Overrated Movies

Ariez said:
Scarface hands down. Almost all of the guys I know wear shirts with Al Pacino's face on them like if he was their best-friend or something. It was a good movie but nothing spectacular. I think Michelle stole the show in a way.

Scarface is one of my favourite films. Other than that I agree with everything said.
Memoirs of a Geisha - spectacular setting but it felt so empty. It wanted you to feel for the characters but they never made them human enough to. Souless like a hollywood producer, I read that in a review and thought it was fitting.
^ I don't think critics were too impressed with this film. I think people went to see it only because they had invested their time in the book... but overall, I think a lot of viewers to be unsatisfied with the film. That's how I felt when I saw it in theaters. It simply did not live up to the hype.
^ Have you tried watching it a second time? I found the first time I saw it, I felt it was entirely overrated and only dorks would appreciate the film... but I watched it again with my boyfriend and was in hysterics. I often ask him to do Napoleon impressions. :lol:

The same goes to Office Space... the first time watching it, the humor didn't really soak in... but after the first time I thought it was hilarious.
Oh yah. I agree. I watched Office Space the first time and I was like "WTF, this s**t isn't funny", then the second time, I laughed my butt off :rofl:
Godfather...all of them. I just don't get the hype...:huh:
Breakfast at Tiffany's
American Beauty
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Rebel Without a Cause
The Passion of the Christ....and many, many more
^ Agree with all of the above except American Beauty. I thought Spacey's and Annette Benning's performances were enough to sustain the quality of the movie.
TheGlassAngel said:
^ Agree with all of the above except American Beauty. I thought Spacey's and Annette Benning's performances were enough to sustain the quality of the movie.
Agree. I LOVED this film and it did deserve the Oscar that year, imo. Not only were the performaces fantastic but the score was AWESOME and so was the direction. I thought it had soul through and through.
The Departed (althought *very* good acting on all parts) but something about it just didn't grasp me the way it did some people.

napoleon dynamite was pointless and stupid ... which is probably intentional but nevertheless, it doesn't personally deserve the hype it got.
Taxi Driver

The Aviator is probably the most over-rated film I've seen in a long, long time.
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I agree. Good performance from De Niro but I thought Jodi Foster did not deserve that oscar nod....
Erin said:
^ Have you tried watching it a second time? I found the first time I saw it, I felt it was entirely overrated and only dorks would appreciate the film... but I watched it again with my boyfriend and was in hysterics. I often ask him to do Napoleon impressions. :lol:

The same goes to Office Space... the first time watching it, the humor didn't really soak in... but after the first time I thought it was hilarious.

I found that to. When I first watched it at the end I was like "Is this it?" now I love it.
TheGlassAngel said:
Oh yah. I agree. I watched Office Space the first time and I was like "WTF, this s**t isn't funny", then the second time, I laughed my butt off :rofl:

I did the exact same thing with Napoleon Dynamite. I thought it was horrendous the first time, but I found myself doing:lol: the second time around.

I cannot believe anyone mentioned the Godfathers I and/or II. (Yes MulletProof, I saw that...) Maybe I become too easily engrossed in lengthy dramas of any sort (which is possible since I did like Brokeback Mountain), but the only Godfather flick I can voice a single dislike for is the third...

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