Bravo's Make Me a Supermodel

She's the one that gave the shout out to Stam, right? Yeah, she's cute but not model material imo. I voted for Dominic because he's sexy.
We voted for the country prison guard guy, because hes sweet! I think he has potential too.

I want Casey to win though. Scratch that- I just want Casey. :brows:
i haven't been following this show that closely, but the only girl that stands out to me is Holly, probably because she is 90% Alison Nix.
the guys on the show are so sexy...this show is starting to become a guilty pleasure!

the guys are hot. much better than antm! and what's good is that there's guys in the show!! wohooo
i don't like Katy.. she doesn't look model to me :/
^yes definitely..
pretty girl and she might be ok for LA type of modeling but she's not really suited to high fashion/New York..

I kind of like this show! So far, I'm not really into any of the girls because, to be honest, none of them really scream model to me (whereas, as much as I hate to say it, Tyra is able to get at least 1-4 girls every season who could actually make it in the industry). However, the guys on the other hand, look very much like real male models.

The shoots so far have been good and far less gimicky than ANTM, which is a really good thing!
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I haven't seen the most recent episode, but I did like the first one. Mostly because it reflected the industry more than the Americas Next Top Drag Queen Freakshow (which is good for a laugh now and again).

This show is way more realistic, the models look like models and for the most part they fit the industry standards.

Plus Tyson is way cooler than Tyra, and hotterrrr :blush:
They ruined Holly! The short do is cute but the bob was adorable.

Perry is yum though :brows:
Holly's my favorite, but I still don't get why they chose people like Jacki and the blonde girls with the big nose when they would never make it in the industry. I personally think Jacki's beautiful, but come on, when would the industry ever hire her?

I think with any model show, the guys always have a better chance than the girls. IMO, Perry looks the most like a model.

I hate the kid with the long hair that's from Miami. He's so annoying and it's so obvious he's a closet gay.
My favorites;
01. Shannon
02. Stephanie
03. Holly
04. Casey
05. Dominic(hopefully he stays)
06. Jacki
I thought about posting some closeups that I screen capped of my favorites.

I recently started liking Ronnie a lot. He knows what he's doing and he's also a great dude in general.
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I hate the kid with the long hair that's from Miami. He's so annoying and it's so obvious he's a closet gay.
I don't remember Frankie ever talking about his sexual preferences, either way it's pretty irrelevant considering his ability to model.

Here are the second week pictures;
Shannon and Stephanie

Dominic, Holly and Casey


They totally messed up Holly's hair and her drive has been deprived as well. Jacki has totally sunk low on my list, partially because of her attitude and then again the whole brag Tyson is giving her, when actually both her walk and pictures are the same = boring.
Perry is tall but that's about it. Same goes with Jay, who's obviously still in the competition just because of Tyson.
They cut the bob? ARGH she looks like a boy!

I'm actually really pissed, I love that haircut!
I like Holly the best. She's really the only one of the girls with true potential. Katy doesn't have the right body.

Of the boys, I'm rooting for Ben. My sister goes to the same University as him and apparently he looks nice in person. Plus, he was my initial favorite before my sister even told me that.

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