iOffer Bags,, etc. #4 (Please read the rules in post #1)

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We may have to ship this to friend in London because we cannot use DHL any longer.:) I will be in touch very soon.[/I]
Now, it wasn't even a midday but a brief....but what's the story with the friend in London??? :S

Yeah, they said the same thing to me, I guess they have some kind of problem with DHL, maybe they don't want to ship to our countries, I have no idea really. So I guess they're using sb in London who will receive the bag and post it to us. Haven't really tried that yet, so I don't know how it works. I will have to try it because I want some Raisin in my collection ;)

have any of you return t&d bags before?
i just received my framboise p/t and realize that the colour doesn't go with majority of my wardrobe. but if the process is too much work/not worth it, i might just keep it.

I think you should try to sell it if you don't like it. Framboise is a lovely colour, I love mine!

The more I look at my new Ame, the more I like it. I'm going to carry it outside in daylight tomorrow and will report here what I think of it because I remember how much better my 1st Ame looked outside in daylight, really bright and vivid :D Maybe 2nd Ame will be like that as well ^_^
mm07 ~~ OMG! U just killed me with all that Amethyst!! Now I really can't wait for mine to get here! Andddddd marine/officer is divine. And to think I almost canceled my Day! Glad I didn't.
I'm sure it's been answered before, but are T&D bags as light-weight as the authentic? My bags always get a little heavy. I've been going back and forth over whether I should get one or not. I love Black bags, but for 2010 I feel that I should step out of my comfort zone, esp. since Bal makes every shade of the rainbow.
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mm07 btw now that you've seen the officier in real life. would you say its marine or officier? is there a purple undertone to it? thanks!
I'm sure it's been answered before, but are T&D bags as light-weight as the authentic? My bags always get a little heavy. I've been going back and forth over whether I should get one or not. I love Black bags, but for 2010 I feel that I should step out of my comfort zone, esp. since Bal makes every shade of the rainbow.

t&d bags are definitely as light as auth bal bags. no worries there. if you have never carried an auth bal or t&d, you will be floored about how lightweight they are.

i think i am getting an ame city with GGH. :innocent: i honestly have no use for it right now, but the combination is seducing me. it doesn't suit any of the four coats i have in rotation right now, and i'll be traveling a ton in the next month and a half, so it probably won't even get use until the spring. at any rate, i think it is too gorgeous to pass up. :woot:
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thesiren- Honestly, that's how I feel about amethyst as well! It definitely wouldn't go with my wardrobe as I'm a neutral- blacks, grays, browns, kind of person, but ame is soooo gorgeous to pass. AH. Decisions, decisions. HAHA. Ame GGH looks so amazing!
have any of you return t&d bags before?
i just received my framboise p/t and realize that the colour doesn't go with majority of my wardrobe. but if the process is too much work/not worth it, i might just keep it.
If you return bags to T&D, you have to pay for shipping and also they require that you use Express Mail (signature confirmation) shipping which costs a lot. I'd suggest that you sell it as well because it may be better and easier that way. :flower:
I'm sure it's been answered before, but are T&D bags as light-weight as the authentic? My bags always get a little heavy. I've been going back and forth over whether I should get one or not. I love Black bags, but for 2010 I feel that I should step out of my comfort zone, esp. since Bal makes every shade of the rainbow.
I saw that article as well! It made me :D a lot because I love the 5 reasons. There are sooo many more reasons than 5. T&D bal bags are extremely light. Sometimes, I get surprised as I usually overstuff my bags and they usually get extremely heavy, but with T&D bals, I don't feel like I'm carrying weights on my arms. :lol:
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shoegal I hope you emailed them again to clear this up - didn't you order a marine midday before and changed your mind to brief? Maybe t&d think you still wanted a midday - PLEASE make sure you clear it up with them!! They are forgetful sometimes :flower:

i did...and twice just to clarify!!! I like the midday but 2 is a little too much!:shock:
on the other hand i fall in love with J's roi blue chanel:blush::heart:
i think i'm gonna order it!
i think ame is the perfect pop if you have a wardrobe of neutrals. i wore my magenta work to death and i LIVE in all-black. :flower: i am thinking maybe i should go with RH...more versatile? also thinking i should trash the ame idea and just get a wang coco from jacky. any thoughts? i do love the ame with GGH, but the fact that it will just sit for a few months kind of bugs me.
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so i'm still at work, but my friend was really nice and took some photos for me.
I thought I'd post it. I think I'll like it, but it is darker than I imagine it to be.
If Jacky ever comes out with a smoke color I would still get it for the lighter color.



parkmin90, i think your closet would benefit from a pop of color!! my closet is also mostly nuetrals but i find that adding a fun colored accessory just brightens up my outfit so much!! i'm going to order the blue roi from jacky. at first i was super hesitant bc it seems like it doesnt go too well with my clothes, but i thought, o well!! i know that i'll kick myself later bc ill want one and jacky will be sold out!!
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i think ame is the perfect pop if you have a wardrobe of neutrals. i wore my magenta work to death and i LIVE in all-black. :flower: i am thinking maybe i should go with RH...more versatile? also thinking i should trash the ame idea and just get a wang coco from jacky. any thoughts? i do love the ame with GGH, but the fact that it will just sit for a few months kind of bugs me.

thesiren: If you order the Amy city w/GGH now you most likely will not get in until February sometime. The boys are waiting on Hardware for many bags - they advised me of this. Say you have your bag in March. I think you would start carrying it in March. That is early Spring. I honestly think that the Amethyst color can be carried all year round.

Coach is my first love when it comes to handbags. I plan on getting two for Spring in February (lime green and peony pink) and plan on carrying them as soon as I get them. I don't care if it is not Spring, I need something to cheer myself up with the Winter we are having.
So I've been comparing pics of J's roi blue chanel with auth from tpf and honestly, i don't know wether i should take it or not, the stitches looks way too off!
These are pics of the original



pic from

has anyone of you got the bag from jacky and can review it? :)
Thanks siren and parkmin. Sorry to ask for so much reiteration, I'm just not as aware of the bbag discussion when it's taking place. What are the next up colors? I think I just missed Rubisse; the ones in the picture forum are beautiful and I think red is a very nice departure for me.

fanbao26, nice pictures, nice bag. The PS1 looks great per usual. I like the texture of the leather, Jacky did such a wonderful job except he forgot to make the medium ^_^ (I have officially complained to max capacity about Jacky not making my desired size. Moving on...). Can't wait to see the finished Alexas from both Catty and Jacky for comparison, except something tells me I'll be going with Catty, because she's making the regular size and I like her.

macaroonie, if you do get it, please take tons of pictures! Roi bleu is brilliant and I'd like to see non-Jacky/mod pictures. Has anyone ever asked Jacky to put his bags on a mannequin, I'm sure he wouldn't :rolleyes: but I'm just curious.
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Shoegal, are you sure that's Roi Bleu 10C? Jacky has the jumbo, the pictures you've posted are of the medium. I was thinking about getting it especially after Jacky said he would work on certain details, stitching and quilt puffiness to name a few. I don't think the stitching on his roi would be as pronounced if he had puffier front and back quilting, if that's what you're referring to. However, all of Jacky's Chanels look better than the ones he posts or so it seems from tFSer photos. I think Jacky's color is spot on (for some reason it looks muted in my photo) although he slightly darkened it from the first bag he put out.
Credit: tPF and Jacky
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So he's going to make a better version????
Cause the current status for the bag says that it will back in stock tomorrow...makes me wonder if he worked on all the details already!
gosh bagalicious is there a bag you can't rock?! i'm loving you with the city GGH look :) and now for your GSH city. are you a raisin gal? GSH raisin city would be gorgeous too if you think marine might be too similar!

Thanks Pinkalicious :blush: But i can't rock a day, a first, or a twiggy..:lol: :flower: I think i will wait and get a light city with GSH so i have a variety of cities to choose from.
Fanbao- Love your khaki PS1 :D
wow fanbao! The khaki ps1 is amazingly gorgeous. HAHA. It's going to look amazing on you! Hope to see mod pics and your opinions when you see it in person soon! :)
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