What Vitamins do you take ?

I've narrowed it down to this:

VEGA Meal Replacement Drink as my base mult
Omega3 Fish Oils
MSM + vit C for hair, joints, nails, skin
Brewer's Yeast
Multi vitamin
D-vitamin (apparently my 'number' was ridicilously low last time I went to see my doctor)
Iron + C-vitamin
b complex, gummy multi vitamin from trader joe's, vitamin d, iron, st. john's wort....b complex changed my life it gives me sooo much energy! it makes me feel alert and refreshed
Raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, blackcurrants, redcurrants, cranberries, plums, mangos; kiwis... I love my new blender. :woot:
Vitamin B complex (with vitamin C)
Calcium with magnesium + vitamin D
Whoever posted about about Nature's Plus Source of Life Gold Tablets I so agree!! Everyone should replace their centrum one a days (which is essentially a water pill) with these vitamins!!!

I also take resveratrol
coenzyme q
alpha lipoic acid
brewers yeast
eckolonia kava
krill oil
fish oil
evening primrose oil
apple cider vinegar

I want to stay young forever hah
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Daily iron, once a week i tried to remember vitamin D... and i should prob take some multi B now and then as being vegetarian,...
on tuesday at target i bought a bottle of women's daily multivitamins and i've been taking them since then.
Wow-lots of good stuff in there.

Do you like it because of how complete it is or can you notice some type of change with its use?? :flower:

Do you have to keep it refrigerated...-it looks like there are some things in there that, in the past, it might be advised for (increase stability/longevity of product)??

I feel AMAZING when I take these! My skin becomes so clear as well and my metabolism seems revved up too!

They seem to do fine in normal room temperature.
My skin tends to improve a lot if I take more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C... I like to take 3-5,000 mg a day & MSM.
flaxseed oil- i read that it helps with white/black heads, and thats that. im much too lazy to take anything else! :P
Flax seed oil capsules
Green tea extract capsules
Cerin capsules (for skin without pimples)
Das Gesunde Plus capsules (quartz, zink, silicium)
I recently added 1000 mg msm to my regular vitamin routine.

This is my update list:

1000 mg msm
5000 mg biotin
multi (now foods eve).

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