I Love Blind Items ! #6 *Absolutely no drug or weight blind items and talk allowed*

I have seen speculation about it being Jake Gyllenhaal and Lance Armstrong. That makes a lot more sense to me. There has been rumours about Jake (Toothy Tile) and the only rumours that have been about David Beckham have been about women.
OMG ! The Gyllenhaal -Armstrong guess is spot on. I can totally see it now.:shifty::shifty:
"The secrets and shortcomings revealed" obvisouly refer to Lance Armstrong very publicised scandals and even though they haven't been seen together in awhile, I remember Jake and Lance being spotted many times on bike rides together before.
This actor’s wife is pregnant. They are both happy about the news, and the wife is working hard to stay in shape with a personal trainer.

However, our actor might not be so thrilled about her commitment to fitness if he knew that his wife and the trainer did the dirty deed right around the time she got pregnant!

The actor does not know about the fling… and the wife does not know which of the two men is the father. She is definitely sweating this one out!

There’s a rumor going around that this very wealthy blonde multi-hyphenate recently had breast enhancement surgery.

No. She did not.

She’s never had implants! Her breast size has varied a little over the years depending on her weight. They were huge when she was pregnant. Right now they are exactly the same size they were ten years ago. She’s actually really happy with her body right now.

There you go. Now you can use this info to duke it out with your friends who swear that she got implants!

Right now, there is a male musician who is going all in on attacking a female singer. She’s having a hard time, and he has been relentless about making fun of her and calling her a liar.

Another female singer – who know them both and is more famous than the first female singer – hasn’t spoken out publicly, but has privately been very clear about what she thinks of the male musician.

Dude’s a beater. Once a beater, always a beater. If he ain’t beating them physically, he’s beating them verbally. He knows he’s doing it but he can’t help himself. He says it’s all good, though, because he only gets mad at women if they deserve it.

Which politician got a taste of the local culture on a trip abroad by splashing out on a hook*r?

The story has been hawked around the tabloids but no one wants to make trouble for the man in question right now.

This athlete recently proposed to his girlfriend via social media. Many people are offering their good wishes for the couple.

However, one of his friends – who is also a very famous professional athlete – wasn’t quite so impressed.

Wow. On Instagram? Damn. That’s tacky!

This young singer has three jobs. His first job is making music. His second job is acting. His third job? Fake-dating famous women to keep himself and them in the news!

He’s already been linked to four or five famous women in the past year, with each “dating” rumor accompanied by photos and innuendo and lots of evasive non-denial denials.

Yes, it’s all ridiculous, but everybody has projects to promote and there are lots of people who actually buy the notion that these are real romances.

His next third job? A model who wants to do more acting.

These two film actresses are very similar. They are both blonde, over thirty, and attention seekers. Here is the gist of a recent conversation:

My boyfriend is younger.

Well, mine is richer.

Yes, they are also quite competitive with each other and quite insufferable!

Jennifer Lopez has been proposed to five times, engaged four times, married three times and divorced three times.

On The Late Late Show With James Corden last night, Lopez discussed the various proposals.

I’ve had some amazing proposals. I don’t want to compare one to the other. They were all pretty spectacular. They were nice. And then there’s some that asked me to marry them and I said no. I’ve been married three times. I’ve been proposed to five times.

Lopez was formerly married to Ojani Noa, Cris Judd and Marc Anthony. She was engaged to Ben Affleck but they broke up before the wedding.

Lopez accepted four out of five marriage proposals. For those doing the math at home, that means that if you date and propose to Jennifer Lopez, there is an 80% chance that she will say “Yes”!

Back to reality. Who was the mysterious fifth man?

This well-known actress is the star of a film that was released this year. One day, a child on the film came to work looking upset. The actress asked the child what was wrong, and the child told her that one of their parents had called the child “stupid.”

Our actress pulled the child aside and told them how she thought the child was exactly the opposite. She explained that the child’s ability to memorize lines and hit their marks consistently was something that even a lot of adults couldn’t do, and that meant that they were actually very smart. The child thanked her, gave her a big hug, and went back to work much happier.

The career trajectory of this young model-turned-actress has been quite impressive, with her having shared screen space with some big names of the industry. It was during one such project that she became friendly, and eventually infatuated, with her co-star, who has a charming personality and looks dishy.

Says a source,

The actress took a fancy to her co-star after they got introduced on the set. During the promotions of their film, she used to cling on to him and he too enjoyed the attention. Even during the outdoor publicity campaign, she just wouldn’t leave his side. However, once the film released, the actor decided to maintain a safe distance from her since his partner was getting suspicious of their growing friendship.

It is said that the actor had even promised to recommend her name to some of his director and producer friends, but did not keep his word. At an awards show recently, the actress happened to meet her ex co-star again and tried to reconnect with him.

She started following him around to attract his attention. However, the actor was in no mood to be seen with her publicly and upset his partner. So, he literally ran out of venue by cooking up some excuses.

This tall, beautiful and talented actress usually doesn’t talk about her private life. However, she recently gave a very cool, matter-of-fact explanation about her breakup with another major actor last year.

Rather than comment on the actual fury and rage that precipitated that breakup, we’ll tell you a story about why her previous boyfriend hit the road.

The previous boyfriend is also an actor. Foreign born, very handsome (but not very famous). He and the actress dated for many years. We believe she even said that for all practical purposes, they considered themselves to be married.

Well, he sure wasn’t faithful to her!

The couple was on a vacation at a very posh resort in Mexico. The actress was not much for mingling with the other guests, and mostly stayed in her villa. The actor, on the other hand, participated in a lot of resort activities and was friendly to the staff. Too friendly. Just a couple of days after they arrived, he and a very pretty yoga instructor were caught having sex in the bushes… less than ten yards away from the actress’ villa!

The actor begged the hotel staff who discovered them not to tell the actress, and slipped them a few dollars to keep his secret.

We suspect that our actress found out about the incident though – and may have even been more than a little mad – because immediately after the vacation, she took off her “commitment ring” and broke up with the rogue actor, saying that the relationship had simply “run its course.” Yes, another cool and matter-of-fact explanation!

These two young and beautiful celebrities have been out on a few dates and away on a few mini-vacations together. He is a musician and she is a model.

Although they both like the publicity they get when they are photographed together, he is not interested in her as a girlfriend, no matter how much she wants to be that!

She is obsessed with him, but for him it’s just casual. She texts him constantly until he texts her back. Then she drops everything to go meet him. They will spend a couple of hours or a couple of days together on a mini-vacation, have sex, and then he’ll stop texting her a few days later and end it. He’s done this more than once.

She knows that she is just one of a bunch of girls he sleeps with, and he told her straight up that they will never be in a serious relationship. However, she keeps hoping and texting him and hooking up with him and taking advantage of the photo ops so that the public thinks they are a couple.

So, will they ever be a real couple?

No. He thinks she’s hot, but really boring and really dumb. They have nothing in common other than the fact that they are both celebrities. He says that she is dull and never has anything interesting to say. That’s why he never spends more than a couple of days with her. He simply can’t take being with her for too long!

Half of this couple is into singing. Half of this couple is into acting. They are both REALLY into each other.

There’s a rumor going around that they are secretly married.


Not yet.

However, the relationship is going well and they are moving towards marriage!

We hear that she has made it clear to him that she is ready to get married. NOW. She is like an impulsive teenager that way. (Remember her last impetuous marriage? Disaster!)

He is a bit more pragmatic, but he really does love her, so there is a good chance they will get engaged this year. In the meantime, she is not above doing the fake ring tease to get people talking.

This young guy has been on TV a million times, but he is definitely not an actor. You may think that he isn’t on TV right now because he hates the way he looks from the neck down. That’s part of it. But the reality is that he is also very self-conscious about the way he looks from the neck up.

You see, those baseball caps he wears aren’t a fashion statement. They’re to cover up his prematurely balding head!

While other members of his family have no problem with plastic, it’s taken him years to come around to a hair transplant. The plan is for it all to be completed by the time he starts his next TV show.

You may have seen this famous actress walking around wearing baggier clothes than usual, strategically covering up her stomach with various props. Is she pregnant?

YES! Definitely.

Don’t expect an announcement until well after the first trimester, though!

She is going to hide the bump until she really pops, which she’s thinking will be around month five or six. In the meantime, she totally cool about smiling and lying about it and saying that she’s just put on a couple of pounds.

Only a few very close friends know right now and she has to lie to everyone else. She is telling people that her schedule is too jam-packed to have a baby right now. Actually, she completely cleared her calendar of all gigs where she would have to appear on camera and won’t even think of accepting any new acting gigs until after the baby arrives.

Oh, baby!

BONUS CLUES: Our actress is over 30 and is married to another celebrity.

This handsome film actor broke up with this actress in the past year and has been dating other women ever since. So he’s over her, right? Not necessarily.

He was at the bar right before St. Patrick’s Day, moaning about what a terrible mistake he had made [in the relationship] but that she won’t take him back. He was drunk, but he sounded like he really meant it!

This cute young actor and cute young actress were recently on location for a film they are doing together. He’s a friendly guy – and she thinks that everyone wants her – so she decided to follow up by paying him a little after-hours visit.

Just before midnight, she knocked on his hotel door. She told him that she wanted his advice about something. He invited her in. She sat on the edge of his bed, and he walked around the room while she talked. When he turned around, she had taken off her shoes and was unbuttoning her blouse!

He was like, “Whoa! Stop! Don’t do that!” She was really embarrassed, and ran out of the room. A couple of minutes later he heard a knock on his door. It was her again. “Ummm, I forgot my shoes.” He got them for her and she just grabbed them and ran out again. The next day on set, different people would take off their shoes, walk up to her and say, “Have you seen my shoes? I think I forgot my shoes?” Yes, we’re mean.

These two siblings, who are just a few years apart, are both in the acting business.

They love each other, but the younger one is definitely booking more roles than the other.

They are represented by different agents. The older one is now asking their agent to quietly find out which film roles that the younger one is up for… to see if they can be put up for the roles themselves!

This pretty actress is married to another celebrity. She is constantly accompanied by another woman when she travels. No, it’s not her personal assistant. She introduced the woman as her “partner” to a couple of people, and when they looked at her quizzically, she quickly corrected herself and said “business partner.” Then she added, “Oh, and she’s also my [occupation] and my [occupation].” Right. She should have stopped after the first description.

2. Jessica Simpson
2. Chris Brown
6. Joe Jonas

a lot of these blind items are just restatements of current news stories in the more legitimate press designed to make the gossip source look more credible. :rolleyes:
If you thought that the story about Mariah Carey recently firing a bunch of employees was interesting, wait until you hear this one!

Another very famous female singer and her celebrity husband were upset about a book that was being written about them. They discovered that many of their team members had done interviews with the author.

[The couple] discovered that lots of their employees and team members were talking to [the author]. Since the dirt came directly from employees, [the author] knew that it was all true.

They couldn’t stop the book from being published, so [the couple] paid off [the author] to leave out the dirt that would have hurt them the most. He did publish the book, but it didn’t sell well because they had paid to remove the most interesting stuff.

Then they did a clean sweep of all of the employees and friends that had talked to the author. Just totally cut them out of their lives, no matter who they were or how long they had been part of the team. If they even spoke to [the author] about something innocent like what the couple ate for lunch, they were considered “disloyal” and thrown out.

So, if you were wondering why this couple recently and suddenly fired many key members of their team, now you know the real story!

^ Yes, I don't think the author was trying to just write him off as a 'celebrity husband' but if they said 'rapper husband' it'd be more obvious.

It's obvious anyway but still :lol:
This over-30 TV actor with the great hair was habitually late to set last season. He kept using the excuse that he’s late to work because his mother is sick and he was taking care of her. The only problem with that excuse? His mom passed away several years ago!

Like many hip SoCal folks, this pretty young actress will be going to the Coachella Music Festival this year.

While some go for the music, sun, and parties, our girl has something a little different on her mind. She’s made a list of the young male celebrities who she knows will be there this year… and whom she wants to f*ck during the festival!

There are supposedly four names on the list. Two musicians and two actors. Perhaps she’s going both weekends?

Why in the world would someone voluntarily walk away from millions of dollars to which they are legally entitled?

In this case, it’s because the husband didn’t want his ex-wife spilling his secrets!

She’s known about his gay hookups for years – since even before they were married – but during the divorce she decided to use them as a weapon. She wielded those secrets like a club. Basically, if he didn’t agree to back off and and stop shaking her money tree, she was ready to spill all beans in a way that would make him look like a perverted chronic cheater and make herself look like the heartbroken victim of his cruelty.

He knows that this was not an idle threat. She is the one who leaked one of his affairs to the press. He knows that she would do it again in a heartbeat. Or a song. Or four songs. Or forty songs.

He knows that if he publicly accused her of having her own affairs during the marriage, she would have feigned innocence and declared it a retaliatory move on his part. He has seen first-hand just how easy it is for her to play the innocent victim, to lie about relationships, and to sway public support to her side.

That is why he chose to walk away and leave those millions on the table.

This actress is very beautiful and very talented. She is currently the star of a TV show, and many of her film and television projects tend to center around black actors.

She messed with her face.

No, she did not have plastic surgery. However, she did pump some serious injectables into her puss. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make her look younger or more attractive. It just gives her that overly-inflated-puffy-smooth-cat-lady look.

[Actress] She knows she’s going to get questions, so she might say it’s just a change in makeup and that she is experimenting with contouring. We also talked about her changing her hairstyle temporarily to distract [from her face].

Well, at least the timing is good. She is currently just doing some voice work, so she has a couple of months to let the cattiness settle in before she needs to start filming again.

When a child is involved in a serious relationship, parents normally want them to take their time and get to know their partner to ensure that they are making good decisions and will form a union that will last.

Not in this case!

Their daughter’s acting career (which started when she was a child) has faded to the point where she doesn’t even have an agent anymore. That’s bad. And her entire family has always depended on her to provide for them financially. That’s really bad.

So the entire family is encouraging the actress to make her move and seal the deal. The faster she can get engaged/married/pregnant (not necessarily in that order) with a rich guy, the faster they all can relax into a lifetime of financial stability.

This actor made his bones playing a teenager in a famous franchise. While he wants to be thought of as an adult actor, the siren song of a big payout keeps him revisiting this juvenile role.

There are two little problems.

The first is that a significant amount of time has passed since the original movie and his look has matured.

They’re going to have to do a little work to conceal the fact that he is now practically old enough to have fathered some of those high school kids.

The second issue is his bulked-up body.

Unless they change the nature of his character, he’s going to have to get off the juice at least a three months prior to filming.

When you look at this reality star, she appears to be financially well off, but she actually has sticky fingers.

She’s a kleptomaniac!

The word kleptomaniac has origins that trace back to the Greek words for “thief” and “madness.” This definition is indeed fitting for this southern-fried reality mom.

She’s compelled to steal from friends, family and stores. She doesn’t steal because of necessity, she steals for the thrill of the crime, often taking items that have little or no value to her.

Her inner circle knows of her little problem, and purses and personal belongings are guarded whenever Sticky Fingers is around.

The grown thief was caught red-handed for lifting an antique figurine when one of her sex partners noticed the item in her home and questioned her about it. The reality thief lied and said she purchased it from an antique store.

Her close friend tells me that her main objective is simply to steal. It does not matter what it is or if it makes sense. Sticky Fingers just steals for the sake of stealing.

Two actors in a war with each other right now are caught up in a ugly legal mess. Earlier the two were linked with each other when they started shooting for their first film together. At that time, their growing fondness for each other and closeness made headlines everywhere. However, the two kept mum for the longest and avoided commenting on their alleged link-up.

But in a turn of events, the ugly past caught up to them. The timing of this legal mess for the actress couldn’t be more appropriate as she has fallen in love with someone else and wants to start fresh with the man that she is so interested in.

Reportedly, the man that the actress is dating right now is not from the industry. The new man in her life is very supportive and is by her side through her current on-going thick situation. But she is hoping that the legal mess clears out soon so she can begin with her new phase. While she wants an end to this legal drama, the actor doesn’t want to step back and wants her to apologize for all the personal attacks she did in media.

This actor and actress are in the middle of filming another chapter of their hit franchise. With all that success, are they having fun working together?

Nah. Nothing’s changed from the first film. They still can’t stand each other. If we’re between takes and they have to be on set, they never even look at each other. The publicists are bugging them to do some of those set up photo ops (just something simple like getting coffee together) to prove that there is some sort of chemistry between them, but they both act like it would be torture.

We heard that this reality competition show cast member was getting along well with everyone on the show, so we were a little surprised to hear that there was one person on the show who was a jerk to her as she was leaving.

[Other cast member] seems like a nice guy and he was nice to her face, but as soon as she was out the door, he gave her the finger and said, “F*ck you AND [your ex-husband]!”

I don’t think she ever personally did anything to him. I think he was more mad at [the ex-husband], but it did bug me that he was so nice to her face and then cursed her out behind her back.

e’ve lost count of how many wives/girlfriends/kids this famous over-50 TV and film actor has had.

Given how busy the actor has been with his penis over the years, it’s not hard to imagine that not every child approves of his choices or welcomes the new women or babies who come along. One older child (who is now an adult) expressed their annoyance this way:

Every time a new one comes along, I can barely pretend to be happy about it. There goes part of my inheritance. There goes what little time he spends with me. This isn’t the f*cking Brady Bunch. And I’m supposed to pretend to like or love all these people? I didn’t pick them. These are his choices. So why do I have to suffer for it?

This well-known politician – who is involved in the U.S. Presidential race – completely forgot his wife’s name the other day!

He was talking about her to a small group, but instead of referring to her by name, said something like, “I was just talking to… Ummm…,” except the “Ummm” part went on for much too long. At least a four or five seconds. It was obvious that he couldn’t remember her name. Then he just substituted in the words “my wife” and kept talking. It was clear (and very awkward) to the rest of us standing there that he totally blanked. How do you forget your wife’s name?

Big movie stars usually try to avoid scandals so that they don’t impact the release of a film. Not our actor. He is actually CREATING scandals to help his films!

He may have started out on TV, but this blockbuster star only does films now. On his last film, he leaked reports that he was having a fling with his beautiful single female star. He wanted you to believe that the onscreen heat was real. That strategy worked so well that he is now spreading rumors about a fresh fake fling with the single beauty from his current film!

Why is he doing this? It has to do with his secret sexuality. But before you start thinking that this isn’t unusual (because other actors have used their costar as a beard to promote a project), there’s a distinctive twist to this story.

Our actor isn’t trying to convince you that he’s some manly single guy. Our actor is married with children! Yes, he is so desperate for hetero validation that he wants you to speculate that he is having an affair behind his wife’s back!

This young actress has everything going for her. Professionally, she is busy with a big project and her personal life too seems to be pretty peaceful. However, the career graph of a another certain actress seems to be making her insecure and she’s keeping a tab on her.

Says a source, “Recently, the young actress called for a quick meeting with her managers and told them that she wants to be signed for big films and plum brand endorsements. She even inquired about a contemporary and wanted to know the line-up of her upcoming films and the number of brand deals she has in her kitty.”

This under-30 singer/actor/whatever has dated lots of famous women. He’s probably dated two or three of them in the last year alone.

A recent disclosure on his part, though, raises more questions than it answered.

When he talks about losing his virginity, he is oddly careful about the words he uses. He doesn’t say that his partner is female, nor does he ever use any female pronouns. He refers to the partner as “this person” or “they” or “them”, instead of “this girl” or “her” or “she.”

Huh. That’s exactly what we do when we run a blind item but don’t want to give away the gender of the person. We wonder why he’s doing it.

Which young heartthrob actor – who starred in a famous movie franchise – was recently caught hugging and kissing on more than one girl at a party? While he wasn’t caught nibbling on their necks, he certainly seemed very close to a couple of pretty girls!

Does this mean that sun has set on his engagement to that girl with the funny name?


We just received word that a VERY popular African American celebrity – who has recently been in the news – now has what is being described as AIDS. Obviously since we are not able to 100% confirm the story – we’re going to leave it as a Blind Item. We want to make it clear we are NOT talking about Magic Johnson.

This report really hurt our heart.

According to a person extremely close to the situation, the celebrity, who is known for having a very extreme sexual past reportedly contracted the illness sometime in the 1990s. He kept the illness quiet but began taking his medication religiously up until about 2 years ago. Here’s what we’re told by a VERY trusted entertainment insider:

[The celebrity] believed that he was cured, and he had some crazy [religious] people who told him that God cured him. So he stopped taking his medication and the sickness came back. Now doctors say he’s dying, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

We’re told that the celebrity is expected to get sicker and sicker, and eventually pass. It can happen as soon as the summer.

Ya'll think this was about Prince?
They say they are working on updating the blind item.
Wow. It's gotta be him. :(
I actually heard that about him many years ago. TMZ just posted an article saying he visited the Pharmacy 4 times in a week, for his flu which he was hospitalised for - which could be aids related pneumonia.
Although this former athlete has had a controversial couple of weeks, he has managed to stay calm and take it all in stride.

However, his friends aren’t quite so calm. In fact, they want him to go on the attack!

That passive aggressive sh*t she pulled was the last straw. They want him to go after [his costar] and “Take that b*tch down!”

He’s being flooded with topics and one-liners to use on the air. They are telling him to do impromptu attacks on everything: the times she hit on him; her boy body; her husband not supporting the family; her failed projects; her and her husband having threes*mes; etc.

He knows where all the bodies are buried and his friends have heard all the stories. If she’s going to be a b*tch, they don’t think he should just sit there and take it like a wimp.

Should be an interesting couple of weeks!

Let’s talk about her nose.

She says she is so proud of her nose because it reflects her heritage. She is so proud of her nose that she uses it to compare herself to other famous singers with distinct noses. She is so proud of her nose that she sings about it in a song. Seriously.

Except… that’s NOT her nose!

There were no physical problems with her nose (e.g. obstructions to her breathing, frequent nosebleeds, deviated septum, repeated sinus infections, etc.) to make rhinoplasty medically necessary.

The procedures that I know that she had (tip work and medial and lateral osteotomies to narrow the bridge) were not medically necessary at the time. All of her work has been purely cosmetic. She has had two full rhinoplasties to make it smaller, more narrow, and more refined, as well as several non-surgical procedures.

In case you were wondering, non-surgical procedures to the nose can be made with the help of injectable fillers.

Just more fakeness from The Queen!

Although this interesting guy has been on a couple of TV shows, he makes his living making music.

He was spotted a few nights ago in a hospital. He was in the waiting area, by himself, in the middle of the night, looking very upset. It’s unclear if our hip hop guy was seeking treatment or just waiting on someone he loves. He hasn’t mentioned anything about the event on Twitter.

Yes, we’ve got pics, and yes, it’s him. Our music guy is easily identifiable by his tattoos.

There are five people in serious contention right now for a costarring gig on a popular daytime show.

Four of them are gay white men, all with significant TV experience. Some out, some not. All are personal friends of the current star.

Our personal favorite for this cushy job? The Fifth Man! He is a straight white guy, married with kids, funny, likable, lots of experience as a TV and film actor. We were actually very surprised he did not get the job a few years ago, but producers went in a different direction at the last minute. We are hoping that they are smart enough to grab him this time around!

Interesting that with the heavy push for diversity at the network… there are no women or minorities in consideration at this time.

There’s been a lot of talk that this famous actor is gearing up to run for political office. Not a little office, like mayor of a small town, but a big, important office like senator or governor. Maybe, eventually, even President.

Here’s the latest: It’s not going to happen! Not yet, anyway.

What happened?

He has decided that he does not want to subject himself to the intense vetting process to which candidates are subjected prior to public elections.

Why not?

He has a very big personal secret. [Secret redacted]. No matter how many people he pays off, he is sure that it will be discovered in oppo[sition] research.

Instead, he will try to get himself appointed to a politically-oriented job. The kind of job you get for cozying up to people in power and donating lots of money to their campaign.

Have you noticed how much he’s already been rehearsing for that job lately? Yes, it’s just like playing a role in a movie!

These two young and famous singer/actors worked together on a TV show many years ago. They were also good friends. Then they weren’t. Then they were. Who knows anymore.

They are both currently appearing in national commercials.

A certain group of young celebs (singers, actors, and models) saw two of their commercials one evening. The commercial girls themselves were not there.

The first girl – with whom the group is friendly – got cheers and thumbs up for her performance.

The second girl – with whom they are not friends – was roundly booed!

They couldn’t believe how bad the [second girl’s] commercial was. Her voice over was so flat and monotone. They were shocked.

“Dude, that was awful!” “Did she actually start out as an actress?” “Doesn’t she know how to sound excited about a product?” “Was she stoned when she did the voice over?” “Maybe she was drunk!” “How does she ever expect to get hired for another acting job?”

Based on those brief performances, they are predicting that the first girl has a great acting career ahead of her… and think that the second girl should go back to rehab!

Well, this is surprising. This very famous and admired person has always presented themselves as coming from a position of strength, calling themselves “a leader” and “a fighter” and “a champion.”

Guess who is now going to try to convince you that they are actually a victim and that you should feel sorry for them?

A strategist close to the situation tells us about the plan:

You can’t come from a position of strength against an opponent who is relentlessly stronger. You would get creamed. [They] know that. So now [they] are going to switch… and play the role of the perpetual victim!

The theme will go something like this: “I am the victim of bias on the basis of (wealth, gender, race, height, health, age, appearance, family, fame, social media, connections, education, whatever). Therefore you should support me because you are all victims too, and we oppressed people can’t let the bullies win!”

Every attack by the opponent will be categorized and countered as 1. a situation which can be blamed on someone else and/or 2. an outrageous lie by the attacker and/or 3. a personal insult for which everyone should be outraged on their behalf.

The strategist added:

Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. The only thing that matters is if they can sell it!

Interesting. Guess all is fair in love and politics.

It is a new day and there are New New chances for love. Such is the case with this Los Angeles actress and her gangster rap boyfriend who are expecting a baby.

She isn’t new to the rap scene. This actress already has a child with another high profile rapper. She is also pretty active on the social scene. You may catch her Keeping Up with the Kardashians from time to time.

Mom and Dad are both LA natives, and word around Slauson is that these two have been dating for some time but have chosen to keep their relationship a secret. Well, the secret will be all the way out when Mom starts to show!

Which reality star is attempting to enlist a big name lawyer to possibly help her with suing her co-stars and the network for using and abusing her and sullying her good name?

This reality star can’t afford an attorney of this caliber (and even missed a big event for their show because she was sitting by the mailbox waiting for a payment from the network to show up so she could pay bills), so she’s hoping said fancy pants attorney will work pro bono.

She’s hoping to make sweeping changes in the contracts this show requires them to sign, which currently waives certain rights.

The money part is shocking considering how successful she claims her recent business endeavors have been.

BG Note: Pro bono publico = work undertaken for the public good without charge, especially legal work for a client with a low income.

These days on reality shows, you see a flurry of people enlisted to get the talent together. There are glam squads, masseuses, interns, assistants, managers, social media teams, ghost writers and so much more.

Last night I had the opportunity to see a schedule for one reality TV personality’s team member whose role sounds a lot like a personal slave. I can only imagine all the tea this person has on a certain “Lady of the Manor” who apparently needs someone to do everything short of wiping her *** and hold her hair back during her morning hangover purge.

I thought you might like to take a look inside the daily routine that begins from the moment one opens their eyes and ends only when one falls into bed exhausted.

These are just the general requirements of the day outside of the person’s actual assigned role. In addition to all of this, the team must all sign releases with production that basically give away any rights one has as well as ownership of anything that the person might produce during the filming and some things are literally signed away in perpetuity, like confidentiality. That part really sucks because I would so love for people to write books about their experiences.

The tales that could be told about the odd spending habits alone would be fantastic. Though I wouldn’t know anything about that. I do have sort of a day-in-the-life thing for you after the break. From refilling water bottles with tap water to picking up dog poop, it certainly doesn’t seem like the glamorous situation that applicants are expecting. And if you listen very closely, you can hear murmuring of the disgruntled team here and there about town.

Daily Morning Routine

Always text Lady of the Manor (LOTM) prior to entering her bedroom, or knock. Place an index card with the following day’s schedule copied from the printed calendar each night.
9 a.m. Present LOTM her tea with hazelnut non dairy and NY post. Leave on the red dresser. Text LOTM to let her know tea and paper are there. Ask if she needs anything else.
9:30 a.m. (unless otherwise specified) Bring up Breakfast of Irish oatmeal with berries and almond milk on tray. NEVER walk in without knocking or texting first!!! Be sure to include, VITAMINS, RX Weight loss pills, and Testosterone.
Pack her purse according to the detailed, typed packing list provided. Always take business cards out of wallet & enter into contacts.
Open door to balcony so dogs can go out to pee. Leave door open for dogs. Make sure their food and water is filled. Also refilled empty water bottles on bedside.
Mondays Remember vitamin D capsule.
Tuesdays Take trash to curb. Water plants. Give orchids one ice cube.
Thursdays Remember vitamin D pill. Leave estrogen patch on dresser with tea and NY Post. Water plants. (not orchids). Take trash to curb.
Sundays Take recycling to curb.
Receive all packages and text LOTM when packages arrive.
Don’t forget to put the gates down every night. (not sure what that means)
This is just one actual list that team members must follow out of several. Someone surely gets a LOT of texts. That would drive me batsh*t. Hmmm maybe I’m on to something there.

We’ve known about the affair between these two celebrities for a while, but today is the perfect day to tell you about it.

The woman first became famous as part of a singing group, but has since reached icon status. Much of that icon status has to do with the fact that she is married to famous athlete.

She had a wild affair several years after she married her husband.

The really fascinating part of this is with whom she had the affair.

2. Beyonce
11. Victoria Beckham

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