Who Will Succeed John Galliano At Dior? #2 *Update Raf Simons Offically Hired*

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^if they fail, wouldnt they fire the LV people he brought over, and reinstate the Dior people...
For God's sake Marc- do you want the job or not!!? And why on earth would anyone want to (or allow) all of the artists that have been making Dior things for years be replaced by some (to me, questionable) LV people? Makes no sense- if he ends up doing that the company may get what it deserves- chaos at LV and God knows what at Dior! This whole thing has become tedious at this point! :cry:
^ If the rumors are true it's because Marc wants needs the support of his current team, because it's much easier than coming in to an existing one in which they can revolt against you. I understand it's comforting to have the same group because it's an emotional crutch and comes down to trust.
Plus if he is talking about the creative team, they have never done couture at LV, neither did he. You want to bring a whole team + a creative director that never done it. C'mon !

Good point. It's a recognised trait of insecure people - that they can only work with people below them in a structure who know less than they do. The best business leaders, apparently, will readily hire (or in this case adopt) people who know more than they do in a specific field. This must be one dumb team he wants to bring.
Rumor: Alexander Wang Is Now Being Considered for Dior

Last week, Marc Jacobs seemed to be only a few awkward dinner parties away from confirming his appointment at Dior, but today British Vogue reports that LVMH would rather keep him at Louis Vuitton, as many insiders suspected from the start. From their post:
"For Dior, it's a pretty tricky situation, as the three favourites really can't take the job," a source close to LVMH told us. "Haider Ackermann is said to be 'way too edgy' for Dior; Marc Jacobs wanted the job a lot, but LVMH wants him to stick with Vuitton; and Riccardo Tisci simply refused, saying that he was feeling more than comfortable with the job at Givenchy. So nobody's taking over so far."

Meanwhile, the same unnamed source says that Alexander Wang's hat is now in the ring. This seems far-fetched for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that Wang has never attempted anything even close to couture. What's more, he probably wouldn't even want the job, considering he's currently making a killing with his surefire formula of slouchy streetwear. (Also, if Ackermann is "way too edgy" for Dior, per this source, then what does that make Wang?) Jacobs lacks couture experience as well, but many critics believe that he's ready to attempt it, particularly after his latest collection. And finally, it's doubtful that LVMH would allow rumors to spread about negotiations between Dior and Jacobs if they wanted to keep him at Vuitton all along. In short, he's still the most likely candidate.

Is anyone else really tired of this whole soap opera....? :cry:
Honestly if Wang is going to Dior, i'm leaving my country, switching nationality and changing my name.
Where do I apply for the job? Surely if Wang is a candidate then anyone can be considered.
The rumours are getting ridiculous, particularly as they're being entertained by apparently reputable sources. I'm sure someone's just coming up with random names and seeing how far the rumour goes. Generally if a report cites 'unnamed sources' it's a load of rubbish.
Ya its simply tragic at this point, with so much talent out there, these are the names thrown around?! Go with someone who is not famous, but has talent, because we all know there is plenty of designers who can do justice to this house, and have the required talent. Wang is NOT one of them imo.
i know i know!!! it must be karl !!! he in charge of chanel and dior at the same time~ wooohooo
So there is not designer for my favourite label: Dior.

It is very difficult, because when Galliano went to Dior,
the house made an spectacular start and the next shows and the fantasy that Galliano gave to Dior were historical moments,
and he made feel to the fashion lovers the most amazing fashion feelings in a scale that nobody match.

Every second I can see the influence of Galliano in the streets of my small town,
in the fashion catwalk, It is obvious he gave to fashion a lot to go on.

Dior without Galliano could start to sleep again with a medium designer.
Dior, the sleeping beauty like it was before Yves Saint Laurent.

Dior CEOs should be nervous, because they know that nobody can shake the house in the same way that Galliano made.
Of course there are a lot of talented designers, but Dior stuff with Galliano has much more than talent, it had some magic, some perfection and an spirit that just divine men like Galliano can offer.
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LOL I'd never thought that Marc in charge at Dior could sound like the best idea ever... why not dolce and gabbana? the guys from dsquared? cavalli? what is going on? :D
... because we all know there is plenty of designers who can do justice to this house, and have the required talent.

Two Words: Lindsay Lohan!! She is available (read:unemployable), has already done a stunning collection for Ungaro, knows her way around daisy pasties, and gives great after parties!! She is perfect- and might work for less that the $10,000,000/yr that Marc was said to be demanding..!! :blink:
Is anyone else really tired of this whole soap opera....? :cry:
I've been tired of it for months now.
I think it's pretty much a given at this point that Jacobs will get the job. As the article says, why would LVMH allow rumors to spread about negotiations between Dior and Jacobs if he's gonna stay at Vuitton? And all these other rumors about other possible contenders at Dior seem to be mere publicity stunts. They strike me as a "keep your eyes on Dior" type of thing.
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