i know that when i take time to watch the videos from all the shows 2005 is the one i keep going back to just seeing the box open and see the girls in it looking firce is great, so i guess that would be my favorite one. 2007 had it's good moments too i really enjoyed the Pink segment Candice was a good adition i must say her walk was great and the energy really good although if you look at the still pics on her second pose when she's looking at the camera over the showlder her face reminds me a bit of Carolini Trentini. I really missed Natasha this year never fully understood why she wasn't there, and i absolutely loved Andi Muise she got my atention ever since her first VSFS. Greetins from Mexico.

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