^ I wouldn't believe everything you read from interviews. (I'm not directing this at Alana Zimmer though.) Just saying it general.. you shouldn't make assumptions on people's personality just based on what they have said. Unless it's a video.

PS. Great this thread is open again :woot:

Also I thnk the timeframe a model has said something is another thing that people have to look out for. Maybe the model said this at one point in her career but people change and their answers might not ring true anymore. I'm not saying Alana has changed (I don't know anything about her) but I just thought that maybe we should think about this more often when judging a model based upon their interviews.
"Kate Moss celebrated her 34th birthday with a sleazy orgy involving THREE other partygoers"

The catwalk queen got hot and sweaty with two female models and a lucky male guest while a crowd of onlookers snorted cocaine and ogled the eye-popping performance.
Kate gasped with pleasure along with the professional female models and stocky fella in her £2,500-a-night suite on the eighth floor of London's Dorchester hotel.
Kate's boyfriend JAMIE HINCE was in the other room during the orgy, but his band THE KILLS' new album, No Wow, was her choice of CD to set the mood in the master bedroom.
A fellow party guest who witnessed the four-in-a-bed romp, told me: "Kate was loving the attention from the girls, the bloke—and the crowd. It was standing room only.
"They were all over each other but it was her night."
It's a saucy echo of Kate's infamous The Beautiful And The Damned birthday bash four years ago which ended up in a no-holds-barred orgy involving Kate's fashion friend SADIE FROST and other party guests.
My insider, who was present at Wednesday's 18-hour birthday celebration, revealed that the orgy was already in full swing by 3am, when Kate arrived at the room.
Earlier she had been out at the Punk nightclub enjoying the company of her celeb guests, who included BOBBY GILLESPIE, DAVINIA TAYLOR, KELLY OSBOURNE, DAVID WALLIAMS and RONNIE WOOD.
My source said: "Kate kept disappearing into the toilets with her friends for giggles and girly chats. She was full of energy that night."
And she certainly needed it to continue the party back at the Dorchester with some of her pals—where musical chairs wasn't on the agenda.
"Security was watertight," revealed my source. "Nobody made it through the suite doors who wasn't already on a pre-approved list. Once you were inside it was obvious why.

"When Kate arrived, she reached for a Diamond Chaser—a cocktail of vintage champagne and cognac—and made her way to the master bedroom."
Inside another party was under way—a steamy romp between two stunning models and a male partygoer.
The source explained: "The three of them were kissing and caressing one another and about four or five other people were in the room watching."
Birthday girl Kate pushed through the gathering and sprawled on the bed—and the three partygoers pounced on her.
"They teasingly took it in turns to snog each other," added the source. "Then the kissing became fondling and everything except full sex followed. Once word got out, everyone was desperate for a peep of Kate."
By sunrise an exhausted Kate headed to a pal's pad in north London before returning to her new £8million home in St John's Wood at 8am.
It was the end of 18 solid hours of partying—falling short of the planned 34, one hour for each of Kate's 34 years.
And in that time Kate and her pals guzzled a lot of booze. The bar bill for the Dorchester alone was a whopping £35,000, thanks mainly to 14 bottles of vintage champagne, four bottles of vodka and 17 Bellini cocktails.

why she still has right to be with her daughter? what kind of person Kate's daughter is going to be growing in background like this?
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She seems incredibly sweet and doesn't seem like a party girl at all.

from her MODELS.COM interview:

DAN GRANT: How would you describe yourself?

ALANA ZIMMER: I’m kind of quiet. I’m not that outgoing, but I do like to do a lot of things. I like to go to the museums in New York… I like to sightsee.
aww Alana is so good person, i like her
^ I wouldn't believe everything you read from interviews. (I'm not directing this at Alana Zimmer though.) Just saying it general.. you shouldn't make assumptions on people's personality just based on what they have said. Unless it's a video.

PS. Great this thread is open again :woot:

Yes, I do understand that. It's just that I have read several interviews and comments from people that have met her, that she is actually a really sweet person. ^_^

Of course you're right though. An interview can be very deceiving of a models personality. :smile:
^Well I've met her AND interviewed her, and of course that's only 2 situations, but both times she was so so nice.
I don't know if anyone knows the male model Henzo Hulle but I met him on the train last May. First I noticed him when I was taking a bus to the train (I live in a predominately black neighborhood, so he stuck out like a sore thumb haha) So I just asked him what agency he was with and blah blah blah. I think he it was like his second week in NY and he was complaining about how he just wanted to go out to clubs and party but he didn't know anyone so all he did was go to castings then go home and play videogames hahaha I thought that was the cutest thing ever. But yea he was a sweetheart even though I made him miss his stop (typing my number in his phone lol)
I don't know if anyone knows the male model Henzo Hulle but I met him on the train last May. First I noticed him when I was taking a bus to the train (I live in a predominately black neighborhood, so he stuck out like a sore thumb haha) So I just asked him what agency he was with and blah blah blah. I think he it was like his second week in NY and he was complaining about how he just wanted to go out to clubs and party but he didn't know anyone so all he did was go to castings then go home and play videogames hahaha I thought that was the cutest thing ever. But yea he was a sweetheart even though I made him miss his stop (typing my number in his phone lol)

owwwhhhhh cool
he was complaining about how he just wanted to go out to clubs and party but he didn't know anyone so all he did was go to castings then go home and play videogames

hahaha poor thing, that's so cute
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i know lol.... hopefully now he's partying his *** off where ever he is haha

srs this thread has been abit quiet for eth last 20 minutes usually its on fire
I don't think any of our real gossip members are on right know, hopefully they will stop by because I have missed all the model gossip. :shifty:
MODEL-of-the-moment Jessica Stam can stomp on a rival mannequin's heart just as skillfully as she struts the catwalk.

The Canadian cutie - for whom Marc Jacobs named his new "Stam" bag - caused model Heather Christie to burst into tears when she learned that Stam had started dating Christie's then-boyfriend, Red Hot Chili Peppers singer Anthony Kiedis.

Christie was inconsolable at an L.A. fashion shoot for Morphine Generation a few months back after she learned that Kiedis was two-timing her.

The 19-year-old Stam and the 43-year-old Kiedis have been spending lots of time together since. Last month, a topless Stam was photographed frolicking with Kiedis on the Caribbean island of St. Barts.

Stam - who walks in tonight's Jacobs show - traded in her ex-boyfriend Harrison Ford's son, Malcolm, 18 to date Kiedis, who counts top models Heidi Klum and Jaime Rishar among the notable notches in his belt.

Meanwhile, Christie - sometimes known professionally as "Nika" - has started dating another aficionado of young runway talent, actor/auteur Vincent Gallo.

The ever-quotable "Buffalo 66" star - who is skipping Fashion Week to perform a concert with Yoko Ono in Paris - seems to have as little regard for Stam as his new squeeze Christie does.

"It sounds like I got the better end of the deal," he said by e-mail. "I will tell you that if Anthony ever broke up with Jessica Stam, I would be the last guy to date her."

Reps for Stam and Christie declined comment.
^ Thanks iggy!

Vincent Gallo :lol: Not sure it's an upgrade... After seeing *that* scene in the Brown Bunny :innocent:
i remember that stam/kiedis fling...but the stam/kiedis/vincent gallo :sick:/christie girl little love square they had kind of makes me want to take another shower!
Can someone explain this to me? I don't know what the article is exactly about.. well I understand it but someone give me details :lol: and brown bunny -_-

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