Boys And The Hoodie

I hadn't really heard of the hoodie problem until I started reading this thread. it seems exessive to ban them.......not sure that will solve any problems
fab_fifties_fille said:
hahahah :rofl: We should start a sex ed website!!

So was the initial question about the reputation of boys with hoodies, or the possibilities pulling your hood over your head can make?

In our school they've banned caps/hats and Hoodies being pulled over your head when it's not raining I think, so people can be caught on security cameras for vandalism etc if they're tempted to do so.

lol it would come up as p*rn on google!...the sexed spot....
helena said:
I hadn't really heard of the hoodie problem until I started reading this thread. it seems exessive to ban them.......not sure that will solve any problems

I think that bluewater had a lot of problems with hooded thieves. They're a company who wants to make a profit. Fair enough...

In places like schools uniform is seen kind of like a 'gateway drug' :lol: There are a lot of theories about education that think that 'get the uniform right and everything else follows'. It's part of this whole 'back to basics' discipline that the eductation department is big on... 'If we can get young people to wear smart clothes they'll stop being criminals' :blink:
helena said:
Lena - its all my fault started all this. ok back on topic eveyone.

And mine, and anyone else's fault for carrying it on.

Sooo, how about if I buy that baby pink casmere/cotton hoodie? Will I be a menace to society?

What is really at fault is our society and ' values ' .

Since the days of a certain Thatcher , and the fact that ' there is no such thing as society ' , those people who are not in the meritocratic section of the population have just given up . Parents have to work all the hours that God sends for precious little reward , merely to keep their heads above water . There's no family life and kids are left to their own devices .Commercial advertising tells the kids that they can grow up to be a celebrity on that ' Love Island ' and they will make no efforts for themselves because everything has to come to them , and if it doesn't , then the teachers , MPs , social workers are to blame for neglect in their duty .

This disaffected ' want it all ' generation wear their hoodies as a visible sign of the festering testerone aggression within , with the girls wearing their skimpy tops and micro ' fanny pelmets ' to let the world see that they are ready to be ' spotted ' for that photoshoot or TV ad that will make them the equal of Jordan .

Banning hoodies will do nothing to engender ANY respect , deference or commitment to others .

Where do we go from here ?

You ask me .

I'm just a middle-class cynic , crying in the night . :cry:
tott said:
Sooo, how about if I buy that baby pink casmere/cotton hoodie? Will I be a menace to society?

:ninja: i certainly think so tott :p

kit said:
What is really at fault is our society and ' values ' Banning hoodies will do nothing to engender ANY respect , deference or commitment to others .
i absolutely agree kit, actually the ban will create a counter action making a complete political issue out of them... not too clever reaction to bring this hood issue so high really
I don't think you can reallly blame the society, or Thatcher of the government it is kind of everyone's job not to steal, not to beat up people, to work for money, I really don't agree with the welfare state as it is, it allows people to stay on it for the rest of their lives, there should be a set period, I also don't have any issues with the money that they give to the disabled to live, considering the "socialist" country taht we are
screenage - so what would you have happen to those you are 'on it' for too long - let them fester away in poverty? Although it has its problems, I am a wholehearted supporter of a well run, efficient welfare state.

Kit - ^^ I agree with you completely. Just to let you know, from one middle class cynic to another, I cry night and day.
I've sent you a PM on this , as all this has struck a resounding chord with me , at this particular moment in time . :cry:
helena, I'm not saying that you should all of a sudden say well you've be on it too long get off, I mean if people can work they should, they shouldn't just suck off the state, and yes I do know that the state doesn't give much but the principle remains. My mum went to a school called Milfield and she said that it took more money to feed a horse in a week at Milfield than people got on the dole, well anyway I don't care much for the poor...(j/k)
so screenage - do you think its good that a horse gets more money spent on it in one week that some people do?
I don't think it's good I don't think it's bad. I think it really is up to people to spend their money the way they want and if horses are their hobby good for them, I do not agree though with keeping an animal and not keeping it properly.

I have a big problem with people who can work and don't, okay the Government has supported you for a few years get up and work.

I don't pay taxes, but I bitterly recent the thought that if I do some people will get an easy ride, don't you think waht I'm saying is fair.

I understand people go through hardtimes, breakdowns, divorces, redundancies, and okay I agree that the government should step in and help, but paying for people to sit down and do nothing I don't agree!

It is irritating that the government won't give a way "free" money to students who want to better themselves, but if you want to sit on your **** allday they will!
PrinceOfCats said:
Again. You don't say... (my brain has been hardwired into the internet for the past half decade)

I was just trying to say I wasn't serious about what I said. Actually I did say :flower:
I think it really is up to people to spend their money the way they want

In economic terms, it's not their money. If the value of the resources provided does not match the value of the resources given then that money is not yours. This is true of almost people living in developed countries. Wealth is a monopoly and the nature of monopoly is to create 'barriers to entry', economics thinks of these as patents, copyright, sunk costs - however 'correct English', 'good manners', a decent childhood etc are just as much a 'barriers to entry'... It doesn't take a genius to work out that people do not earn money in any non-Capitalist country ie any country.
from a purely practical point of view, money adn work are exchanges of resources, an advanced way to barter. So person A says to person B, "I want to use your expertise, you handy work etc and I'll pay you so much," B agrees and thus a contract is formed, he'll do this and he'll get paid so much, value has been put on his work and value has been put on person A's money so they exchange it. Person B has earned that money and I really think it is up to him what he does with it. I've said this before and I'll say it again, man is the measure of all things, so it is up to people what value they put on things.

WIth regard to what you have said about monopolies, Education gives people oppurtunities, ya I agree there are issues with discrimination due to sex, age, ability(dis), but the law deals with that-

Laws are a set of rules that we agree to govern ourselves with, they differ (although some stay the same), and the same goes to money and the value we put on things. I really think footballers get paid too much, but I'm sure people will say Dior charges too much for their clothes!
You fail to understand economics. Anything with a value is a resource. One gains a lot of things for FREE that are resources. If you then use these things you have gained for free to earn money then that money SHOULD not be yours using an economic model of the most efficient allocation. Essentially, you've walked out the shop without paying. In this country most people earn most of their money using things they have gained for FREE. Thus, most people do not EARN money... This is not capitalist - there is no other way, that works, of distributing wealth than capitalism. Easy to understand explanation of why a welfare state is neccessary - because it is CAPITALIST.
The Gruaniad said:
A teenager has been issued with an antisocial behaviour order (Asbo) which bans him from wearing a "hoodie" for five years.

The action against 16-year-old Dale Carroll was brought by the city council in Manchester, which has the accolade of being known as Britain's capital of Asbos.

Manchester magistrates heard that Carroll was part of a gang who caused mayhem to residents of Collyhurst village in the city for almost three years.

The court heard he had attacked locals and once attempted to cut down a CCTV lamppost with a chainsaw.

The teenager threw fireworks at cyclists and at one stage pulled a person from their bike and threatened them with an axe. He also drove a car on to a pavement and down steps close to the Sparrow pub in Collyhurst.

Carroll of Cheetham, Manchester, was found guilty of anti social behaviour and was banned from wearing a hoodie or cap in public and from entering a large part of Collyhurst, including the home he shares with his mother in Manordale Walk.

He was also prevented from congregating with more than two people, except family members, and banned from possessing fireworks, axes or chainsaws.

Manchester city council's executive member for housing, Eddy Newman, said: "This young man has caused absolute misery for the people he has terrorised in this neighbourhood, and is out of control.

"He should be absolutely clear we will not tolerate this kind of behaviour and unless he radically changes that behaviour, he faces a long period in custody." Carroll, who appeared before Manchester magistrates on Tuesday, is the latest person to be made subject to an Asbo brought by Manchester city council, which has taken out 474 orders against 280 individuals since the orders were created under the government's Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003

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