Everything Platinum Blonde Hair

you have to bleach it again, the best thing to do if you need multiple rounds of bleach is to bleach it to orange, and then spend a week deepconditioning it, then bleach it some more! once it gets like, banana-peel-inside yellow, it's light enough to do toner on it. Depending on how thick your hair is, the bleach will really ruin it. Theoretically, it is BAD to bleach over the same strand twice so be prepared for breakage. Are your ends lighter than your roots right now? because if they are, then you probably don't have to wait for the dye to grow out. You should wait a long time before bleaching though if you like your length, because you will need a good trim afterwards- that's basically a given,
Maybe get the first time done in a salon, and then try to keep up at home?
^ I see so you just sort of have to keep bleaching it is it to get the desired? And what toner should I use? Where do you get toner?
I'd say my hair is quite damaged because I think I've bleached it at 2 points already this year so I will probably have to let it grow a bit. I also don't have thick hair anyway it's quite thin..
Thanks for the reply :flower:
I think getting it done in a salon is probably a good idea! It's just it's sooo expensive. I'm not sure I'm even gonna do it yet anyway! In my head I'd love long platinum hair like a fairy haha. but right now it's a short bowl cut and gingey brown :lol:
Oh and I meant to say yeah my ends are lighter than my roots, they're a sort of brassy brown.
Try to keep the # of times you bleach it to a minimum though, for toner, I am a big fan of Wella, or manic panic virgin snow is great too. If you can do a 'bleach cap' I think those help to keep the damage at a minimum - mix your bleach up and add olive oil or deep conditioner to it, then let that sit on your head. If you wrap your hair in saran wrap, it helps to keep your head warm, which accellerates the bleaching action.
I've done this to my hair so many times! Hahaha.
^ Thanks so much dauphine :flower:
I was just thinking I'll probably get it done in one of the training schools. you don't have to pay, you just have to pay for however much the dye costs. I'm not sure if they are open during the summer though.
Hey guys, I've bleached my hair twice now and it's still quite orange. What do you think is next for me? Give up on the dream and dye it red or bleach it again?
I had to bleach my hair about 3 times to get it to a platinum color, I achieved platinum, I did however fry it to oblivion and now may have to resort to cutting it all off and dying it darker :( Platinum hair just doesn't have a very long life span
^ Thanks. yeah I want to have it platinum just for a while anyway !:) I don't really mind wrecking my hair because it's already short so i wouldn't take too long to grow out. I don't want to bleach it a third time and for it still be orange though yknow ! or for it to fall out or something. How long shoud I wait before bleaching it again? I just bleached it for the 2nd time last night. and the 1st time a week before.Will it even go light yellow if I bleach it for the 3rd time..
well that would depend what you're using to bleach it..are you just getting the boxes of dye from the drugstore or are you mixing your own product from a hairdressing supply store? I mixed my own so I had a 30 volume product, which is quite a bit stronger than the stuff in the drugstore which is usually 20 volume, and even then I think I may have bleached it 4 times if I recall correctly, (which probably wasn't necessary but I'm a perfectionist). Anyways if you are using the drugstore bleach you may have to do it a couple more times, and if you don't mind wrecking it than go for it!
Thanks for the reply :flower: I used powder bleach with 40 vol peroxide. and I've done that twice. This is my hair as of now.

Sorry I took that with my webam so it's not really the best. but as you can see it's sort of a gingey dark yellow. if anybody could guess how much more bleaching it would take? Cos I've just been hiding in my house with my hair like this :lol:
Hopefully 3rd time will be a charm !
no prob^_^ You used 40 vol?! wow brave! I was too scared to go for 40 vol:blush: It looks like bleaching your hair one more time will most likely do it, it's pretty light! You probably won't even need 40 vol, 30 would do it.
Yeah I used 40vol cos it said it was for dark hair and then it was only later I was reading on the interwebs how people don't really use 40 and I was like oppppss, should have done more research. luckily nothing awful happened though! I think it looks a little lighter in that pic than it actually is but hopefully one more time will do it! I'm definitely not using 40vol again anyway haha.
What colour your hair was when you started the bleaching process? And how long did you do it over?
Having this orangey yellowy hair is crap! haha
Try to keep it a half inch or so off your scalp, your roots look lighter, that's because heat closer to the head accellerates the lightening process.
^Thanks Dauphine. Yeah I think my roots are already the desired colour!
Before I started the bleaching process my hair was a medium brown color, it was actually pretty dark. And when I did it over I tried to leave it on for as little time as possible, mostly because it takes me forever to get it all on so by the time I have finished it's already been over half an hour!:rolleyes:
sometimes it takes time to get a really light colour... something called patience I do understand we all sometimes lose... (myself the first) but hey! your hair doesn't seem like fried after the self re-bleaching... why didn't go to a hairdresser for the best advice on that? Just babbling ideas... I got friends who really love the do-it-yourself and they have a very quality hair to endure it... and also the self-experiment new things... sometimes its advised by hairdressers to give your hair at least 2 weeks break before do a next lighter step...
Hope you get the color you are looking for! :)
^^oh yes that's very true, I forgot to mention that, it's good to give your hair breaks in between and deep condition it with hair masks and whatnot.
Hey! Just thought I'd let you know I got my hair the colour I wanted, and without having to pay for a hairdresser! yay! Thanks to everybody that gave me advice! I did have to hide in my house when it was orange though or wear an, ehm, fashionable hat! haha.

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