Well, this is a thing with models, but have you ever seen high school kids or malls or anything? i mean, people smoke everywhere, a lot of them, and not because they are succesfull models deserve to be a role model too. Im not being rude to anybody(really im not) but sometimes we think they are there to offer a public service and theyre not, they are getting money for being beautiful and thats it, exactly the same with smart or dumb girls, i mean, that has nothing to do with their jobs.
Now, if you like to see them not working(cause their work as models is in FRONT of cameras, not behind), like paparazzis and voyeurs do, maybe you could think for a moment they have nothing better to do backstage. Some people play chess in free time, some smoke, some sleep, some read, etc... Just my opinion
If i see Nelson Mandela smoking all the time and laughing stupidly(did i spell right?) then id be worried.