Bravo's Make Me a Supermodel

I actually prefer Holly's new hair! Come on, with the old hair she'd forever be pigeon-holed as the new Rachel Alexander/Alison Nix. Now she's more versatile.
I love Holly's new hair, it looks so great with the shape of her face! I was kind of shocked that she didn't like it at looked so good.
I love Ronnie!!!!!He is so nice, Katy is really pretty,but kind of dissapointing.Dominic is such an a**hole,but he's kinna hot.
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Am I the only one that thinks Dominic has a "been there done that" kind of look? He looks like every other male model. And he seems so cocky; I don't see how anyone finds that attractive enough to still want to keep him in.
Casey seemed to be trying to hard on the hanging in the air photo shoot, almost like a woman.

That Katie girl is not right for the competition, at least I think that's her name. The now red-head.
I can't stand how Dominic acts and his whole demeanor :yuk:

Katy seems nice... but I hope she is also one of the next to go, she's just not a good model. :blush:
I'm rooting for holly!

but on a sidenote...why does nikki taylor talk like shes mildly slow/needs acting lessons or hooked on phonics for the majority of the show? Tyson does it too at judging, at least

I also don't think theres anything that great about jackie...she's not as great as the judges make her out to be. Holly is the only girl who I think is model material.
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Frankie and Casey are sooo hot. Ben too.

But it's totally wrong that so many people seem to almost be rooting for Ben to cheat on his wife.
Anyone else get the "america's next top model meets project runway" vibe? The only thing I actually liked about the show was that it showed New York model management.
^^i think it gets that project runway vibe simply because it is on bravo and that seems to be the sort of formula that they are basing a lot of these shows on (Top Chef, Top Design etc)..
I would not be very happy if I was ben's wife right now...that whole tidbit with aryn and ronnie in the beggining even before the photoshoot, is not exactly ideal for a marraige situation...

Initially ben was the most striking guy to me/my favorite..but after watching the show for a while. Perry is definitely my favorite now, as far as guys go.
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Perry is so hot to me, too, I have to admit. I don't know what it is exactly, but... :brows::ninja:
^ Perry is amazing!!


I'm glad Dominic is gone. He was SO sexy but his attitude was very off-putting.
Me too, I am so glad Dominic is gone, he was a joke.

The whole situation with Ben and Aryn is lame. I feel bad for Ben's wife :judge:
Seriously, poor Ben's wife! She's gonna feel even worse when she hears herself crying on TV while her husband has super-sexual flirtations with another woman AND another man. I'd be piiiiiissed if I were her :ninja: He has some 'splainin to do for sure. To his prison guard friends as well :lol:

Gah, Perry and Casey were so sexy this week. My love for Casey just grows and grows, especially when they were sitting on the bed joking. "I love t*ts" :lol: :wub:
Last night's episode was really sexy!

Agreed. I laughed a lot through the whole show. I thought shannon and ronnie did the best. I felt bad for the girl with the short hair, she looked so uncomfortable and Frankie was doing a good job and trying to losen her up (no pun intended). At first I wasn't even going to watch this show but one day I turned it on and last nights show was actually amusing and it reminded me of the real world except the people on it want to be models not reality stars.

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