I Love Blind Items ! #6 *Absolutely no drug or weight blind items and talk allowed*

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Color me surprised if this turns out to be true. Their relationship struck me as being similar to that of Brad and Angelina or Beyoncé and Jay-Z... As much about potential feelings of love as it is about building a powerful brand and achieving/maintaining a certain level of celebrity faux-"royalty."
Tbqh, I never cared for Victoria before she became a designer. She always seemed so vapid and insecure, and I got the feeling she needed that marriage to work more than he did. But since she started having a career, something which she's clearly passionate about, she appears way more confident, grounded and reflective, especially in interviews. I might be wrong, but she's more successful and acclaimed than him right now, possibly netting a generous bit of money. All this can upset a power dynamic which mightve been in place over such a long period. This situation reminds me very much of Fassbinder's Petra von Kant.
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He has cheated on her so often that I have personally always wondered why they were still together, except for the kids and for the brand.
Slimy Veneer

She knew exactly who he was beneath the smiling, perfect veneer before she ever married him.

Just because he’s a leader in his field doesn’t mean that he has integrity.

She knew that he had a slimy side to him. She knew that he was a liar and a cheater and that the perfect exterior was just thin veneer. She knew this and she went and married him anyway.

She wanted to be half of a perfect-looking, top-of-their-game, ultra-rich, ultra-famous couple and that’s exactly what she got. She gave him a pass on the rest.

However, veneer is fragile. As the years pass, it’s bound to chip and rub off at some point. And now that the rest of the world sees what she is always known – the lying and the cheating and the drinking and the gambling and the girls – she is furious. Not shocked or surprised. Just angry. Angry at him that he couldn’t keep the ugliness tucked away to maintain that perfect exterior for her and for their family.

After the incident with [Her husband] and [famous actor], she just lost it. She was screaming at him that he was a stupid selfish bastard and that he was ruining everything they had worked so hard for.

Now she has thrown down the gauntlet: He has to clean up his own slimy mess and repair the veneer, or she is going to divorce him. Don’t underestimate her just because she is pretty. Don’t expect her to express her anger in public, either. She is totally in control of her own reputation… and she NEVER slips.




The most popular guess is Gisele and Tom :(
^ there's a gossip mag cover saying the same, that Gisele is threatening with divorce...
But does that mean that Tom was possibly dealing with the nanny as well? Good grief. Serves them right for hiring such a hot nanny.
^ I don't think so... if any of this is true, I think she was mad that his lifestyle was brought to light.
There's an interesting article on Lainey Gossip where she compared Jennifer Garner with Gone Girl's Amy, that Jen hired the hot nanny on purpose as a machiavellic plan :lol:
I remember yearssssssss ago before internet gossip a magazine did a tell all with one of the beckhams house staff who said they only stayed together for the brand Beckham. Otherwise they would definitely have divorced long ago. This would be around 10 years ago now
It also said Victoria was lovely but sooooo insecure and deeply loved David but he treated her like rubbish and cheated on her constantly and she knew it. And the staff could tell when Victoria knew about a new person etc because she would....
Like she took it as a personal rejection. It was her fault he cheated :(

The comment about her fashion line potentially giving her the strength to leave is interesting. And makes sense.
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"Last time we blinded about her, she’d had an affair on set with a married actor with a skeevy character vibe. His marriage is still intact. Another marriage, however, has ended. And she was, again, involved. Once again it started as a working situation. Of the two of them, she’s definitely more well-known. But even if you don’t know him by name, he books steady jobs, and his face should be familiar to you. He too is good at playing *******s.

When they met, she had a boyfriend and he was about to celebrate a milestone with his wife. Stage life and real life soon blurred, they were hooking up in and out of character, and she was texting him explicitly. They couldn’t let it go after wrapping up production. Which is why he’s not married anymore. He left his wife for her. According to their inner circle, they were so into each other that she followed him while he was on anniversary holiday in Europe with his wife. He would make up excuses during that trip to slip away and spend time with her. Eventually her boyfriend busted her and they broke up. He ended up filing for divorce in August and they insist they’re just friends, that nothing shady went down, that no one knows the real story. But those who saw all of it go down say they’re totally together now but are trying to put enough distance between the end of the marriage and their coming out so that people won’t suspect how they started, if that is, they last that long."

From laineygossip

Popular guess from ONTD: Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski
Popular guess from ONTD: Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski

Noooo, not Amanda. I doubt it's her. She's so goofy, and, well adorable. This girl sounds like a real femme fatale.
It's a very tricky blind because nowadays most of the starlets hardly ever deal exclusive with a guy.
There is no way this is not referring to Amanda. She was rumored to have hooked up with Maggie Gyllenhaal's husband.
There is no way this is not referring to Amanda. She was rumored to have hooked up with Maggie Gyllenhaal's husband.

Peter Saarsgaard???? One of my most favourite couples. Good God, what is happening to this world!
^ Yep, Hollywood/famous people not all that different than high school when you think about it.
So right! Her career had so much potential before she married him. Now I'm not so sure. You only need to look at Katie Holmes' career to see what I mean. I do get the feeling he mightve been pressured in certain ways into the marriage, so to some extent I feel a bit sorry for him as well.

Katie's career peaked with Dawson's. Well before Tom.
^^ I'd like to know the guesses for the male actors, are there any?
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