I Love Blind Items ! #2

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^ Yes i agree, don't forget people, we do have to take all these blind items with a grain of salt :flower:
^ Yes i agree, don't forget people, we do have to take all these blind items with a grain of salt :flower:
off course, though that doesn't mean they're not fun (or ewww or sometimes sad). :lol:

what's that about that guy falling of the wagon again, could it be RDJ, really? :cry:
Human placenta would make more sense as a rejuvenation procedure since it's full of stem cells but it would be better to have it injected directly unto the skin rather than eating it (although it would make a very nutritious meal :lol:). The disease transmission risk would be too high anyway. It's better to use sheep placenta.

I've heard of people eating it, indeed, a while ago, as part of a cookery show, a woman had kept the placenta from the birth of her child, and they prepared and fried it, and the family ate it. But I don't think I'd like to eat one that wasn't my own. At least you know your own diseases, and what you'd eaten over the last year that went into the making of it.
^lol, i wouldn't even want to eat my own, but yeah, rather my own than somebody elses

reminds me of a show on tv i once saw about alternative medicine and some woman gave birth in her bed and that "doctor" spread out her placenta on the bed and "read the future of her child" with the help of it ...it was very disturbing :rofl:

but i guess some of those women in hollywood WILL go to extremes to preserve their youth and when someone tells them placentas help, they'll try it. and nicole seems to be a desperate case, i wouldn't put it past her, although i don't believe it
She’s a big name in Hollywood, though we’re not sure we’d call her an A-List actress. She is aging and going to great limits to turn back time. Two of the craziest things we have heard she is doing to slow down the aging process are drinking her own urine and eating human placenta. Is that even legal?

There's no way it's Nicole because she's definitely an A-list actress, even if her films don't sell well.

This sounds more like Demi Moore. She and Ashton Kutcher are A-list names in Hollywood, but as far as acting goes, not really. Ashton still does romantic comedies and I don't even know what Demi's been in. Also, we know she went through multiple surgeries prior to Charlies Angels 2 (3?) to get her old body back. Seems like she's still trying to resist aging.
^Well the term A-list was created for those top actors who could open a movie on their names alone, so how well her movies are doing should be a big factor.
Her recent commercials have been flops and even her 'Oscar bait' movies don't really get the kind of critical acclaim they used to get, so I think her A-list status is highly debatable.
I think it's fairer to say she has A-list name recognition, but is a B-list actress.
I've heard of people eating it, indeed, a while ago, as part of a cookery show, a woman had kept the placenta from the birth of her child, and they prepared and fried it, and the family ate it.
Well, I suppose it would taste like any blood-engorged tissue such as liver (which I think is delicious). I guess I'll eat my own if Alain Ducasse cooks it. :lol:
But I agree with you, I would never eat another person placenta.
I know you guys dont believe it but I have heard of people eating it. On the show "the doctors" they were talking about a skin care line made of sperm, so anything is possible. With that said the BI said "though we’re not sure we’d call her an A-List actress" meaning that she is sort of A list sort of not. Now we need to come up with people who may not necessarily be A-list, but are popular enough to be B+ or something like that.
Here in Sydney there was an article about film caterers in the food and lifestyle section of the newspaper (Sydney Morning Herald - which is pretty well respected, it's no News of the World or OK! or anything like that). It featured a caterer who worked on the film set of Australia, and she commented that Nicole Kidman would request particular things for her meals - like "20 cooked egg whites" or "six lettuce leaves". Then it's quite cute when it's mentioned that Keanu Reeves would look longingly at hotcakes on the set of the Matrix because he was on a strict diet :p

Here's the article: http://www.smh.com.au/news/entertainment/good-living/set-menus/2010/03/01/1267291840256.html
Originally Posted by jomarlushka

This star has a husband who doesn’t bring in hardly any income and is fine living off his rich celebrity bride. He told his friends he has married the golden meal ticket and has gotten into the habit of having his buddies over at her expense. The men will sit around and play video games all day, drink, dabble in drugs and watch sports. The buddies have even been treated to several trips to the strip club from the money this actress has pulled in. The hubby apparently has no regard for his wife or her feelings and now gets angry if she tells him to send his friends home.
This star is so fed up with her mooch of a husband that she is having a lawyer look into her finances to see what her options are. Because they have a child/children she doesn’t want a divorce, but she wants to separate their finances completely and cut him off. Can you blame her?
Not Jessica Alba

This was posted ages ago but when I heard of the Sandra Bullock/Jesse James debacle, it immediately reminded me of this blind. Not sure if it's true or not because they technically don't have any kids together...
but Jesse James has his own fortune too, he has around 35mil$. i don't think it's him.
I would guess Julia Roberts and her hubby for this BI.

Jesse James should have his own money as does David Arquette.
I would guess Julia Roberts and her hubby for this BI.

Jesse James should have his own money as does David Arquette.

But David doesn't really do a whole heap anymore. And a few of his Career choices and ventures have failed.Meanwhile Courteney has worked pretty steadily.

Julia Roberts and Danny Moder(?) does sound very plausible though..
new BI's!

Downfront2 – This famous female celebrity has a new movie coming out where she plays the romantic lead. If the movie does well it could lead to more romantic roles. She has been having problems getting romantic comedies because she doesn’t have any chemistry with men. In the next few weeks look for her to be photographed in the company of men. Her poor girlfriend is going to have to lay low.

Downfront2 – She is a major star and the baddest chick in the game. She is married to a very powerful man. He wants children but she’s hesitant because if she gains weight she knows he will lose interest in her.

BlindGossip – One big star on the set of this film is spending as little time with their co-star as possible. You see, Star 1 is a control freak, while Star 2 has really poor hygiene. When not wearing clothes directly provided by wardrobe, Star 2 positively reeks. He does buy clothes, but he tends to wear them – without washing them – until they are completely soiled or ripe or ruined. Then he throws them away, buys a new set, and repeats the cycle. No wonder Star 1 practically runs the other way when they see him coming.


Anne H.
Angelina & Johnny D.
^^ Not likely. Robert and Kristen are firstly of all not filming together now, and secondly of all. She wears his clothes quite often.
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