Revivals indeed and as ybf stated, adjusted and developed into something different....I'd say that neo-supers have a bigger focus on recognition within the fashion world than by the manistream. There is the big difference between the real supers. But that doesn't mean they are or will not be known by the general public. I think if you let Sasha Pivovarova (neo-super, hello!) on the loose in Japan or certain parts of China, she'll be needing bodyguards to kick the wacko fans of her!
Also, I would say that the worldwide success of every single Next Top Model franchise brings back a focus on the topmodel...they're idolised again more and more in some way...who knows what this discussion wil look like in 10 years.
The true supers, I think, were able to dominate both mainstream and high fashion. Covers, haute couture shows, muses for the top designers, etc, while still being celebrities. I mean, do you really think Naomi and Claudia, for instance, weren't incredibly respected in the fashion world? It's limiting only from today's model scene, which kind of asks you to pick one: 1) mainstream success (such as Adriana Lima and other VS models) or 2) high fashion (like Gemma, etc).
I think you're right about a revived interest in fashion these days. Even the real supers have seen a resurgence in exposure and popularity as of late. But still, to compare Natalia, Daria, Liya, etc, even Giselle to an extent, to Linda, Christy, Naomi, Helena, Stephanie at the height of their careers is flawed, IMO. They just aren't comparable. They are popular today, but the industry and mainstream are different. Not that it takes anything away from them or their careers (I quite like Natalia and Liya is one of my favorite models ever), but their context is different.
So a "neo-super" is really like saying "a poor-man's super" or a "less popular super".

It defeats the purpose!
I say fashion heads get creative and derive a new name for the current era and the women succeeded in today's industry. Evolve!
Now I can agree that perhaps one day, a new type of supermodel will emerge, but I don't think we're there yet.