Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2017

I wonder if this show is still profitable. I mean what is the purpose of staging a show in Shanghai, London, and Paris if the sets and stages are all the same. You could have told me they filmed this show in some small town in podunk Alabama and I would have believed you based on the footage.

Monica Mitro, Pfieffer, Russell James, and Sophia all need to be OUT. There are too many more creatives to keep reusing these same people year after year.
VS needs to get rid of all of them, but they are too loyal to do that.
Anyone else hope that they make Ming an angel? She was clearly the star of the show and even though the fall isn't ideal at least it's giving her exposure and an underdog story arc in media and we all know everyone loves an underdog arc. I know that there's issues with this show but I am glad that at least it was very diverse.
^ Yes, it totally tanked, a more than 30% drop.
This had to be the most confusing show to watch! The editing, camera angles, only 5 seconds per model. All of it made it really hard to concentrate!
And poor Alessandra! She was robbed from her moment. It was kind of like 17 years down the toilet.
The VS team managed to prove once again that they are punch of idiots! Shame!
Alessandra deserved a bigger send off.

Fantasy bra should have opened/closed a segment. Lais deserved more.

Vanessa Moody closing the show?
I saw it :mellow: :lol:.. and I want to have some empathy towards Ming, but that loud crying and dropping shoulders bonus?.. I haven’t done that since someone in kingergarten told me my mom would never pick me up. I get the adrenaline but, you didn't compulsively throw up in your speech graduating from Cambridge, you fell at a lingerie show while wearing a corny costume, it's not the freakin' end of the world.

The hyperbolic statements, the tears, the "once in a lifetime"/"bigger than the universe!" bs makes this so embarrassing to watch, it would be nice if they had kept it the way it was at the beginning.. just a naughty-looking, good fun, lighthearted entertainment. The way it's now has little difference from any other beauty contest.. Miss Universe, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Victoria's Secret Angels, Babes of Cancun.. all just.. eyeroll.

It's good they didn't give one more minute to Alessandra, that woman became so annoying, her retirement was long overdue and they've never made much fuss about retirements anyway, I don't think Gisele's departure (and they never quite recovered from that loss) was turned into a big deal either. Time on TV is precious.
Sadly a mess. The edition was terrible! I absolutely get if the ranking gets low year after year.
And yes, I believe we all can agree that Alessandra deserved way better, after all these years they should made some special thing about her and not just say "It's Alessandra's last show".
I'm not gonna refer about the Ming's situation, I just hope they rewards her.
There are too many girls, I think less girls and more attention to every one of them should be better. Anyway, definitely the show isn't the same than before, Adriana and Alessandra were the only important there, and for now I think Adriana should retire, same as Alessandra.
And for last, why they even did a competition in China if they didn't even introduce the girl who won? That was another disrespectful situation.

P.S: I hope they make angels Maria and Blanca, they looked really good. And also looooooooove to watch Grace Bol, she looked breathtaking :wub:
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I saw it :mellow: :lol:.. and I want to have some empathy towards Ming, but that loud crying and dropping shoulders bonus?.. I haven’t done that since someone in kingergarten told me my mom would never pick me up. I get the adrenaline but, you didn't compulsively throw up in your speech graduating from Cambridge, you fell at a lingerie show while wearing a corny costume, it's not the freakin' end of the world.

The hyperbolic statements, the tears, the "once in a lifetime"/"bigger than the universe!" bs makes this so embarrassing to watch, it would be nice if they had kept it the way it was at the beginning.. just a naughty-looking, good fun, lighthearted entertainment. The way it's now has little difference from any other beauty contest.. Miss Universe, Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, Victoria's Secret Angels, Babes of Cancun.. all just.. eyeroll.

It's good they didn't give one more minute to Alessandra, that woman became so annoying, her retirement was long overdue and they've never made much fuss about retirements anyway, I don't think Gisele's departure (and they never quite recovered from that loss) was turned into a big deal either. Time on TV is precious.
Agreed 100%. I miss the days where models didn’t feel the need to apply fake tears. They are such bad actresses.
The only coverage I have seen about the show is about Ming's fall. It was the best thing that could happen for them publicity wise, otherwise no one would even care about the show.
what a nightmare of a show, could've easily been a philip plein show.
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the editing was awful. And honestly very few of the songs actually went well with the show. Only the Pink segment seemed like some thought went into the performer/music for the segment.

I wasn't expecting them to air the fall, but I don't have an issue with it. It shows that the models aren't perfect, and that there is such a strong sense of love and unity backstage among the models.

I'm surprised that didn't make such a big deal about the Balmain collab. I don't recall them even mentioning it in the actual broadcast.

And congratulations to Vanessa Moody, she officially overtook Bella Hadid as being the most boring in the show.
Just watched it.

I think this was easily one of the worst since they started televising it in 2001. And also perhaps the most maddening of them all, for me. Because there was actually a TON of potential for this to be great.

What killed this for me was ...

The Bad:

- THE EDITING. Honestly, it was nothing short of embarrassing. There wasn't a single shot that I could find that lasted more than 3 seconds. And the jump cuts didn't even stay on the same model; it would spend 2 seconds on the model approaching the end of the runway, for example a closeup of her outfit. Then would immediately cut to a closeup of the model behind her's outfit! Just so completely amateur and chaotic. Aside from Candice's opening, I can't think of a single example of the camera actually allowing us to properly see a model's WALK. Karlie was in two segments and there were zero extended or full-length shots of her walking. Insane. Why even take a model's walk into consideration if you're not going to actually show it?! Please, just look at the 2003 show - at Naomi Campbell's segments. This is how it should be done.

- THE MUSIC. It's time to move away from musical performers and go back to the dj remix sets. I love Harry Styles, I think he's sexy and charming and actually enjoy his solo album and I felt like his songs were the best fit, really. But STILL - it just is too distracting, taking away from the models. All of the rest of the music did not go well at all. There used to be epic moments where the music would change slightly for the model to announce their entrance. Think about how epic it was when Tyra came out to "Rockstar" by N.E.R.D (2003 show). That was in the middle of a segment and the music changed to mark her entrance. This truly gives the models a chance to SHINE and there were none of those in this year's show.

- THE CHEEEEEEESE. This was the cheesiest, most cringe-worthy thing I've seen in a long time. The Kung Fu segment was ridiculous. All of the endless prattling on about how this is the biggest opportunity of their lives and "such a dream come true" and blah blah blah. It's just soooo basic and stupid. It makes all these women sound like airheads, and I know that's absolutely not what they are. It's also like they've instructed every model in this show to have the identical personality. They all have to be cutesy, flirty, coquettish, young, chirpy and ditzy. That's it. There's no room for any diversity of personality. ZERO authenticity.

- TOO. MUCH. CONTENT. There were far too many models and far too many outfits. They only have 42 minutes of showtime, and a bunch of that is filled with the idiocy of the aforementioned segments and screentime taken by the musical performers. So they only gave each model about 6 seconds of time per outfit (some were probably less, to be honest). They had so many for the Balmain collab that they had to send the models out in pairs! Suuuuuch a fail!!

Ok, now with all of that being said, I am probably most frustrated because I think this show had the opportunity to be really wonderful. What follows is...

The Good:

- THE MODELS. Yes, I think there were too many of them, but they ALL looked incredibly beautiful. The hair and makeup was stunning. Their bodies looked so fit and skin was glowing. The smiles were beautiful. And most significantly, THE DIVERSITY!! It was so refreshing and awesome to see so many different nationalities represented.

- THE OUTFITS. Again, there were too many of them. But there were some truly gorgeous ones. I actually liked the Balmain collab much better in motion than I thought I would. And the Porcelain section was absolutely beautiful. I loved the outfits in Nomadic Adventure, as well. Like, honestly it was all just fantastic. Slightly difficult to really see, due to all the quick cuts and such ... but I digress.

FINAL VERDICT. 4/10 Sooooooo yeah. I mean, This is the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. It ain't difficult or complicated - the concept is as follows: today's biggest models walking the runway in wildly designed and elaborated lingerie. And this year had fabulous models in beautiful outfits. It SHOULD have been a killer year. But basically it failed in every other regard and, thus, FAILS overall.
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^ LOL that's what Wendy Williams said in her Hot Topic segment. Ming may not have wanted to become super famous that way, but she is now and that's all that matters.
Ed Razek needs a big kick up the behind and needs to get rid of Monica Mitro, John Pfeiffer and Sophia Neophitou.
Instead they should hire casting directors who know their stuff and hire back Alex de Betak to do the producing and styling of the show.

The only redeeming thing about this year was the diversity.
I like that there was diversity this year, but besides that, this show was really bad. From the editing to the music, to the outfits... I truly wonder if no one at VS realises this or do they really think it all looked amazing?
I wonderf if they ever rewatch the 2005 and 2006 shows and think how the mighty has fallen.
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What better way to celebrate Alessandra Ambrosio’s last Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show than with an official wax sculpture from Madame Tussauds? Watch & see the amazing year-long process.

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