I Love Blind Items ! #2

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Some blinds from this month's Glamour UK:

1. Which model paid her doctor to lie about her d**g problem? She wasn't able to discreetly inject h***** between her toes anymore. She paid the doctor to write her a medical note, explaining away syringe marks as reactions to travel inoculations should her designer employers ask.

2. Which TV star isn't quite the ladies man he makes out? His romps with male employees are kept hush-hush, with promotions and pay rises for those willing to keep his sexuality a secret.

3. Which girl band member is wild in bed? She scratches men so ferociously, they fear they'll be left with scars. They have to sign a gagging order, created by the bands manager, before sleeping with her.

4. Which A-lister has a fiery temper that's at odds with her earth hugging persona? Several house staff have been physically assaulted, but daren't spill the beans; confidentiality agreements threaten them with $10 million lawsuits.
I would, but it's just my thoughts, i think i laid out what i thought as a fact rather than opinion, i'm sorry. it's just my opinion.
tigerrouge said:
Popbitch is British and based in London. And that Soho used to be a sex district, although these days it's a hive of media companies, so it's the perfect breeding ground for rumours of that sort.

Yeah Soho is quoted as London's "gay villiage". Lots of hot guys hang out in Soho.

Lacroix said:
Soho in London is nowhere near as popular as the one in NY. I live in London but if I hear Soho mentioned I relate it to NY

Sorry Lacroix but are you serious? Soho in London is one of the popular and busy areas. I was having dinner on Sunday and it was packed. I love people watching when I'm in Soho. I saw designer Henry Holland walked past when I was eating. He was on his phone and had been to Liberty's.
I would, but it's just my thoughts, i think i laid out what i thought as a fact rather than opinion, i'm sorry. it's just my opinion.

Please don't apologise. Sorry you took my response the wrong way. I just meant I wouldn't call Gwyneth a "earth hugger" as she doesn't go on about the environment like say Cameron Diaz does (hey maybe it's Cameron). Gwyneth's more know for being stuck up and going on about the body and cleansing the inner-sole.

Yeah Soho is quoted as London's "gay villiage". Lots of hot guys hang out in Soho.

Sorry Lacroix but are you serious? Soho in London is one of the popular and busy areas. I was having dinner on Sunday and it was packed. I love people watching when I'm in Soho. I saw designer Henry Holland walked past when I was eating. He was on his phone and had been to Liberty's.

Yes, I am very serious. New York + Soho equate to something, whereas in my view, Soho in London is full of irrelevant shops (apart from Bang Bang) and grubby sex caves. The shops and eating places in NY not to mention the general area etc are over and above. I don't see what Henry Holland has to do with anything... maybe that's just because I find him equally as irrelevant. I've seen celebrities high and low in random areas in London

To me, there are too many areas in London that I would trump over Soho
Some blinds from this month's Glamour UK:

Some blinds from this month's Glamour UK:

1. Which model paid her doctor to lie about her d**g problem? She wasn't able to discreetly inject h***** between her toes anymore. She paid the doctor to write her a medical note, explaining away syringe marks as reactions to travel inoculations should her designer employers ask.

An obvious answer to this one would this:

But it could really be anyone.
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i think that that story (the new one about that guy she spent the night with doing sorts of stuff) is a year or two old, my guess is that the markings would be a lot clearer now and that medical notes could've gotten old by now considering her habits aren't that hush-hush/this story wasn't surprising to anyone i think.
i don't think peaches is a model and i don't think she works for any designers. . . it has to be someone higher up.
new BI's:

She is Under Pressure from Parent
BuzzFoto – This recently popular star is having trouble balancing their blossoming career as well as their personal life. It seems the celeb has a parent who is struggling with addiction. The star has cleaned up after them for years- paying off dealers, flushing the drugs and providing a home and food, always hoping that the parent will get clean. The parent has made empty promises for years and just last night the star found drugs in her home. The pressure is starting to get to her and although she doesn’t want to kick her parent out she knows she can’t live like this much longer. Not Zoe Saldana

Selfish Actor Stalls Production
CDAN – This A list television actor held up production on the set of his show for six hours last week while he surfed the internet and did lines of coke. Apparently he was all alone. He told everyone that he wasn’t ready and they would just have to wait until he was. After six hours he emerged looking haggard but didn’t bother apologizing to anyone for keeping them waiting.

Actress is Messing With The Clothing Tags
BlindGossip – This award-winning actress isn’t getting offered as many good parts as she would like. She’s always been a healthy person, and has always had a great figure, but she’s begun to alleviate her stress by eating. Now we won’t go so far as to say that she has been binge eating or that she has gained a lot of weight. However, she has gone up a size or two. The numbers on her clothing are such a source of aggravation now that she recently had her assistant remove the size tags from every single piece of clothing. Then she had the assistant sew in new size labels marked with a smaller size. As she has a large wardrobe, this particular task took several days. By the way, she has hired a personal trainer and stepped up the exercise, but she will definitely be avoiding photographers until she is back down to her fighting weight.

Their Breakup Is a Fakeup
BlindGossip – Are they on or are they off? This two-celebrity couple doesn’t have any more tricks left in their bag, so they have pulled out the old “We’ve broken up” card in the hopes of generating buzz. Unfortunately, their ploy has both bad timing and a too-familiar ring to it. So instead of landing them front and center of the national press, they find themselves squeezed out by other couples experiencing genuine heartbreak. So their two publicists are now talking about how to make their breakup newsworthy enough to land on the front page. Yes, it’s all a publicity stunt. We do note, however, that the male half of this duo is balking at making himself look like the bad guy. While he’s not exactly a saint, he will not agree to be portrayed as the cad who broke his girlfriend’s heart by bedding multiple skanky women.

The clothing tags actress could be Hilary Swank; she's always had a really good body, is well known as a fitness fanatic and the reference to "fighting weight" sounds like a hint to Million Dollar Baby...
The clothing tags actress could be Hilary Swank; she's always had a really good body, is well known as a fitness fanatic and the reference to "fighting weight" sounds like a hint to Million Dollar Baby...
but wasn't she photographed just few days ago going to gym? plus she was attending vanity fair after party not long ago.
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