Boys And The Hoodie

I'm not entirely sure what you're supposed to be told in sex education - and would anyone actually listen to a teacher at that age? I mean children grow up thinking that the Teletubbies lack of genitalia is completely normal, teachers would have their work cut out for them if it was solely their job to educate young people about life...
I know imagine teaching 6 year old boys sex education you would only need to say the word penis and they would just laugh for the rest of the lesson.

My sex education videos were seriously messed up. People playing vollyball naked (with the man in hat scarf etc in the background walking his dog so it was oviously a very cold day) and dont forget the naked family yes this family doesnt were clothes it was like a soap but the charectors were naked !!!!
they are supposed to teach you about the birds & the bees PoC. and about snakes in caves......
helena said:
they are supposed to teach you about the birds & the bees PoC. and about snakes in caves......

I still haven't heard about the birds and the bees. I've always really wanted to know exactly what the whole birds/bees combo actually is. I think that they may have left if a bit late...
I remember one sex ed lesson when I was 15 when we all sat around and brainstormed various words, 'swear words' and phrases for the human anatomy and various sexual activities. What that taught us I'm unsure; maybe not to get hit by the 'love truncheon'? :huh:

We did get shown various methods of contraception, I always felt pretty well informed. This was of course all carried out whilst a girl in our class was pregnant, I remember her sitting and saying 'hmm well i think it's a bit late for this now!'
I still haven't heard about the birds and the bees. I've always really wanted to know exactly what the whole birds/bees combo actually is. I think that they may have left if a bit late...

it like the other week my mum had to explain to me what the easter bunny was lol !! well i never had it. I love to hear stupid stories kids get told, like your baby brother was brought by a stork (how exsactly ?? lol) my mum told me the truth from the start.

In fact it was me who in year 1 (about 6years old) stood up and told my class about sex (the real thing not birds n bees etc) !!

I nearly got suspended until my mum had a big arguement with head teacher (long story lol)
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is it not just that the birds & the bees do 'stuff' and then there are more birds and more bees.
What that taught us I'm unsure; maybe not to get hit by the 'love truncheon'? :huh:

Mr Wilkinson told us it's called a 'John Thomas'...

Laura was saying that nearly everyone in her IT class (apart from her and Amy P?) was pregnant by the end of the year. I guess that was a few of the five you mention.
FFF - you are terrible!

I learned most of what I know from reading girls magazines when i was a teenager - I found all the stuff out for myself...
I know imagine teaching 6 year old boys sex education you would only need to say the word penis and they would just laugh for the rest of the lesson.

My sex education videos were seriously messed up.

It doesn't get much better really, I know several 18 year olds who would react in exactly the same way.

At about 14 we were shown a video called 'Jonny Condom', it was an animated plasticine condom, called Jonny, that sang a song about contraception. Scarred me for life.
do they put something in the newky brown?......LOL
omg we saw that. jonny condom were a condom du du du (got that bloody song in my head now thanks lol) no one day my dad said to me son you gotta know when you goota be used lol i can remember all the words its so cathcy

The plastic models of "celebs" (well 2 be fair they were in '85) scared the bejesus outta me. espesially the bjork one.
haha I think they do Helena yes, ;)

A John Thomas! haha thank god I only have another month of possibly seeing that man, god thats a good one.

Yeah thats probably accurate Prince, :eyeroll: however I think I was in their IT class and I wasn't pregnant :blinks: *harbours various secret love children* There had been a one or two who had been pregnant on a couple of occassions but due to unfortunate circumstances, had misscarraiges. It's a sad state of affairs.
helena said:
do they put something in the newky brown?......LOL

Scottish & Newcastle Brewers Plc. do all the beers around here, Helena, so whatever it is it's in yon Glasgow and Edinburgh brews too! ;)
FFF your school sounds crazy. Mr wilkinson sounds like he is VERY comfortable with sex ed!!!!!
Lena - its all my fault started all this. ok back on topic eveyone.
hahahah :rofl: We should start a sex ed website!!

So was the initial question about the reputation of boys with hoodies, or the possibilities pulling your hood over your head can make?

In our school they've banned caps/hats and Hoodies being pulled over your head when it's not raining I think, so people can be caught on security cameras for vandalism etc if they're tempted to do so.
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