How do you feel when strangers stare ? - questionaire

Do you hope to get stared at?
I haven't really though about it, but i guess not.
Do you love attention?
Not really.
Do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot' or 'cool' or whatever?
No. But if anyone is watching me, I always think of why they are looking at me. I can never really get the stares though ^_^
Do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
No, since it's a street and not a runway.
Do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing too?
Ofcourse I check out what other people are wearing, but I never judge them or think you know.. "wow what a fashionista".
Do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
No, I just ignore everyone else and my mind wanders elsewhere. It's just my personality I guess :P
Do you hate people looking at you?
Mostly, yes.
Do you wish you could just be invisible?
Do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
No, since I don't love it.
Do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
No, I walk slowly I think. Mostly anyways..
Do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
Yes, usually because I'm a very self-conscious girl but I don't really catch someone staring at me, maybe because I don't look or I don't know.
Does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me?
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
Haha, well sometimes it does.
do you hope to get stared at..? No, but being noticed isn't all that awful, rly.

do you love the attention..?? No, I often feel as if I am trapped in a 5-in glass square under fluorescent lighting.

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever? No.

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway? No, but many tell me that I have a distinct walk.

do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing to? If someone's outfit/accessory has caught my eye, I will observe from afar and more often than none, compliment the person.

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU? No, I am very aware of my surroundings.

do you hate people looking at you? No.

do you wish you could just be invisible? Sometimes, yes & sometimes, no.

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you? No. Two-way street.

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers? No, that'd be ridiculous.

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring? As I'm only human, of course...

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?... Not at all. I just ignore the individual and keep it moving...

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at? If they are blatantly and unabashedly staring, than, yes, I find that rather rude. But nothing to bust a lid over, I think... ^_^
do you hope to get stared at..?
Not for the wrong reason, nope

do you love the attention..??
Only for the right reason.

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
Weird would probably be more like it. :smile:

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
When I wear heels I try to walk better.

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?

do you hate people looking at you?
It makes me feel uncomfortable a little when I'm not confident of what I'm wearing.

do you wish you could just be invisible?
Embarrassing moment perhaps.

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
I check out people who I think are good looking and dress nice.

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
Sometimes, if I have a wardrobe malfunction.

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
When I'm not confident of what I'm wearing.

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
Nah. I'll stare too if someone dresses bad
do you hope to get stared at..?
God yes, I would hardly spend literal hours deciding what to wear if nobody looked at me.

do you love the attention..??
Yes, yes I do

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
I tell myself that yes; it gives me reason for caring about how I look. Either that or they're looking deciding whether i'm a boy or a girl, eighteen or forty-five. I'm like that :shock:

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
Oh dear me. Yes. Yes I do. I've actually downloaded spring-summer's most catchy runway songs as so I can do so :rolleyes: *ach-Melody Day: Caribou from Chanel, Teardrop: Massive Attack from Calvin Klein-hem*
And trust me, non-pointed shoes are so much easier to runway-walk it in - i discovered today :blush:

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
Oh my god no! I've got into this habit of looking straight forward completely (a la runway) and not even looking at people at all, sometimes I completely miss friends and it's totally bad. (for inspiration on how to do this: Giambattista Valli Autumn/Winter 2007-2008 - Sasha Pivovarova and Vlada Roslyakova pass each other so coldly it's actual art).
But I do check out what others are wearing from a distance!

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
See about question ^

do you hate people looking at you?
I really don't. Unless I hate what i'm wearing, which doesn't happen often.

do you wish you could just be invisible?
No, how boring would that be?

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
I really don't. Unless on a tight schedule at which point i'm just a blur.

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
I'm like schitzophrenic - it depends what mood i'm in.

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?

God I sound so arrogant in this post - I seriously don't tell this to people usually :s haaaaaaaaaaaaa

I'm usually pretty oblivious to people glancing or staring at me ... I think it's partially due to the fact that I'm typically so immersed in whatever I'm doing, whether chatting with a friend or mapping out my route as I try to walk around all the slow walkers :D. The few times I have noticed someone staring at me, they were intentionally trying to get eye contact so they could stop me and ask about something I was wearing.

I did however have someone I know, so not a stranger, give me a once-over with an expression on her face that implied she thought my outfit was either the strangest or ugliest she's seen. That type of stare I would gladly never experience again!

do you hope to get stared at..?

do you love the attention..??
I don't mind the positive attention and think it's rather flattering.

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
Obviously not, since some seem to think that I dress rather weird, esp since I moved to L.A.

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
No, once the clothes are on, I don't think too much about it anymore, because I'm usually too focused on whatever else I'm doing.

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
I rarely look people in the eye, unless I'm making friendly eye contact at a person in an elevator, etc. And while I love street style, I almost always forget to check other people out. Unfortunately, this even happened in Paris ... I wanted to make a conscious effort to check out the different styles but was always too focused on all the other sensory delights there.

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
definitely not

do you hate people looking at you?
I don't mind people looking at me, so long as they are not giving me a once-over with a rude face.

do you wish you could just be invisible?
Not particularly

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
No, I really don't mind people looking at me as long as it's done in a polite way

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
I just rush through period, but not to avoid strangers

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
I think I can read what they're thinking pretty easily, so it obviously depends on what kind of vibe they are giving me. Like today, I definitely felt self-conscious afterwards

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
Not mad, but self conscious yes

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
It's maybe a little annoying, because I don't particularly enjoy feeling self-conscious
Do you hope to get stared at?
It's kind of flattering if you're feeling confident that day, so I wouldn't mind if I was, but if I wasn't then no, it'd make me feel really uncomfortable like I look extra bad and am drawing bad attention, hahah.
Do you love attention?
I like positive attention, I've never met anybody who doesn't. My friends sang me Happy Birthday last month in front of a huge crowd and it was sweet, but it was kind of embarrassing. So, I think it varies!
Do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot' or 'cool' or whatever?
No, and I can tell, ahah. Sometimes when I dress well there are stares that aren't positive and give off a jealous vibe. Had those before? Like, I can't explain it but they are just snotty stares, maybe they think I dress funny, who knows.
Do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
No. Yes. No. Sometimes!
Do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing too?
Not really.
Do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
Well, I tend to ignore everyone when I'm walking by myself anyway? It'd be weird to walk and talk to every passing stranger. So I guess so..
Do you hate people looking at you?
A lot of the time.
Do you wish you could just be invisible?
Do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
No, cos I don't really check out other people. I feel like I'm being invasive or something!
Do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
No, I don't think about.
Do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
If they keep staring, yes. I feel like I have something on my face or did something wrong, haha.
Does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me?
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
Sometimes, haha. But if it they keep staring I try to take out a book and do something so I forget I'm being stared at..
do you hope to get stared at..? Depends on what I'm wearing.

do you love the attention..?? Again, depends. On who is giving it and what type of attention it is.

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever? No, I usually think if people are looking at me it's because I have something in my teeth or my skirt is caught in my undies! Or my fly is undone. Not that that's er, happened or anything.

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway? I usually am bopping along to music, oblivious to everything.

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing too? Yup

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU? I'm in my own head, it's that it's all about me.

do you hate people looking at you? Depends on what they're looking at or for

do you wish you could just be invisible? Sometimes

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you? Yes and no

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers? No, I quickly rush because I'm probably late

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring? Sometimes

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?... Sometimes

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at? Sometimes
generally, i quite like it when people look at what i wear(regardless they like it or not) when i am in the mood for dressing up.
i do look at what some others are wearing too, i would stare longer if i like a certain thing on that person.
i dont really like it when people look at my face though...i dont think i look that great...
i were to see myself walking down the street...i would probably think "that girl is trying too hard to look cool" :lol: and i do try to look cool
sometimes i pretend to be oblivious to stares and other times i really am oblivious
As far as I know it's really rude to stare at people in western countries,right :P But where I live people keep staring at each other and that's not considered as a rude behaviour.I don't like people looking at me ,I don't like getting attention at all and I don't dress for getting attention .But seriously I'm so used to being stared,when people don't look at me I feel like I'm ugly or something like that.I know it sounds so stupid :blink:
I grew up having no idea what to do with myself and now that I am older and can downplay my flaws and work with what I have, getting looked at makes me very uncomfortable for some reason, especially when men do it. I grew up a geeky kid that did not get that and now when I do, it feels weird.

Oddly, I command attention at work when I want things to get done, but I don't like it when it stems from anything else. I guess I am passive aggressive or something. I love to look pretty to me and for me, but I don't want everyone else pointing it out.
Do you hope to get stared at?
yes, honestly I do.:blush:
Do you love attention?
Yes, I do. But sometimes I wish I were invisible when I do not feel good but people do not stop staring.
Do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot' or 'cool' or whatever?
Yes, I do. But I often have mixed feeling cause if people are staring, smth might be wrong with me as well.
Do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
Yes, I do. Not too much cause it would look silly and vulgar. But I certainly do not walk like a tree. Plus I always listen to music in my mp3, this rhythm helps to walk like a model.:D
Do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing too?
Sometimes, but I prefer not to do it.
Do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
I just look straight forward and am lost in my thoughts and music I listen to.
Do you hate people looking at you?
No, I don't. But sometimes I don' like it.
Do you wish you could just be invisible?
Do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
Not really, a glance is enought for me to form my opinion about someone's look.
Do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
Very rarely.
Do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
Yes, I do. I am a very self-concious girl:doh:
Does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me?
Usually it doesn't. But if someone is staring for too long I can get a bit angry.
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
see above answer

what a fun thread:P
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I don't dress to be stared at, I dress up because I hate myself when I don't. haha that sounds ludicrous but its true, I hate to look slobby, it makes my skin itch, I swear.Living where I do, which is extremely suburban and white bread (outskirts of Dallas), I do get stared at a LOT and most often not in an admirable way or a rude way but more of a curious way, I guess because it is extremely extremely rare to see someone who dresses for more than function. Even the girls my age never accessorize and mostly stick to a uniform of jeans (usually from american eagle, delias, or true religion) and loose tees. Around where I live I never ever see men dressed fashionably. The only time I get self-concious is when I go out with a big group of my friends. Their style of dressing is extremely conservative...they think skinny jeans are too adventurous while I don't really think much of wearing a tutu to the movies. Thats the only time it occurs to me that I might look funny, otherwise I guess I'm just obliviousely happy to wear what I want to.Sometimes the guys who hang around the town center are jerks to me and I get catty looks from girls but very rarely...lots of times people will go out of their way to be nice to you if they like your look! Its great to go somewhere cool and see other peoples outfits, I live to check other people out!
Do you hope to get stared at?
No, sometimes I try to avoid it, even.
Do you love attention?
I like attention but I also loathe attention.
Do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot' or 'cool' or whatever?
Certainly not! It depends on how I feel about myself: if I'm feeling good and stylish, then I will assume that any stares are due to that. And the opposite.
Do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
I stride and put on a mean meets mysterious face. Unless I'm extra happy. Then I can't control my smiling.
Do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing too?
Absolutely, I'll look people upside down - but usually when they don't notice.
Do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
Haha, yes. I don't really care about anyone else when I'm out and about (if I'm by myself, that is) unless I see someone who looks interesting, then I stare.
Do you hate people looking at you?
I try to avoid it (mostly failing) because I hate to admit that I find it entertaining and self-confidence boosting.
Do you wish you could just be invisible?
Do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
No, sometimes I look at people so that they look back at me.
Do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
I'm always rushing, striding.. but not to avoid strangers. I simply can't walk slowly for the most part.
Do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
No, because I can usually tell what they're staring at: my face, my bag, my coat.. etc.
Does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me?
No, I think it's entertaining.
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
Occasionally, but for the most part I don't mind.
Do you hope to get stared at?
I guess, its fun to be stared at in most cases.It feels like your famous
Do you love attention?
yes and no.Depends on my mood
Do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot' or 'cool' or whatever?
No.Sometimes they probably think I look like a freak lol.But it's all good.
Do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
sure.the world is a runway
Do you look people in the eye and check out what they are wearing too?
sometimes.Looking most people in the eye freaks me out and always has ,but I am getting more into doing it.It's like you have a split second conection
Do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
not really.I try to not be that obviously conceded.Even though I am.

Do you hate people looking at you?
not really
Do you wish you could just be invisible?
Do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
totally.I check out other people all the time, and if they look at me I look at them for a second then quickly look away.
Do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
Do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
eh ,not really
Does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me?
only if Im already mad about something
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
no ,for the most part I quite like it
Well, here in Brasil it is very common stranger staring at each other, so usually when somebody likes very much something you are wearing they come to you and just make a compliment, otherway you would never know the reason why they're looking at you. Of course, there are times when you see people staring at your clothes without saying a word, but it usually happen when it is a jealous girl or when you are out of place, wearing something too fancy for the ocasion or something ridiculous like a costume.:lol:

do you hope to get stared at..?
not usually. Maybe sometimes, when I'm very well dressed and I'm feeling goregous then to have people staring at you is a very good sign and makes you feel great.
do you love the attention..??
No. There are days when I just want to be invisible.
do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
No. Because in my country people stare at each other for no reason and you know when somebody is looking at you and thinking you're hot, so I'd never think that everyone thinks I'm hot.
do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
no way.
do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
Yes. Almost all the time. But I try to do it without them noticing.
do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
no. well maybe sometimes when I'm feeling VERY good about myself. (something rare).
do you hate people looking at you?
No. Of course, it's not nice when that 60 years old men is looking at you in a disrespectful way, making you feel like you're naked.
do you wish you could just be invisible?
do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
No. If I was looking at them, it's natural that they will look back.
do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
rarely.maybe when I'm feeling the worst person in this world.
do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
Sometimes. Usually I can read their look and you know what they are staring.
does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
maybe if I'm very angry and I'm already wishing I was invisible.
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
it seems like no matter what, if you're wearing high heels or red lipstick, and especially both, you get stared at. it shouldn't be that big a deal! but yea, i wear both of those a lot, so i'm used to getting noticed. it's alright as long as its not the creepers (which there are tons of around here)
do you hope to get stared at..?

do you love the attention..??
Can be flattering.....

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
I have no idea .....

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
Nope..i don't believe so...

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?

do you hate people looking at you?
Depends on the look there giving...and for how long....

do you wish you could just be invisible?

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
Not sure about "love"...but sure, check people out sometimes.....Depends.

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
Looking..ok cool...staring....

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
Can be really annoying..if anyone stares too long.

One of the reasons i stopped going to the gym, was that people just stare.
Im one of those people who do not work better with an audience.
Looks..can be flattering...but i feel for good manners, this should be kept to a suitable length of time. My other half can stare as long as she likes.....:D
Found this as well, from dushkin:


[SIZE=+2]Gazing and Staring[/SIZE] We often tend to judge people by the amount of eye contact we have with them. Research by Kleinke and his colleagues (1974) has shown that we are more likely to look more at people we like, and consequently when the level of eye contact is high, we interpret this positively. Kleinke also found that when a male and female interact, each considers low levels of gazing as inattentiveness and high gazing as sincerity. However, males rated low-gazing females as less attractive, whereas females rated low-gazing males as more attractive. Kleinke (1986) reported research that indicated gazing behavior served a number of functions, including providing information on attraction and attentiveness, regulating social interaction, expressing intimacy, and exerting social control.
But if we look too long (stare) at someone, it is usually interpreted negatively. An interesting study by Greenbaum and Rosenfeld (1978) found that when a person stared at drivers stopped at red lights, the drivers drove off more quickly when the light changed. Thus, although we enjoy eye contact, we try to escape from people who stare at us and make us feel uncomfortable."
:lol: everyone is answering these q's like it's a questionnaire..

do you hope to get stared at..?
i don't get dressed in the morning with the sole intention of creating an eye-catching outfit. i'm no agyness.
do you love the attention..??
do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
they probably think i look weird..
do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
well i do make an effort to walk like i'm not half dead...
do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
i do check out what people are wearing but only when they're not looking.. i dont want to make people uncomfortable..!
do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
not really, but i try not to take notice or care about what others may be thinking (if they think im dressed weirdly or whatever)..
do you hate people looking at you?
depends on the 'look'.. having old men on the train staring at you is never a comfortable feeling :doh:.. though if it's just randoms giving you a quick glance then i don't mind.
do you wish you could just be invisible?
do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
i wouldnt do it if i didnt want people to do it to me.
do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
haha this would never happen because i generally walk at a slow pace compared to others.. plus there is no point in rushing.. the world isn't going to end.. and if people want to stare at you, so be it. not my problem.
do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
i just pretend i don't notice and carry on with my business. try not to get concerned. i probably won't ever see this person again, so why let it affect me.
does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
when the staring is more than a few seconds it pisses me off... haha.
do you hope to get stared at..?
No...but i will admit that i hope people look and admire my outfit?

do you love the attention..??
If its approving or nice attention, of course!

do you think that everyone who is looking at you probably thinks you're 'hot'...or 'cool' or whatever?
Hmmmm no...interesting, yes.

do you strut down the street acting like it's a runway?
Not at far too busy window shopping.

do you look people in the eye andd check out what they are wearing to?
No..unless they are an absolutle standout.

do you just strut and ignore everyone because it's all about YOU?
Oohhh no.....if i am out with my girlfriends and we happen to be swigging scotch :wink:

do you hate people looking at you?
Yes but only when i can tell when its not a nice look....glaring, is far worse of an offence. What horrible manners.

do you wish you could just be invisible?
No way

do you love checking out other people but wish no one would look at you?
Of course not. i dress to portray an image or a mood i am feeling...i honestly enjoy sharing that with others through an outfit.

do you rush quickly from destination to destination to escape those prying eyes of strangers?
Not at all!

do you feel self-conscious-unsure of why people are staring?
Hmmm at times...but again i only hate it when its a disapproving look, usually from other women. Leering by men is something women will never be able to help....but..being glared at by other women is just plain rude. My theory is that, if you are admiring another womens outfit and you happen to catch her eye, please smile or mouth something like 'love your shoes'....nothing worse than being locked in an awkward gaze.

does it make you mad-*you lookin' at me...?...
Not at really depends

does it annoy you...*what?..what are you staring at?
We all get those annoying blank stares from either really young teens who have no sense of style, or middle aged women with no damn clue...if i catch them i will hold their stare and say at a nice volume "it's very rude to stare you know". ahahaha i love doing this.

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