Chloe Paddington Bags (February 2005 - March 2010)

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Hi, I'm a newbie here :) Last week I finally got my first paddy, it's medium and in taupe (and I'm in love with it!!!). Does anyone know do they make wallets in taupe too? I purchased the bag from, they dont seem to have any wallets from chloe:/

Mademoiselle: I think this is the site you're looking for:
SoCal said:
Hi Carolyn. Did you check the Marketplace on PF? It seems someone was selling one there recently...perhaps angstofgumby?

is it a web site or a place ? if a web site can you please put the link here?

Hello all! I just moisturised and sprayed my taupe paddy with a leather cleaner and spray I picked up from a shoe department store. The spray worked wonderfully! No discolouration and I even sprayed it straight on. I'm now leaving them to dry and it should be good to use by tomorrow. Yay! :D
nawth21 said:
$100 later, I have discovered my car has mice in the engine :shock: Doesn't explain the problem though. I have to go back when "it does it all the time" Great. BUT :clap: No flash and flash. woohoo

your bag is beautiful.
kiptrip said:
Hello all! I just moisturised and sprayed my taupe paddy with a leather cleaner and spray I picked up from a shoe department store. The spray worked wonderfully! No discolouration and I even sprayed it straight on. I'm now leaving them to dry and it should be good to use by tomorrow. Yay! :D

Thanks for sharing this this experience - I should definitely do the same as today it was first raining, then snowing and I felt bad of taking paddy out of the building:unsure: I've been planning to order apple guard conditioner for my bag, propably some other brands work as well? :rolleyes:
Yay for taupe paddys! :D
Sonja we should probably give our Paddys more credit, they're pretty hardy bags! I was so intensely apprehensive about what kind of moisturiser to use, and what kind of spray, but to be honest, I've been told that most leather lotions are the same, and I guess one just has to make sure that they're very mild creams - i.e. preferably milky in colour and not too thick! The spray was a touch and go trial, but bear in mind that I bought a spray that's meant for leather SHOES, and sprayed it directly on (in sweeping motions of couse) and it was absolutely fine.

If you're in the US, it's definitely worth getting Apple Garde - I've heard too many wonderful things about it! But if you dont live in the US and don't intend to spend an extortionate amount on shipping fees, head to a good department store and pick up one of the most reliable and mild ones you can find, it should work just as well!

My paddy feels even softer than before.. I didn't know that was possible!
kiptrip said:
Sonja we should probably give our Paddys more credit, they're pretty hardy bags! I was so intensely apprehensive about what kind of moisturiser to use, and what kind of spray, but to be honest, I've been told that most leather lotions are the same, and I guess one just has to make sure that they're very mild creams - i.e. preferably milky in colour and not too thick! The spray was a touch and go trial, but bear in mind that I bought a spray that's meant for leather SHOES, and sprayed it directly on (in sweeping motions of couse) and it was absolutely fine.

If you're in the US, it's definitely worth getting Apple Garde - I've heard too many wonderful things about it! But if you dont live in the US and don't intend to spend an extortionate amount on shipping fees, head to a good department store and pick up one of the most reliable and mild ones you can find, it should work just as well!

My paddy feels even softer than before.. I didn't know that was possible!

Thanks for all these great advices! :flower: I'm in Finland, there's no apple guard available here so I'm really glad to hear other conditoners work aswell. Hopefully tomorrow I'll find one to treat my :heart: paddy :heart: with it :rolleyes:
...then we'll be ready to fight the snow & rain! :D
thanks sonja!

i really wonder, whats the difference in spraying the bag, conditionion it and so the rain defence spray? i brought my bag out once when it was raining , does that do alot of damage?
madem0iselle said:
i really wonder, whats the difference in spraying the bag, conditionion it and so the rain defence spray? i brought my bag out once when it was raining , does that do alot of damage?

As far as I know, moisturising it is just to keep the leather soft and 'healthy', it'll make it last longer and prevent any cracks and degradation in the leather. Spraying the bag is simply to protect it from the outer elements i.e. dust and rain. Water shouldn't do any damage to your bag, but some people find it leaves watermarks that may not disappear. I don't think that happens very often with Paddys (more with the Ediths) but I personally would rather not take the chance ;)
I have now spayed my paddy with mister minit protector (protects from rain, snow, grease and oil) and it worked fine. Kiptrip - as your bag my bag feels also softer now:) I'm also glad the spray didn't have any affect to the colour of the bag, it's exactly same as before:D
...Still I almost got a heart attache while spraying my paddy: I realised there was a little scratch on the leather even I have tried to be so careful with it... Thank God it disappeared with a little trick I learned here from another thread; I wiped my forehead with my finger and then gently wiped the scratch with it, a little amount of the grease from my skin fixed it, at least I cannot see the scratc anymore... But I DO have to be more careful from now on!
mademoiselle: no probs!

sonja: Skin grease! Now that's one I haven't heard before. How interesting. Thanks for the tip!
Hi Yassira
I would go for the whiskey which is a warmer, richer colour than the tan. When you've seen Mammab's pictures of her Whiskey Paddingtons - you'll want nothing else!
also i realldy dont know what to do now like i want to get rid of the stains on my cream bag and than protect, spray, condition, or should i do the other way around since currently there aint no solutions for removing my stains =(
...I know, skin grease sounds almost discusting but it's surprising how well it worked :) Even the scratch was quite tiny one it was clearly visible - and now I cant find it anymore.
Kiptrip I saw your paddy on another thread with your cream fendi, they're both beautiful :) Congrats!
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