Designer & Fashion Insiders Behavior (PLEASE READ POST #1 BEFORE POSTING)

“She gives the impression that she only puts it on when she absolutely has to.”

Uhm, maybe she doesn't care for jewellery?
Suzy Menkes is no different to the trashy tabloids. If the Princess of Wales regularly wears jewellery, and especially family heirlooms which everyone from every corner of the world is trying to lay claim to, she'd be rightly criticised and Suzy wouldn't dare come to her defence.

Exactly. There's no way the Princess of Wales isn't aware that she is, by a huge margin, the most scrutinised member of the royal family when it comes to what she wears, and has been for the last ten years. That's a function of her being a younger woman in the public eye, what the Queen and Camilla could get away with by way of jewels she simply can't, not at this moment anyway, it wouldn't give a good impression.

I mean, do we really expect the woman who spent ten years with liberal sprinklings of high street pieces among her McQueen, Erdem etc (and is only now starting to lean harder into the more high-end stuff, after moving up the ranks) to go full tilt at the priceless vault diamonds in the current media climate?

Suzy is spot-on a lot of the time (she called it correctly ten years ago that the "street style" scene outside the shows was getting ridiculous and contrived - a now widely-shared opinion - and every one of them threw a tantrum in response) but this is a surprising blind spot.
^ And 3 days ago it was 'I'm living paycheck to paycheck! and can't pay for my house!'. It was all over the news. Some people are just not meant to have any level of fame. They're so self-centered they really think their problems matter if they just bark about them enough.. ever asked the average American if he's living paycheck to paycheck? because last time I checked most people aren't even there, they have DEBT, they're not paying for any 'house', they're paying rent and for an apartment and can't even afford health care. Everyone always has to sacrifice something, can't believe he's still hammering on f*cking Harry Styles, why not humble yourself and maybe ask a nameless, lesbian black woman what she's had to sacrifice. Stupid, entitled man. /rant.
As a gay man I think Billy has a valid point...

But please, no one even remembers that Harry was on the cover of Vogue and he keeps brooding this subject over and over again.

About his speech about the sacrifices of this generation... It's good that no one has to sacrifice! Does he want gays to suffer like we're still in the 80's?
^I'm also on the fence because it's as annoying to see straight-identifying actors 'camp it up' for a gay role. So at the core, he does have a point.
But, unless he had a clear agreement with Anna that he'd appear on the cover, he cannot demand the magazine cover him. Which means he had ulterior motives when he gave her the 'advice'? Be like Lizzo - ask straight up for your cover or keep quiet.

They're so self-centered they really think their problems matter if they just bark about them enough...

You've inflated his ego by praising him on Pose and AHS, every time he appeared on a cover and every time he wore a dress. I think it's a little bit too late to now complain about an egotistical celeb. lol

I personally think he's not in a good space right now and not thinking straight. He's also lashing out at execs which I'm sure will hurt his job opportunities moving forward. It must feel awful to have one's livelihood hanging on bare threads and having to sell your house to make ends meet (yes he implied as much).
At the end of the day, he's just venting.
^ Well I want to give a basic 101 for freelancers : if you don’t have a steady flow of work then save up and live like you are still poor.

So many of them once they have this huge popularity on one role they had, they think they made it.

He should have secure some nice contracts with brands / TV channel (and play the humble card as long as possible).

Now back to square one ( and even negative 1 after his interview). :neutral:
You've inflated his ego by praising him on Pose and AHS, every time he appeared on a cover and every time he wore a dress. I think it's a little bit too late to now complain about an egotistical celeb. lol
I have? unsure what Pose is or what AHS stands for (and don’t want to google) but.. my bad? looks like I created a monster. :lol:
^ Well I want to give a basic 101 for freelancers : if you don’t have a steady flow of work then save up and live like you are still poor.

So many of them once they have this huge popularity on one role they had, they think they made it.

He should have secure some nice contracts with brands / TV channel (and play the humble card as long as possible).

Now back to square one ( and even negative 1 after his interview). :neutral:

This is actually not discussed enough, and we're smack bang in the era of freelancing. Post-millennial culture specifically is lying to us and those who come after us that if you don't like a particular working setup, you can simply quit and create your own. Without actually flagging the full scope of what life looks like as a freelancer. Freelancers forget that they must double as HR, the accountant, the salesperson, and the new business developer AND still be exceeding good at whatever trade they're in.
At work, we have a few on our books and despite the small number, the bitter messages and all-round pettiness every time they get passed over for a job is almost normalised by now. I keep explaining that the only way for them to stay on everyone's radar is to be really good at what they do AND good and forging connections and keeping people on side. For every one graphic designer, stylist, or writer there are 1001 with persuasive emails in the inbox of decision-makers right now.

There's still this childish belief that having talent alone is all you need to succeed.
Billy didn’t get a cover because approximately 15 people would identify as a Billy Porter fan. Bitter isn’t a good look on anyone.

Pretty sure the house in question that he was forced to sell was not even Billy’s primary residence, but rather a second home. Again, if you’re forced to sell your $2.5m vacation home literally less than a month after the SAG strike began, you need to seriously consider living within your means.
^ Well I want to give a basic 101 for freelancers : if you don’t have a steady flow of work then save up and live like you are still poor.

So many of them once they have this huge popularity on one role they had, they think they made it.

He should have secure some nice contracts with brands / TV channel (and play the humble card as long as possible).

Now back to square one ( and even negative 1 after his interview). :neutral:
It’s hilarious to see him criticize the only person who could have been his saving grace in the industry…

Now that actors have to fight with K-pop stars to get a contract with a brand, tickets to the sun are harder to get.

I’m kinda surprised that in his situation, he has the energy to call out Anna…So random!
This is a guy who, like me, would never survive in a country where everyone is constantly surveilled and spied upon, and criticism is literally deadly. (MP, you'd be with us :wink:) I think he should take some of the proceeds from the house and invest in some serious therapy. I understand why he might be overall angry, but he should be talking to a therapist, not sounding off in public. (Actually I do have some experience in gritting my teeth and keeping my mouth shut for the most part, aka my childhood.)
Wonderful… now when he has another book or album out he’s gonna have something else to complain about.
No idea if it’s true or if Anna cares at all what Billy has to say, but I’m growing tired of gay men and their misogynistic ways (I’m also a gay man, in case that wasn’t obvious lol)

I don’t think men (gay, straight, etc) should publicly be calling a woman a “b!tch” as an insult and be surprised if the women targeted has an issue with it.

Really nice act by a married woman haha, I thought she was too young for him haha, I guess Leo is changing :rofllaughing:
^ she's not even married anymore..? let a girl have fun! it's Leo, he's like an LA county employee at this point.. by the people, for the people :lol:.. I'm more concerned that she seemed friends with Gigi but again, they probably know it's like a fun pair of shoes you let your friend keep.

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