We may have to ship this to friend in London because we cannot use DHL any longer.I will be in touch very soon.[/I]
Now, it wasn't even a midday but a brief....but what's the story with the friend in London??? :S
Yeah, they said the same thing to me, I guess they have some kind of problem with DHL, maybe they don't want to ship to our countries, I have no idea really. So I guess they're using sb in London who will receive the bag and post it to us. Haven't really tried that yet, so I don't know how it works. I will have to try it because I want some Raisin in my collection

have any of you return t&d bags before?
i just received my framboise p/t and realize that the colour doesn't go with majority of my wardrobe. but if the process is too much work/not worth it, i might just keep it.
I think you should try to sell it if you don't like it. Framboise is a lovely colour, I love mine!
The more I look at my new Ame, the more I like it. I'm going to carry it outside in daylight tomorrow and will report here what I think of it because I remember how much better my 1st Ame looked outside in daylight, really bright and vivid